2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, JanuaqrY 11, 1984 second Clasa Mail Registration Numnber W0369 Published Every Wednesday at the office of Publication Main Street, Orono Roy C. Forrester, Editor Living In A FooI's Paradise Paul McKay, author of Electrie Empire, and speaking before a NDP Think-Tank session recently stated that "We're living in a fool's paradise". Dur- ing the session his comments were directed towards Ontario Hydro which he dlaims will have to increase hydro rates by 60 percent to pay their massive debt, a good portion coming through the construction of the Darlington Generating plant in the Town of Newcas- tle. McKay states that 40 cents of every customer's dollar is spent for interest charges on the debt and that in fact Ontario Hydro is borrowing money to pay interest charges. He further states that Hydro's own figures show the present $18 billion debt increasing to $50 billion by the year 2000. it is certainly not a rosy picture for the users of hydro in this province and if in fact Ontario Hydro is borrowing money to pay interest costs there are dark days ahead for the consumer. No private enterprise could continue in sucb a financial at- mosphere and, in deed, haven't over thie past few years of the 1980s. McKay and somne other experts have recom- mended that Hydro shelve Darlington and re- establish their conservation programn rather than en- couraging expanded'use of hydro. Apparently the. partial conversion to electric heat program being promoted by bydro has been most successful. If costs of hydro do rise by thec sixt 'y percent over the next f1our years there are going to be some very irrate customers who have spent hundreds of dollars for conversion only to find the cost of an- nual operating prohibitive. Hydro must know their position and if it is such as claimed by McKay the public should be aware of this fact prior to converting to electric heat. There seems little doubt that hydro does have problems and possibly many that are not of their own making but it is time the general public is aware of what is really in the future as customners of Ontario Hydro. Once the customer is locked in it is costly to get out. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE ORONO TIMES The Newcastle and District Concert Series which is promoting four musical concerts in the Newcastle Town Hall now have tickets available which are ob- tairiable at the Orono limes office. Adults $20.00, Students $10.00 for the four concerts. The Climax Jazz Band will be featured on February l9th; Entracte (flute and guitar duo) on March 25th; Marc Widner, pianist, May 6th and the Horseless Carriagemen on May 1 3th. This is a new venture in the community providing top musical entertainmient for the wbole family. HEARING POSTPONED TO END 0F FEBRUARY Some 150 charges laid by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment against Regional Reclaimers in the operation of their landfill site were postponed on January 3rd and are expected to be heard on February 28tb, New Vldeodisc Player and Dises at Clarke Library If you're looking for a weekend of great entertain- ment, or planning a special Birtffday party for yo-ur child - then the library is the place to corne. We now have two players, so you won't have to wait so long to see sorne terrific movies. Three new tities include the award winning "CHARIOTS 0F FIRE", Clint Eastwood in the high flying thriller, "FIREFOX" and for aIl round famnily entertainiment, -RAIDERS 0F THE LOST ARK". In the new year we will be continuing to add new discs to our collection for your vewýNing pleasure. Kendal News Bebold I make aliltbings new. Rev. 21 verse 5 Some of you will remnember the comic strip wbicb used to appear in the Globe entitled "Mary Wortb". Her grand- daugbter stepped on' the scales in tbe first picture and said, "Wel!i My first resolu- tion for 1954 is to lose six pounds." Mrs. Worth replies, 've made a few, Sbelley. The ones 1 make every year!" In tbe other tbree spaces they are printed. To keep too busy to worry about myseif for kçeeping busy is the on e way to be bap- py and useful! To read old books and write old friends -- and to study daily tbe best of al.. books. To figbt prejudice.... in myself as well as others. To spend an occasional quiet hour in an art museum, col- lecting dividends on man 's great beritage of beauty. To link myself to a great cause and figbt bard for it. To treat every human being as if it were HIS last day on eartb. In the last picture Mrs. Worth says, "Tbey are just as easy t o break a s t o make . .. .but .. . .we neyer learn to shoot wtbout setting up a target." On Suniday morning, January 8tb, tbe temperature In a year-end report to the Orono downtown Businessmen's Imiprove- ment Area members R. Forrester outlined a inumber of advancement that had taken place in the commercial sector of the Village during the year 1983. He said tbey were noteable events for the comrmunity. Reference was made to the establishment of four new commercial enter- prises in downtown Orono) along with the expansion of one long-time Orono business to a north-east location in Orono. The list of new businesses included the Orono Showcase Co- operative in the Orono Ar- mouries building follow- ing renovations and some assistance from the local Businessmen's group. Deb's Fabrics and Fashions located on the west side of tbe business section during tbe summer being located by Debbie Davis of Kendal. later in the year Yvonne Maitland of Orono open- ed ber apple