Santa visit Orono Beavers Santa bas been a very Monday paid his annual visit above presents a gift in the busy individual of late and on to the Orono Beavers and gift exchange to Jeff Haines. AN ENJOYABLE OUTING Donna and 1 along with the John James' of the Canadian Statesmandi and the Ahi Topps of the Oshawa Times were re- cent guests of Mario and An- na Veltri for dinner at the Capri Restaurant in Bowmanville. To say the least it was an enjoyable evening. The Veltris and their four children were gracious hosts and the chatter flowed freely around and across the table during the evening. This went along with an excellent dinner prepared by the staff at the Capri. One adds to this the delightful and appropriate organ music by Paul who plays at the Capri every Thursday, Fi'iday and Satur- day evenings. Mario Veltri, well known in the district for residential and apartment development, bas entered the restaurant business and has opened the Capri in the Veltri building in Bowmanville. Cir- cumstances possibly has had more to bring this about than desire but then once a suc- cessful entrepreneur always a successful entrepreneur with the result Mario is en- joying his new venture in business. The Capri is flot a large restaurant but does have a homney atmosphere and pleas- ing decor. The menu is quite extensive and the chef cer- tainly put up an excellent 1bill of fare for our visit. Although we have not been associated with the Veltris or the Topps it was an evening we felt we were among friends. THE WAY OUT Economists, goverfiment leaders and industry have been looking for a way out of the present recession and everyone appears to have a different view on how the issue should be approached. Alter trying to plug in a new extension cord last week we have corne to the conclu- sion that NOMA, an elec- trical company, has corne up with the answer that could lead this sector of the in- dustry back into full produc- tion. The electrical plug is a very simple object but over the years there have been changes and, we believe, some incon- sistency in design and regula- tions. After equiping the home with two-prong wall recep- ticles we found that the in- dustry then started to include a ground prong which did flot fit any of our recepticles. Our answer was to take the pliers and pull the prog out reduc- ing the plug to the two simple prongs for the lesser ap- pliances. Corne last weelk Donna needed a new extension cord for the christrnas tree so the purchase was made and although the christmnas lights couald be plugged into the cord there was no way 1 could push the two-pronged plug into the wail fixture. 0f course Donna was about to show me how it works but to no avail. Finally we saw that the two prongs were of different sizes and would not be accepted by the wall receptîcle. It was back to Rolphs to find out all extension cords were similar to our purchase. We are told they are polarized plugs and are designed with a safety feature. To get the benefit of this feature we would be forced to have aIl electrical outlets in the house changed. Obsolescence has played a Living Gîfts for the Christmas Season by Van Belle 0f course livingplants willl make gift giving easy and will be a delightful addition to any gift list. The beauty is that there is so much variety to choose from, such as the Azalea, the Poinsettia etc. This week we will discuss the habits of a few more plants. The common potted plant is the Pot Mum available in almost any colour and available ail year round. it is easy to maintain and dioes flot need too much care. The newest angle oni potted mumns is what is called the MUMSETTIA. All this really is is a white potted mumn with a Poinsettia planted in the middle. Usuaily a red one to give the sharp contrast bet- ween red and the white. Water about twice a week but do not add fertilizer and they will last right through the holiday season. When it cornes to older folks who like to putter around with plants try a mix- ed planter in a basket. This will usually consist of six or seven plants, 3 to, 4 foliage plants such as ferns and then two or three flowering plants such as the small baby Poinsettia, the baby Rieger Begonia and aiso African Violets are added to this list., Since there are different plants that make up this corn- binaion, care should be taken that they do not dry out so check the soli dai- ly and add water as needed. When some