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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Dec 1982, p. 9

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Orono U. C. W. Executive, 1983-1984 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 15, 1982, 9 Ministry of Education sets new school policies Pictured above is the ex- c to office last week. Ethel Lycett, Marie Thelma-Vagg, Stella Carson ecutive of the Orono U.C.W. (Left to right> Isobelle Tamblyn, Betty Chatterton, andi Olive Brown. who were electeti andti istail- Challice, Eileen Billings, Donna Scott, Lois Brown, A revised school year, an- nouanceti last week by Educa- tion Minister Dr. Bette Stephenson, eliminates November I Iti as a scisool holiday and will require schools to holti Remem- brance services on that day. Dr. Stephenson, in a state- ment to the Legislature, said that if Remnembrance Day fails on a Saturday or Sun- day, Remnembrance Day ser- vices wiIl be helti in thse schools on tthe preceding Fni- day. Thse change was recomi- mendeti by the Royal Cana- dian Legioni. The scisool year will consist of 194 scisool tiays of which there will b)e a minimum of 185 inistructional days. The ïMarcis break has been moved aiseati a week and will be thse sanie week for ail school boards. Easter Monday has also been fixeti as a school holiday. Boards. will no longer have the option to tiesignate another day as a holiday in lieu of Easter Monday. The Chnistmas vacation will be two full weeks but scisool boards wifi stilI be able to opt for a Christmas vacation that' varies in length from year to year. Up to nine of thse 194 scisool tinys may be tiesignateti as professional ac- tivity days anti a number of tisen must be devoted to cur- riculum development im- plementation and review. Scisool boards wrill be re- quiredte t evaluate activities untiertaken on professional, activity days. The changes result from thse work of a commrittee ap- pointeti by the Minister to stutiy tise school year. The committee met -with educators anti parents across tise province andi helti public meetings in the major cen- tres.' Dr. Stephenson saiti that the changes will become ef- fective on Septeiber 1, 1983. At Queen 's Park Willow Run Gallery by Sam Cureatz Re. Opposition Obstrue- tlonism As Deputy Speaker of tise Ontario Legiature it is my responsibility to ;help the Speaker chair thse procetiings anti keep order so that the province's business may be conducteti expetiitiously. Over thse past threermonths thse opposition members have been using thse Rules of thc Assembly to their optimum use in an effort to filibuster tise Wage Restraint L.egisla- tion. As you may remTemnber, the Ontaio Legislature was recalleti on SeptembIer 2lst for a special emecrgenrcy ses- Sion to deal with BilI 179, oui' governiment's inflation restr--aint legislatio-n. Il, was thought then there would be time to approve he bill before the regularly scisedul- ed fail Sitting began after Thanksgiving. Unfo.rtunate- Iy, this was not to be. The N.D.P. vomwet to block the legislatin f'rm tise start but the Liberal Leader, Daviti Peter son, saiti "the bill was worthy of passage." To bring the impasse to an end in the legisiature, ail three par- ties agreed i niti-October to senti tise bull to the Standing Commnittee .of Justice for- public hearings anti clause by clause examination. After 3 weeks in committee' anti aimost 42 hours of pro- cedural filibustening, the first of tise bill's 37 clauses was stili awaiting approval. On November 24tis, more than 2 months after the bll was introducted, the govern- mient menmbers finally voteti to frete it from committee anti senti it back to, the House se that the clause by clause discussion coulti continue tisere. This discussion is now taking place in Committee of the Whole House of which I amn the Chairman. Again the N.D.P. have taken the iri- itiative in -this process by mo-re filibusteiing anti more proceduaral delaiys. To date more than 120 hours have been spent tebatiEng tisis bii ad yet it is nio coser to becomning law than ià was ün September 21, 1982. As Chairman, I do not anticipate easy passage of any section. Thsis then puts tise govern- mrenit in tise position of wani- t:ïng the legisiation 10 pass blefore the endi of