CÛlassified Ads (Cor-I.Jnued from page 11) HELP WANTED Salesperson wantedt 1 seil irrigation producîs anti systemts. Commissions anti Terriîory negotiabie. Con- tact Submatic Irrigation Sysîems, 7620 Woodbine Ave., Markham, Ontario L3R 2N2. (416) 475-3270. n/c Reporter requireti immediaîety for a large Eastern Ontario weekty The Record News in. Smiths Faits. Photography skilts andi car requireti. Town is surroui- eti by lakes, excellent hunting anti fishing anti other out- door recreation. Excellent benefit package, competitive salary. Apply Patrick Dare, P.O. Box 158, Smiths Fatls, Ontario K7A 4T1. (613) 283-3182. n/c -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES- It's Not Too Late! Learn Incomne Tax preparation now. Write U & R Sehoots, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Win- nipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B~6, for free brochure. n/c Dealers wanted for energy andi money saving Magnetic Window Systemns. Opportunity to reap rewards helping businessmen andi home owners dramaticalty reduice heating bis. No franchise fees, just a small start-up investmrent for mnaterials and toots to start you making money immediatety. We provide sales teads and totls to start you making money immediatety. We provide sales Ieads andi train for success. To join our growing team of successfut dealers cati Goffi, Wintite Energy Systems (416) 669-6800. n1/c EXTRA INCOME, local person requireti to seti Canadian made water distllers for manufacturer retail- ing $239.50, Excellent profýit, no investmnent necessary, fuît or part-time. L.B.H. Industries, t116 Viceroy Rd. C-9, Concord (Toronto), Ont. L4K 2M3. (416) 494-9849. n/c CAREER TRAINING Sir Sandford Fleming Cottege in Lindisay is offering a 12-week urban Tree Maintenance Prog-ram. This course is designied to teach skills required in the mnaintenance of urban trees. These includle tree iden- tificationi, equipmnent operation anti maintenance, tree climibing, tree removat and maintenance. These skiffs will hetp you obtain employmnenî in thîsgrwn fieldI. f interested, plea.se contact your local Caniada Emiploy- ment Centre or caI S.S.F.C., Lindsay ai (705) 324-9144. n/c FREE 120 page Career Guide shows how 10[ train at home for 205 top-paying fuîtl and part-limie jobsý. Gran- ton institute, 267A Adetaide Street West, Toronto. Cati (416) 977-3929 today. ni/c PERSONAL DATES GALORE. We are a pro fessional introduc- tion service designied to introduce compatible people to~ each othier. For ail ages. Prestige Acquaintances. Cati toti-free 1-800-263-9103. Noon - 8:00 pm.1 Cormsgo ner speaks at Ooomeeting-ý Gerrard Gervais, Coml- lion otlinling the opera- mlissioner of the Region of tion of the departîment. DuLirhIlamin Ecoo n iic CGelrvais sialcAted lte DeveIopmnent Deparîmnrt tieparimnilt had îwo aini spoke last Tuesday en-Objectives beinig, onie, I( in,- 10 !memnbers of fthe inIcree job Poporlunity' Oronio Dontw ant i \tw(, inlcrease <ý tax reen i c. H 111()"tlsiol Mînîstry of Natural Resources reports DEER POACHERS APPREHENDED Fines totalling $750.00 were levieti recentiv ninLinti- Say court as a resuit of a re- cent investigation by Lindisay tiistrict conservation of'ficer. A Fenelon Falls resident anti two Toronto area men were convicleti on a total ofsix charges relating 1theiciliegai shloo!inlg andt ransport of a deer antid esasigon private property. In addition (0 the finles, thle deer ani shlotgun usetil-,Inlle offece wNere ortieretipermlaneIntl seizeti byv the court. The deer was shol out of season in Fenelon Twsinear Ithe Southi Bay area ofI Batsýan L ake. Charges are also pentiing. against Iwo NorwNooti area resýitenîs foiiowing- the