of the plants becomne too large transplant big part in t he hay days of this country and around the world. The electriýcal industry may well now be on the rnove with their two-sized polarized plugs. There is somnething new every day. them into single pots and you can enjoy them for months on end. Do flot add fertilizer until you have transplanted them into small pots. .Another plant that is right for the occasion is the Cyclamen. It cornes in a variety of colours from the pink through the red and also in white. Cycaien like it COOL,..this is a must. Years ago when central heating was flot used Cyclamen were in the top of thelist for plants at this season but since most homes have central heating and are kept warm throughout they mnust be placed on a cool window sill to keep thern cool. Feeding them every two weeks will help to develop the abun- dance of buds that are hidden under the leaves and make them flower for weeks on end. Water with lukewarma Water at least twice a week. Sometimes they will dry out and ail the leaves will wilt and by handing over the pot. Trhen wrap themn in a wet newspaper overnight. This will make the leaves turgid again and stand straight Up. When the flower is finished just give the stemn a sharp pull and the flower will snap right out of thçir socket. Otherwise by cutting the top of the flower off the stem will rot and cause the whole plant to rot at the crown. A plant loyers delight is the Armarylis bulb. It cornes in a beautiful gift box complete wi'th bulb, soil, pot and saucer ready for planting. Now with many new varieties you can almost get any col- our. Plant them in the soil with the bulb about haîf way out of the soil and give themn a thorough watering. Then place them in a spot that hias as much light as possible since th is will keep the stalk short and "I produce a bet- ter bloom. Most of the bulbs will produce at, least two stalks with at least 3 to 4 very large blooms per stem. Gift certificates for a tree or shrub in the yard is an excellent gift for the new home owner. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 22, 1982, 3 Cha.rged for Dredging Stream M. Dick - Senior Field Ser- vices Technician Dredger Poorer But Wlser A Lindsay District proper- ty owner who did some unap- proved dredging on a cold water Stream crossing h4is 1land, will do it differenly next time. He completed his project and relocatedI the stream the way he wantedto, but he also ended up in court where the Judge assessed him $400.00 in fines. He had created two unapproved Stream diversions and was fined $150.00 and $250.00 respectively. As well as pro- ject costs, legal fees, fines, the landowner is financially responsible for returning the streamn to its original con- dition. Moving, changinig or rear- ranging water courses is flot always a good idea and without the proper approvals and permits it can be quite il- legal. The Lakes and Rivers Im- provemnent Act gives the Ministry of Natural Resources authority over any work which interferes with' natural water courses. Under this Act you require a permit for any work that holds ,ack, forwards or diverts water. Getting a per- mit is a two step procedure. The outline proposai of your project m~ust be exa.mîned and the location of the dam or work must be approved. Also the plans and specifica- tions of the work mnust be ap- proved. The entire process is lengthy, so plan ahead. Damming and digging in streams causes mnany pro- blemns, blocking of fish migration routes, silting of spawning beds, inecased sediment in the water, in- creased temperatures and destruction of fish habitat. PETROLON'SSLICK 50 FILIS THE NEED Reduces Friction and Drag Improves Lubrication Reduces Operating Temperatures Improves Performanc-e Reduces Wear Increases Horsepower L Reduces 011Consumption Increases Gas Mleage GUARANTEEI) IMPROVED PERFORMANCE Or Vour Money BacI< ONE TIME INVESTMENT Contact DARREL E. DEVOLIN ORONO TORO POvWER s 149.5o RoIph Dominion Hardware, Orono, Ontario Phone983-5207 And To AIllA Very Merry %C.hri*stmas Ziggy's / Maple Leaf or Burns - Mhole or Shank Portion Smioked Haimkg3J.28 iIb. 'l49 Maple Leaf Rindiess Bacon 500g9pkg. 2.59 Florida Zipper 3kin Tanâgerines, 176's180'S dOz.,99Î Produce of B.C., Canada No. 1, Extra Fancy App les, Red Deliciousl1o0's 1b.,5 Sunkist - 138's Navel Ora-nges Peanuts.NoName dozen .99 1 kg. pkg. 3.29 IC O R N ISHI'S Phone 983-5201 'A round :Ho me