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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Dec 1982, p. 15

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Orono Weekl y Times, Wednesday, December 8,1925 T, Iti e - ec n GOUD PHOTO ISHPI Phoneo fr aPPointinent Anniversary Wodding and Famiiy Portraits in our Studio, Vour Homo, Or on Location. 78 Klng Si.W. Bowmanvilie é 023-2404 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono Cali 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST uW'AKEFI ELD INSURANCE 983-9438' Orono Towing MECHANICAL REPAIRS To Ail Cars and Trucks 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 983-5249 Steve's Fumiîture Shop We Have A Large Sulectioni of Antique and Decorator Furniture for Sale, by Appointment or Chance 983-9630 Orono 1 Mle East of Hwiy. 115 at Taunton Rd We also do Uphoistery & Refinishing. r WORI( WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for ap- pointment and information. Santa Claus Special Regalar $8.00 Saturday $5.00 Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. F10 wer Den, ,28 David's Crescent Dried & Sllk Floral Arrangements CUSTOM MADE 983-5423 61INi THE CLASUHFED' NOTICES If you have questions or concerns about your mnunicipaîity, please feel free to cal me at either 983-5505. Diane Hamire, Counc., Ward 3 T. of N. NOTICE SNOW REMOVAL Tracter & fllewer Laneways Jr:" West 983-5556 1,8,15, pd. WORK WANTED GP Service Centre Smial Enginesý Sales and Service Hydraulic, Diesel, Propane Equipment Sharpening Service George Payne R.R. 1, Campbelleroft, Ont. (416) 797-2889 8, 15, 22, a.c. redvanS MUTYLTD. 214 Kifg tL,~ Cail for a no obligation evaluation- of your home, acreage or farmn or for information on properties in the area. 987-4733 Chris Stapleton 623-4445Sales iRepresentative Church Services SAINT FRANCIS 0F ASSISI CHURCH Rev. Thomas D. Walsh, 214 King St. E., Newcasilo Phono 987-5446 PARISH CELEBRATION Saturday 7:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00, 11:0Oa.m. & 7:00 p.m. HELP WANT7ED We will pay yen $30.00 for every hundred envelopes you stuff and return to us, as per instructions. Send a Self- Addressed Stamped No. 9 envelope to, PURPLE MAR- TIN HOLDINGS Box 8580, Station F. Calgary, Alberta. T2J 2V6. 24, 1,8,15 pd. .FOR-SALE Firewood, aIl Hardwood. Delivery or pick-up. Cali 797-2184 FOR SALE Apair of Aduit Downhill Skis for sale with boots. Fair condition. Also a 5 speed boys bîke. Good Condition. CalI 987-4067 for more infor- mation. 8, pd. FOR SALE Wash stands, dresser, brass and wooden beds, drop-leaf table. Phone 983-5652. 8ac NOTICE Election of officers for the Orono Fish and Hlunt Club are as follows: President: Wayne Sargent, Vice- President: Ken Moore, Secretary: Linda Nickerson, Treasurer: Gerry Duvaîl. Trap) Rangemasters: Bill Todd, Ken Moore, Hugli Beauchamip and Gerry Duvaîl. 22 Rangemasters: Steve Oakley, Mick Cramm and Brian Buckley. Directors: Karen Moore, Bill Todd, Lavern Curtis, Carl White, Hugh Beauchamp and Ken Stephenson. ' 8, a.c. U. C.W. NOTICE Corne along and. bring a friend to thse Orono U.C.W. Pot-Luck Feilowship Lun- cheon in thse Main Hall at Orono United -Churcis Thurs- day, Dec. 9th at 12:30 p.m. Please bring canned goods or non-perishable items for the Xmas Box to be sent to the Men's Hostile in Oshawa. 1, 8, a.c. COMING EVENTS Annual Meeting of the Durham County Senior Citizen Lodge, Orono, will be held Wed. December 8th 1982 at 2:30 p.m. at the Lodge Community Room (north end of building B). Everyone Welcome. 