Orono Weekly TFimes, Wednesday, January 11, 1984-11 a2 MWffT.r77JÂ If you have questions or concernis about your municipality, please feel free to call me at either 983-5505 or 987-5039. DaeHme Counic. Ward 3 Town of Newcastle DISTRESS CENTRE. Need someone to talk to? Cali us anytime 433-1121. Emergency collect calis ac- cepted. 30/11 - 1/2/84, a. The annual meeting of the shareholders in the Orono Cemetery Co. wilI be held on Monday, January 23, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the Laing MemnorialChapel. 11,18, a.c. NOTICE creditors and others. Ail dlaims against the estate of ANTONJUS MARTENS, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Main Street, Orono, Ontario, Widower, deceased, who died on or about the lth day of July, 1983, must be fil- ed with the undersigned personal representative on or before January 27th, 1984, thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the dlaims then filed. Dated January 4th, 1984. Cyril Baird, R.R. 1, Orono, Ontario, LOB IMO, by W. Kay Lycett, Q.C., Orono, Ontario, LOB IMO. 11, 18,25, a.c. UM J'Me Fash ions Main St., Orono1 -The laiest infalshiionisfor -ail tiînes and a// needs" 983-9341 ': ,i - ,IZZI~Phone for /GOULD, tappointmnent. IPHOTO IAnniversary, ISHPI Wedding and {jITE ~Faxnily Portraits in our Studio, your Home, or on Location. 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 Caîl for a no obligation evaluation of your home, acreage or farm or for information on properties in the area. 987-4733 623-4445 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono cail 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST 214 KkQgit.E., is Stapleton Representative 983-5093 -- SERVICES AVAILABLE- Experienced and reliable, I offer major or general housekeepinig cleaning services for a reasonable rate. Caîl Lori, 983-5917, afer 5 p.mi. 4,11,18, pd. For PIANO TUNING caîl R.D. Morton, Orono. 11,18,25,1,8,15,22,29, pd. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES- Resolve nowN to earn some extra money this year. We'1l show you how in our FREE information kit. Write REGAL, 939 Eglinton Ave. E., Dept.6125, Toronto, M4G 2L6. CAREER TRAINING- FREE 120 page Career Guide shows how to, train at homte for 205 top-paying full and part-time jobs. Gran- ton Institute, 267A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Cail 416-977-3929 today. n/c COMING EVENTS The Annual Meeting of the Durham Central Agricultural Society will be field on Saturday, January 21, 1984 at 1:30 p.m. HeId in the Orono Arena Comn- munity Centre. Everyone welcomne. 11, a.c. The Great Pine Ridge Kinette Club "Pub NVight-, January 28th, 1984 at the Orono Arena. Entertainment at 7:30 p.m., dancing 9:30 p.m. $12.00 per couple. Caîl 983-5140, 11, 18,2 5, a. c. FOR SALE Subscribe. Canada's only publication f'or Spinners, Weavers. "Heddle", $5.00 for four issues in 1984. Send naine, address, paymnent to Hetldle, BÔx 220, Goderich, Ortario N7A 4B6. n/c Ladies double-breasted wool coan, nearly new. Size 16-J 8. Caîl 983-5843. 11, Pd. FUND MALE CAT - orange & white, wearing white flea cLar. About 7 months old. Caîl 983-5205 Orono. d 1UUUUuUuUuuUaumUumuuumuuMuummuuPd.u iClIassified Advertising m Rates:u * $1.50 FOR 25 WVORDS OR LESS j BLOCK ADS -$1.50OCOLUMVN INCH * 6 Month and Yearly Rates on request WVhen it's printîng gîve us a cali 983-5301 fl Dfa mfl WEKLUY TIMES u li u il u PRINTING AND PUBLISHING * Letterheads * Envelopes Business Cards * Invoices *Labels * Invitations * Brochures L R Forms * Continuous and Snap-Out Forms CeeAPPLES- $3*75 per bushel Dýelicitâous, Spy s s 4.25 a hait bus. Cider - Potatoes Fresh Eggs FRUIT MARKET HWY. 35 SOUTH 0F ORONO 983-5628 I O Ministryof Natural UV Resources Ontario TENDER Interested parties are invited to tender f'or the construc- tion of approxiamnately 2500 seedbed shades. For further particulars and tender documents, please apply to: Ministry of Natural Resouirces Box 119, Orono, Ontario LOB 1iMO Telephone 416-983-9147 A bid bond of $50.00 (returnable) is required. 1 . 1