the year. I cari oly speculate thiat at some point in time, closure wilI be invoîved in Committee of the Whole Hotise as it was in the Standing Committee. If this isappens, we wlîal hear about it, but in the meantime, I will keep you posteti. Congratulations to the Oshawa Rotary Club on a winter 'T.V. auctioli. I was so pleased to participate, and Presitient Bud Fleming has every reason to be prouti of. the members of thse Club. Town give owners two weeks to niake decîsion Homne owners who have frontage on Sherr Lane in tise former Tow,,nship have until January 1, 1983 to waive any personal interest in tise rigit-of-way, kn,ownm as 1 erry lane, or to have, at _at date, Town maintenance oif tise roati discontinueti. Tise status of Sherry Lane came before council on thse rigit-of-way. Up to tisis point il was thought that Sherry Lasse was a municipal roati anti maintenance of tise roati -hati been carrieti out by tise presenting local arts Wîllow Run Studio Gallery is currentiy presenting "MINATURES" by, En- niskillen artist R. Ernest Jukes. Groupings of smail painting are very popular as they suit any roomn or hall in a home anti make wonderfuî gifts. Beautiful Carvings in stone by Oshawa Sculptor, Wle Cope are also on tiisplay. Also showing is "BARINS, BARNS, BARNS", por- tr aye i in Acrylics anti Water- colours. The show records the witie variety anti in- dividual character of barns in our rural areas. An initerestinig tisplay of Sepia, Lithog,,raphs on parch- ment, froni pen and ink tiraw'ings, is entitled "DURAM SCENES." It shows- Vanstone Mill, Tyrone Town including snowplow- ing. The past council authoriz- ed the clerk to contact the six resitients on the lane inform- ing them of the situation anti statu s of the roati anti also to aflow thema to sigu an agree- ment to quick dlaim in order that tise Town coulti now of- ficially take over the roati allowance as a proper road, anti thus continue maintenance. Ron Dupuis, Director of Public Works, iniformeti the Montiay meeting- that only one reply isat been receiveti anti it hati been receiveti in tise negative. Five resitients hati not bothered to reply one way or anotiser on tise matter. Dupuis saiti il was desireable to resolve this matter as soon as possible. Mayor Ricekard anti Counc. Taylor moveti that' the Town continue maintenance»&oftise lane untiî Mili, Oshawa Civic Complex, Parkwood, Whitby Station, Hampton MiII and the Port Hope Damn. Robert Reidi, Peter- borough artist is representeti ih somne finely executed pen anti ïinkworks. Tise touring show "DOWN EAST" is back at Willow Run. This show aiso by Ernie Jukes tiepicts covereti bridges, boats anti floats and the fogs anti jettys of Grand Manan anti the Maritimes. Locateti at 585 King Street East, in Oshawa, the Willow Run Studio Gallery is offer- ing a Pre-Christmas Sale on originals, prints anti frames. Viewing hours -are 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.mi., Monday tiruhSaturtiay, or cal 579-1101 for an appointment. April lst 1983. Botis Counc. Hubbarti anti Hamre pointeti out that the residents haît been asked to reply so as a resolution of the malter couiti be deviseti but isaà faileti to do so. Counc. Hubbard asked what indica- tion was tisere that they would responti prior to Aprl lst. Counc. Hamre pointeti out that this was a private roati anti in fact there were a number 'of private roatis throughout tise Town tisat shoulti then qualify. Counc. Hobbs agreeti. On motion of Couincs. Cowman anti Hobbs tise original motion was amentiet reati that normal maintenance would be discontinueti as of January 1, 1983 if agreement isat not been reacheti as to tise sub- mission of agreements to quick dlaimi by tise residents of Sherry Lane. PRO-GA RDEN LA NDSCA PIN G... * COMMERCIAL & RESIDENT1AL -ý,- * INTERLOCKING STONE <WALKWA YS, PATIOS, DRIVEWA YS) * LAWN MAINTENANCE * SPRING CLEAN UP *SOoDNG & FERTILIZING *FREE ESTIMA TES CALL983-591 5 ~Potted Dwarf Fruit Trees New Kard Maple Railway Ties 6x8x8 Church% Services SAINT FRANCIS 0F ASSISI CHURCH Revý Thomas D. Walsh, 214 King St. E., Newcastle Phone 987-5446 PARISH ICELEBRATION Saturday 7:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00, i1:OO0a.m. & 7:00 p.m.

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