Blossom Flower sbop in the Main street to be followed by Sheri Held, also of Orono, locating her Hair Wîth flair next door. Armstrong's IGA made their move to niew and ex- panded facilities in the north-east corner of the was 14 degrees Fahrenheit. I was not at churcb. The atten- dance was small. On January tbe tb it was 7 degrees above tbe average for that date. We went to Bowmnanville and tbere were puddles everywhere. Let us hope there is anotber Jan uary tbaw. Last week 1 told you about two înterestîng Cbristmas let- ters. Sometimes they tell of tragic events. My girlfriend wbo teaches scbool in Tara, Ontario tells of a fire. Monday morning December l9tb. We bad a fire on our street last night, two doors down and across the street. The family of parents and six cbildren were at Wiar- ton to a cburcb service. Tbey bad a nice home, large and tbey have done a lot of work modernizing it. Tbey were mrissionaries in Thailand for awbile two years ago. Tbey were going to seli the bouse and take furtber training in Durbam. 1 have one cbild in my grade 3 class and one younger and one older in public school and tbree big boys in bigh school, also tbey bad a big boy from Tbailand there most of the time. Tbey don't know wbat started the fire. The radio tbis morning sid maybe a chimney or wood stove. It wasn't the Christmas Tree. Presents were blackened and wrapp- ings water soaked, but tbey itlought tbey could be salvag- eci. We made coffee and sand- wiches for the firemen, but Village early in December of 19 83 as a new attraction for the commercial sector of- Orono. ,The report refers to a number of promotions undertaken by the Businessmens' Associa- tio)n throughouit the year and the completion of the planting of trees and erec- tion of tree guards within the business section. The Orono Downtown Businessmens' Associa- tio)n has now completed its th-ird year of operation. To recognize out standing citizen s (Continued from page 1) outstanding citizens in the community. Council stated they would wish to do so dur- ing the year of their tentb anniversary. Counc. Hubbard made mention of sucb action following the Mayor's report and views for 1984. She stated this bad been before council sometime ago but that no action had been taken. She mention- ed the accomplishments of Sylvia Rueggar in the field of athletics and felt that sometbing sbould be done by the Town to recognize ber achievements in ber field. they were still there when we went to bed at 11:30 p.m. Last week I told you about reading the newly publisbed book, Kate Aitken. He tells how she in conjunction with Tamblyn's Drug Stores (one of her sponsors) put ber isteners to work in the war effort from 1942 till the end of the war. It is estimated that Kate's listeners sent $250,000 wortb of clotbîng to cbildren's homes and a~ maternity bospital i n England. One of the tbings sbe urged ber listenters to make was warmt dressing gowns for cbildren. Tbey cut the worn feet off men's socks and join- ed the remaining pieces to make gowns. Kate bad a story she told about wbat happened wben one littie boy got bis dressing gown. One little boy, aged just tbree years, sbell-sbocked, completely alone in the world now bis voice lost in the terri- ble sbock of an air raid... It took the rescue squad four- teen bours to, dig out this little stunned boy, and then be was taken from Mancbester to an orphanage in Kent. One day, still silent since the terrible raid wbicb kilîed bis mother and daddy, tbe lit- tde lad was given bis re-made dressing gown (wbicb one of you listeners made) and ho looked down at the colourful pattern on bis re-made gown and bis stunned eyes brigbtened. Suddenly be pointed at a particular pattern and spoke for tbe first time. "My Daddy wears socks like that,- be said and tears came to tbe eyes of the kindly matrons around tbe little soul. Last week at one o'clock in the morning there came a knock at our neigbbour's door. This young man 's car was stuck in the snow over east. It was a wild nigbt, he bad no bat and bis jacket just reacbed bis waist. He was almost perîsbed. Our neigbbour gave bim a cap and sent bim to another neigbbour wbo bad a tractor. Tbis man persuaded bim to wait tilI dayligbt. Surely anyone travelling on a coun- try road in winter sbould bave a bat, a -ioat and a shovel. A motor rug is necessary in case.,you have to wait for a tow truck or walk borne, always carry one. Onions prevent cold and rbeumatism, serve tbemn often in cold weatber. There is an abundant crop of yellow onions grown ini Ontario the past year. Cook tbem witb your other vegetables, tbey make turnips, for example, taste botter. St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Orono, Ontario Regular Sunè Worshlp Sevie- 45 a.m. Rev. Allan Holdonby B.AL Th. United Church Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. Wayne Wright' SUNDAY, JAN. 15, 1984 Orono United Church Cburcb Scbool 11: 15 a. m. Morning Worsbip 11: 15 a.m. Mr. Jim Brownlee will be in Charge of tbe Service. Annual Meeting After worsbip Sun., Jan. 22nd. Pot-Luck lunch Men's RaIIy Sat., Feb. 11lth, 6:30 p. m. St. Stephens United Cburcb, Oshawa Guest Speaker Dr. Robert McClure Contact Willis Barrabali at 983-5736 Kirby United Church Cburcb Scbool 9:45 a. m. Morning Worsbip 9:45 a.m. Led by U.C.W. in session Annual Meeting Jan. l9tb at Pot-Luck supper 6:00 p.m. Orono Commrercial Expands Ini 1983 * SPECIAL * Hand and Body LOTION Decanter 220 ml * Wind Song * Cachet * Aviance $8.50 Value for $,:6,.9y""5 MAIN ST. ORONO. ONI 983-5009