Look Beyond The Manger In looking beyond thie manger to the Risen Christ, we find a strength that surrouinds us. When the strength of' the Lord surrounded the Shiephierds, they were terror stricken. God, thiroughi His Angels, assured them flot to be afraid. It was the first Christmas Greeting. "Do flot be afraid; 1 have Good Newýs for you; thiere is great, joy coming to the wýhole people. Today in the City of David a Deliverer hias been born to you - the Messiahi, the Lord," (Luke 2: 10,11) Because God has corne into the world through Christ, our fears or our worries cani be retieved. Let God assure us wxith the samec Greeting. He gave the Sheph erds. it does flot mean God wiIl rem-ove the difficuities in the life He has giv.en uis, butitidoes mecan He will take away our wNorry abou thtemn. This cornes when wNe look beyond the Maniger, by Faillh. Rev. Wayne Wright Kirby, and Orono United Churchesý Dec. 1982. A CHRISTMAS GREETING Its that timne of year againand our own original Christmas greetîng just faits to develop for us. lits back to the simple but sincere Merry Christmla's to everyone. A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION The Townýi, of Newcastle bas, at its mosr recent meeting passed a resolution calling upon the Region of Dutrhamti to establish a spec.ial committee to study alter- iative imeans of handting the-tons of waste generated in c Region. Counic. Hamire iny proposinig the motion poînted j iat landfill waste disposai was flot the answer and 1 omething hiad to get moving in the near future. She also pointed ouit that there was support for suici a committee at the Regional level and feit Suire the Region would act upon such a request. Certainly the day bas come when the elected do have a responsibility in addressing the problem of waste disposai or investigating means of recycling as well as means of reducing waste production. It wilt require the general public to play their part and we might as weIl face the issue now rat her than later. Landfill bias becorne costly and in ail cases no one wants sucb a developrnent anywhere near tbeir residence. It wvas stated at a recent meeting of thie Clarke Constituent Commîttee meeting that ontly one Iandifill site in ail of Ontario can be determined as non- poIlluing. This in itself is an indication that something bas to be doue. The Townr has taken the first step but do flot ex- pect an easy or early solution buit do be ready to play your part when the time cornes. [p r inappuîiug..] HOCKEY MOTHERS' DRAW WINNERS The Orono Hockey Mothers held their Christmas draw tast Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Judy Hall wvinni- ing the Deacon's Bench. Stani Beachami, Peterboroughi was the innier of the glass tur-kies white Mrs. M\cMultr- ray, Bewdlc1ey, was the winner tfI the plant. STILL TIME TO ENTER VIDEO DRAW There is sit tlime to mnake sure your naine is In- cluded in the Orono Video Gamre cdraw, to be held thiis Friday afternoon, 5 lp.m. Entry blanks are at ail Orono stores. Be sure to futil one out when you shop in Orono. I.O.O.F. SERVICE CLUB ANNOUNCES WINNERS 0f' THE CHRISTMAS DRAW ON DEC. 15TH. 1982. No. 141 Dont Blewett - Orono, No, 522. Betty Baker - Bowrnanivitle, No. 1727 John Cordon - Kendal, No. 853 Garry Cote - Bowmianvilte, No. 524 Bethiea Holliday - Oshawa, No. 2216 Harry Farrow - Bowannville, No. 2455 Isabelle Trim i- Newtonville, No. 1800 Brian Groot - Orono, No. 2088 Lori Willet - Bowmianvitte, No. 1075 Doug Stapleton - Orono. Garbage con tract (ConltinuLed fo page 1) conditions of the En- vironrnental Act. She said irregardless of att other matters the Town would be dectared the generator of waste and do have a responsibility in being assured ait conditions are bc- in.- properly meet. Kendal News Onty a manger cold and bare - only a maiden mitd, Onty sorne shepherds kneel- ing there watching a littte chitd, And yet that maide's arms enfold the King of Heaven above And in the Christ Cbitd we behold the Lord of ife and tove. Rutth Carswetl Kespoht. "~Christmnas tirne is carol tirne,"e say Francis Guy. There are rnany tovety carots and we ail have our favourites. One of the most deiigbtfut begins. 1 saw three sbips corne sait- ing by On Christmnas Day in the morning. It makes a pretty picture and one to kindte th, im- agination for there aretbree sbips which bave reai significance for us at this season. One is worsbip rnost definatety a Christmas ship. In writing of the first Christmnas wben tbey were to corne into the bouse, tbey saw the young cbitd with Mary bis mother and fell down and worshipped Hirn. Another sbip tbat cornes saîling in at Christrnas is friendship. For this is a time wben we tbink of our friends and send greetings to those wbo live at a distance. The third ship is steward- sbip. A steward is one who is trusted to serve. Serving was sornetbing that He who carne at Christmnas was rnost ern- pbatic about. May these three ships corne sailing into your hearts and homes this Cbristmas, bring- "We bave stuck our heads in the sand too long." "lWe cannot avoid this any longer," she said. Counte. Hobbs asked what would bappen if this was flot cleared up by the end of the year wben the present con- tract for Orono is ter- rinated? .Mayor Riekard asked tbe sarne question to wbicb Ron Dupuis stated it woutd leave the Town out in the open and he was flot sure the present coltector woutd continue past the end of the year. It was later pointed out that the present contractor couid be using the sarne facilîties for disposai. Mayor Rickard stated that nhe Town bas jurisdictîon on'- ly for collection and at this point thie Town's contract ends and where the collector takes the waste, hie