8, a.c. COMING EVENTS Almost Christmsas Concert and Family Square Dance Clarke High School Band and Choir Dec. 11 -7:30 P. M. Highi School Auditorium Admission $2.00 Students $1.0 17,24,1,8,a.c. SEASON'S GREET We would like to wi friends, relatives neighbours a very Christmas and Happy Year. Keith &, Marie and F THANK YOU This is a special mnessa love andl thanks te somc special people - our fa Thanks to ail of you for patience, love and undi ding, especiaily durîne past few months. Be M- Merry Christmas and a py New Year. We love) Peter, Barb and D THANI( YOU We would like to tai, opportunity to thank friends and acquaintan especiaily those in the Aluminum Village" ar( Venezia bail teamn - for gifts and good wishes. miss you and will be thir of you always. M Christmas and a Very sperous New Year! Peter, Barb and DavidS IN MEMORIAM CURTIS, Argus Memrory of my husband passed away -Decenbc 1980. Gone but not forgc Mîssed by wife, MEMORIAM Mr. Argus Cu December 7, 1980. Remnembered by Carscadden and family. PRO-GA RDEN' LA NDSCA PIN G. * COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL~- * INTERLOCKING STONE <WALKWAYS, PATIOS, ORIVEWAYS) * LAWN-MAINTENANCE * SPRING CLEAN Up * SODOING & FER TILIZING * FREE ESTIMA TES CALL983-5915 ORONO... z4~ Potted Dwarf Fruit Trees - New Hard Maple Raiiway Ties 6x8x8 _ ;àI FRUIT MARKET' Of fers To You Fresh Crisp Macintosh, Red & Golden Deliclous, Mutsue, Russet & Spy Apples Prom $3.95 Up V½ Bushel Flemish Beauty And Bosc Pears Fresh Eggs & Potatoes We Make the Bost CIDER ai this trne Of ye-a- Fred's Fruit Market Hwy. 115 and 35, Orono, Ont. Cemprehenslve Emergency Hlealth Service System An- nounced for Ontario by Groosman WINDSOR, November 22 -- A comprehensive emiergen- cy health service system, for INS Ontario including paramedic training, the development of ish Our local trauma units, a new' a nd breed of ernergency physi- Mry clan, and a citizen cardio- )y New pulmonary resuscitation pro- gram, was outlined today by eWest, Health Minister Larry Family. Grossman. 8, Pd. In a speech to the Windsor Rotary Club, Mr. Grossman said, "At present, the critically iii or injured are ;age of taken to the nearest hospital e very for treatmnent. Under the pro- Farily. posed ncw program, the goal )r your should be that they be taken rstan- to the hospital best able to ig the take care of them. [appy! "Last month I asked the aHap- district health councils to YOU... establish regional emergency David. health services co-ordination commnittees to take a bard look 'at the needs of each region," continued Mr. eths Grossman. ke this Mr. Grossman said special kour attention mnust be paid to the rices - needs of cardiac/heart attack 'S"Ole and trauma victims. "«In adt- id the dition te some hospitals being rtheir designated as trauma centres, Well we will need emergency inki ng oriented doctors available to 4erry a designated hospital to make rPro- the systemn work," he said. "This year for the first Swan. timne my ministry is funding 12 post-graduate positions ini emergency> medicine. Until now there were no certified 1emergency specialists trained -In in Ontario. ,who "The majority of )er 7, Ontario's ambulance atten- dants currently hold ,otten. emergency medical care at- Jean, tendant (EMCA) certification 8,a.c. but they are not trained in ad- vanced life support or paramedic procedures," said Mr. Grossman. "Today I arn announcing that training for .îrtis, our first group of EMCA-I1 candidates will begin in Jack January and we expect to see r. the first graduates in June, 8,a.c. 1983." At present tise-ministry is designing a. programn for training EMCA-IIIs, paramedics who will be train-

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