shooting of a deer south of Sîony L-ake on Suntiay, ,Januiary 8îhi. Conservatnion officers locateti anti seizeti Ille large buck in a b)arn-[ north of Norwoot. Another investigation by LIndsayý officers has resîîited in charges being laiti against toNorlanti resitienîs for "1niglthunlîng" near Ithe Biexiey-Lax\ton Towýntine. Anyone obiserv ing the emnphasis was placed on Ohe mnfctrrgscC- tor of the Region. The speaker also toucheti on îourrism nistateti he WOuild be miaking a pro- posai 10 the Regionai mianagemnent board 10 place greater emiphasis on îourism in teRegion ai teast to the pint that local residents ,were ,taare of' what recreational faciliiies Iti etic in the area. Ger-vais said the depait- tuent was conceýrnetia.as tio those idstisthati nowý etis in the Region anti wýou1lti anî 1o0 work with' themi if problemns tit arise. Hie also sait that local extn instries, diti have a gret olumeo knowledgeas to phat was happening in thecir fieldi and tiid have imiportant ýontacts. He calied on att ciizens b1ecomningino- ed in the promiotion of the Region anti asked that he or his deparmenîbe co- tacteti on pertinent inf'or- mnation thiat coulti add 10 fuirîher indtriai or comn- meilrcial deveýlopmienti in the Region. Gervais sid the depar- ment sas a ciearing homie for infrmation and do provide a service of pro- mnotionali materiai. Hec said bis teaîetcoiti til!o r a pr oposai1 for specific nfeeds. The speaker said that in the past the deparnmnt had taken a blankei ap- proach in ativerîising which he fehhad flot wýorkd anti hatiflot pro- have bee2nepeedGr vai,1wo has, been heati of suspccted violations of1 game and l'ish iaws is encouragedt 1 contact theicLintisay districi office of the 'Ministry of, Natur al Resour1!ces im- metiiateiy, so approp riate eni- torcemnent action cari be taken. TRAPPERS' WORKSHOP IHELD L. Milford - Conservation Officer Co-ordinator The Lindsay District Trap- pers' Counicil heid a very suc- cessfui trappers' workshop ai the Fenleton Comniîyr( Cen- tre at Cambray on Saturday, Jlanuary 7thi. Over 200 people were in attendance. Th e workshop f ea trredc demnonstrations and comrpeti- lions in trap setting, skin- ing, fur preparation and severai ouldoor events. Alian 'Wakef'ord wvas top Contestant, with first place awards in skinning of beaver, mink, muskrat anti raccoon, in addition to best beaveri anti mnink tin the preparet frr ,icîegory. Phil Taiin was first in both skinnling andi preparing fox. M0alt Rundel took junior muskraî skinin- ing, anti Jimi Crowe hadi the best prepareti muskrat. Dave Ascott was the best in trapsetgswshen anti iog sawving. Peter Alkini Jr. took thec ski race, anti Peter Alkin Sr. the log chop- ping event. Trapper-s' \workshiops such as Ihlis providle both etitica- lion andi entertainiment f'or A participants. Fur trapping is tlic deparîmient for- the past five months saiti he expectet Io10 arget certain areas in his approach for niewý induistry anti cormmer- ciai eeopeî i-e said his tiparment dit nlot pick out specific areas for newý intusîtry bo locate in fice Region. He sait the deparîmient pro- vides the information anti the indunstry picks, the site for iocaîig. Gervais touched on foism nIanti saitithat loism ,11hat the(,-greatest direct spin-off for jobs, buildingýs antird eu.He saiti he wa o10 ake a presentaion t10i the Mdanagemient Boarti of the Region anti was hopefut th-at a greater efflori coiti be imaie nin priooinig îourismn in Dur-hamn.lHe said he would Ilke t be able 10 boister the tevetof' l ocýal expendiluLres in recreationat facilities within the Region of JJurhamn. The speaker referreti to lhe amomu of lesre lime that was now avaitable ant ie hewoid like local residenîs 10 be conscious of whaî was available in the Region. The Commnissioner in- formedtire meeting of a trade show that was Io be held in Pickering on Mîay 111th ai vwhich tiimelhe was hopeful 10 attraut cizens from a easutthe Scar- borouigh area t10 view what was happeing in the Region of' Durhamn. he Regional Economic DevlopenîDepari ment hati an)annuai budget of "2'73100.00Qlin1983. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 18, 1984-9 Vis-ualArsC te "Winters Harvest" AtIhle endi of January, the Visuai Arts Centre in the hisloric Creamn of Bariey Mili, Simpson Avenue, Bowmanville, wili present an innovative exhibition in ils "Milt Gallery". Entitled -Winter's Harvest'-, the show fealure.s work of representative arlists in the Durham Region, who work in textiles, metal, dlay anti wood. The show wvilt be open daily fromt January 29th t0 February th, 1984 fromt 12:00 - 4:30 p.m.i, with ihie of- ficiai opening at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 29th, 1984. This show, is a prototype for- an annual jurieti shw of crafts, which the Visuiat Arts Centre witl iniitiýale in January 1985. Among- the works 10 be preseniteti are: Gieraldine Balint, Hampton -Potter W'endy Bateman, Port Perry ani important activ iiy in this area, wvith over 400 liceniceti trappers in the Lindsay district. SCUGOG ICE FISHING HEATS UP DURING COLI) WEATHER C. Lewý,is - Kwarîha Lakes Biologisl Fishing for yellow pickerei -Weaiver John Charman, Orono -Woodmnodels J an et Co at es, Os haw a -Needielave anti hantimade feit Jane Dixon, Oshawa - Fabric Cottage Bob Epping, Whitby - Potter Bill Fitches, Oshawa -Designer Garmnents anti Fabric Collage Barbara Kennedy, Whiîby -Traditional Rug Hooking Pauta Lishmian, Btackstock -Designer Garmenîs in Kniî- ted Fur Carolyn Miltikeni, Oshawa -Quilts Atsuko Perkinis, Bowmvnan- ville - Ikebana Nancy Stceee, Whitby -jewetlery evryWilliams, Beîhany -Fibre Sculptures Pau! Williams, Bethanyj -Works in Leather on Lake Scugog has been unusualItygoot in spite of the exlrtemieiy colti weather in re- cent weeksý. Sever-al limit cat- clcs have Fbeen reporteti op- posite Viewlaike anti out from Sevncile tsland. Creel çen- sus technlicians report lfair catchles of pickeret of up 10 six pountis fromn many other areas of the lake. QUOTATION REQUEST for 1984 EQUIPMENT RENTAIS SEALED QUOTATIONS, from contractors/suppliers interested in being registered on the Town's Registry of Equipmnent Rentai Services for such equipment speciflieti below, will be receiveti by the undersigned until the specified closing time andi date. Bids must be returneti in the envelopes and on the forms provided. Requirements for rentai e-quipment are listed as follows: Tandem Dump Trucks Track Mounted Backhoes Gradails Bulldozers (not iess than 200 hp) SmiaIi Bulldozer (flot less than 40 hp> Scrapers (not less than 20 cu yards> Push Scrapers (not Iess than 20 cu yards) Front End Loaders - Rubber Tireti (1 112 - 3 ou yards) Shoulder Grader (75 to 90 hp with window eliminator) Portable Compressor (125 to 150 C.F.M.) Snow Biowers Tractor Driven (not iess than 50 hp> Selfi Propelied Rolier (2 tonne to 5 tonne) Dragline (3/4 yd. min.) Garbage Packers (20 and 25 cu yards) Quotation documents can be obtaîned f rom the Purchasing Office at 152 Church Street, Bowman- ville, Ontario. Quotation No. Q84-1 - 1984 Equipment Rentais Closing Time & Date: 4:00 P.M. (Local Time), Tues- day, January 31, 1984 Ail bids wiii be subject to the terms ançi conditions setforth in the quotation documents. Mr. D.M. Homeniuk, P.P. ~~ Purchasing andi Supply Agent (416) 6231-3379 Ext. 67 File No. A0976 Date cf Publication: January 18, 1984