said, is not in the purview of' tbis council. The Mayor atso stated that the Town was nio, generating the waste and-that it, was flot a responsibiity of the Town for 'waste disposai. Counc. Hamre said the Ministry of the Environrnient bas said we are tbe generators of waste and it did nlot matter what the Mayor tbought. Counc. Harnre moved tbat the tabting motion be refer- red to staff and the solicitor for a report. Counc. Barr said that councit bad to be responsibte and sboutd dissolve this mat- ter quickty. The Newcastle Viilage contracts run out at the end of the year of this is ing their precious gifts of joY and peace. This is the season of the year when you receive those wonderful tetters from far and near. 1 received a letter frorn Britannia the past week frorn the lady with whorn I board- ed for three years. She said, Your otd schoot grounds are nowv covered witb factories. She goes on to say and 1 quoýýte Mrs. Lancaster is mraaging wetl in ber own borne and is now 95 years of age.ý We cate-red on Thursday to tbhe Peel Ploughmans An- nual Banquet in our Cburch and took ber over to a good roast beef dinner with att the fixings. I mnight explain here that Mrs. Lancaster was the wiý,fe of Rev, Lancaster who preacbed on the Newtonville charge a few years ago,. Margaret Lanýcaster and her sister passed away a year ago in June teaving Mrs. Lan- caster atone. Along witb the good news cornes tetters witb the sad events. A Woodbridge letter said, "You remember the Wardtaws. Their daugter' was married in June. The Logans went to tive in Lon- don. Three weeks ago they were coming home when their car tatted so the busband went into the garage. Wbite there someone ramnmed into the car with bis wife in it. She was kilied instantly." Miss Janet Smuk returned Sunday afternoon by air frorn Australia wbere she bas tived for the last two years witb ber Aunt and famity. She went there after the Srnuk borne was burned. Quite a change from Summer heat to winter on. the sixtb line. A very fine Christrnas Pro- gram was put on by the Ken- not resotvedi we wilt have a 'stink on our hands'. Counc. Harnre saîd it was difficuit to bring tbîs before councit but we cannot put the Town in a precarious posi- tion. In speaking witb Counc. Hamre foltowing the meeting she expects councit witl calted into speciat session to bear' staff reports and to take fur- ther action. St. Savîour's part y (Continued from page t) work as co-ordinator during the construction of the hati. To conclude the evenings festivities the Sunday Schoot cbildren, directed by Mrs. Betty Wood, gave a recitat and bistory of somne of the favourite Cbristams Carols plus, of course, Sauta Claus arrived 'to talk to the littte ones and hand out bis gîfts. It was a warrn, noisy even- ing filed witb good felowship and topped off with- an abundance of delicious food provided by the ladies of the A.C.W. and friends, The presence of Mr s, Mary Morris was a very special joy to us att, s50 "keep Weil Mary and Merry Christmnas"'. To the cooks, dishwasbers, cleaners, betpers and organizers, the Wardens ex- tend a most sincere tbank you and best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Hajppy New Year, datl Sunday: School on Sun- day rnorning. The front of the cburcb was beautifulty decorated witb a back drop of stars on a blue sky. In front was a reaiistic donkey and lamb. The crude cradile was there atso. -The little folks sang their songs accomnpanied by Roîf Hetlebust athte piano and ted by Mrs. L. Evans. This was white gift Sunday also se, children and adults took their offering up to the front ac- companied by the music then circted back to their seats. Later the regutar offer-ing was taken up by Peter Fonk and Randy Frank. Tbe tast advent candle was lit by Tricia Frank and the reading on the bulletin was ted by Chad Switzer and Glen Foster. But the bighligbt of the prograrn was the "Holy Nigt ". Pantornine put on by the Interrnediate and Senior classes and choir. Tbe choir sang some beautiful carots. Tricia Frank sang a solo then Mary was seated centre stage with the baby in the cradle (Janine Foster) beside them stood Joseph (Ian Andrews) wbo sang heautifulty, "Away in a Manger." Tben we bad an in- strumental duet by Steven Heitebust on bis bugle and Andrew on bis trombone. The shepherd entered and took tbeir place at the manger, the angets were there atso. Peter Fonk a shepherd read the angets message. Rotf Heilebust ptayed- "In Ex- celsisu de Oh" on bis flute. Mrs. A. Tizzard sang Fairest Lord Jesus. Then the choir sang "Peace on Eartb." A detigbtful Christmnas Pro- gram. Rev. A. Tizzard tbanked the Sunday Scbool Staff for the work and organization that bad gone into this event,. Some of those responsible were Mrs. R. Frank, Mr. D. Peddar, Mrs. J. Hoy, Mrs. D. Hellebust, Mrs, L. Evans as wetl as ail the others who assisted. This was fo)llowý,ed by a lunch of sandwiches, cookies and squares. Next Sunday is Christrnas Sunday. We hope to have a fuît bouse to bonour The Prince of Peace. st. Saviaurs ANGLICAN CHURCH Orono, Onitarlo Regular Sunday Worship Service - 9:45 a.m. Rev. AIIan Haldenby B.A.L Th. UNITED CHURCH @Orono Pastoral Charge Mnister Rev. Wayne Wright, B.A., M. Div. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26 Orono United Church Cburch Scboot 11: 15 a.rm. Morning Worship 11: 15 a.m.ý Bible Study & Carol Singing Thursday 7:00 p.m. Friendsbip Room Christnmas Eve Services Leskard Cburcb 7:30 p.rm. Orono Cburcb 10:00 p.mn. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Cburcb Scbool 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 9:45 a. m. --- ...... 2, Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 22, 1982