10, Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, I)ecember 22, 1982 Band ready for Seniors' danceAsoitnsugss -Do flot place tiny ornaments on low tree boughs where a youngster can grab them. toltm. - Ask Santa Claus to bring presents that do flot have but- ton eyes or tiny wheels that can corne loose. -Keep small "finger food" such as peanuts and popcorn, or low tables when you entertain. Food also can b » aspirated. And remnember that the Lung Association needs your support of the Christmas Seal Campaign to continue its wrk against al formis of lung disease. It's a matter of life and breath. MRi a m Minister approves $5050OO for Bowmanville Main St. Newcastle has receive ap- proval-i n-principal for a $150000 boan under the On- tario Main Street Revitaliza- tion Program, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Hous- mng Claude Bennett annuonc- cd today. The Town proposes to im- prove public portions of the streetscape within the Bowmanville Centre Business Improvement Area. The overall plan incluqes provi- sion for off-street parking, sidewalk renovations, and the installation of streetlighting and landscaping. The Ontario Main Street Revitalization Program is designed to help Ontario communities with a popula- tion of 35,000 or less upgrade and improve downtown areas using the Business improve- ment Act (BIA) as a starting point. By setting up a BIA, mperchants and business peo- ple mnay, under the Municipal Act, designate and tax themselves for imiprovements to streetscape and related facilities. Ap proval -in -pri nciple means that an eligible municipality has an accep- table project, but certain con- ditionis must still be met prior to final approval and the issu- ing of funids. To qualify for main street funding, a municipality must have: -a maximum population of 35,000 as of the date of ap- plication; -an approved officia] plan; -a property maintenance and occupancy standards by-law; -demonstrated support by counicil and the public; -demonstrated financial and administrative resources to oversee a proposed project. Since its inception, 47 On- trocommunities have received provincial boans totallinïg $6.5 million under the main street prograin. This prograin is one of the pro- vince's initiatives designed to assist municipalities and the private sector incommurlity renewal activities. These community improve- ment programs include downtown and main street revitalization and neighborhood improvement. There can be danger in toyland During the Holiday Seaszon, Durham Regionj Lung Associatýion is remîin- ding parents thiat chldren ,.an aspirate orinments or toys that mnask theiýr potentia danger behinid a face of fun. The delicaitePl astic, Santa Claus dangles on a low tree bough, enticing the two-year old boy. H-e grabs it, put's it in, his mouth, and re-alizes that it isn't candy. Surprised, the youngster tries to spit it out. But it cracks, and a portion of the plastic lodges in his windpipe or is aspirated (in- haled) inte, his lungs. It's a possible tragedy in the nidst of fun because aspiration of foreign objects is a leaing cause of death and injury among children under six years of age. Holiday time, with attention-getting or- naments, decorations and parents distracted by doznes of activities, is a particularly dangerous period for curious toddlers who instinctively grab for objects and put themn in their mouths. What can parents do to keep pre-schoolers safe? Durham Region Lunig wmm~~m mwàmmmm On and A Ma love iyu Iat an Iodfrun ewt * ab Onei and il : et May lo arrfi yuraes! NewcfleOnta i RAHMI'S GARAGE r The Management and Staff of Insurance Brokers LUmited ORONO would like to w(sh everyone a very Merry Christmas and sincere Best Wishes for '83 ALAN MOTE GERI BAILEY PAULINE MOTE MAUREEN MUMFO«RD, . ..... ......