Celebrates first birthday Orono WeekIy Times, Wednesday, January 25, 1984-3 Eldoârado J eads the Adam Rypstra, son of Ed and Diane Rypstra of Orono celebrates Is fir-st Police Commission birthday ith a smile. His grandiparents are Mr. and MIrs. Mlarvin Col- vin, Orono Mrs. Fred Newtonville. and Mr. and Rypstra of Pointers from St. content with John-Ambulance location (Continued from page 1) weli as developmenî at the easî end of Bowmanville and major expansion in the Cour- lice area. It is pointed out that the planning department is not in a position 10 estimate just how many homes will be buîlt in these particular areas over the next four vears. The Commissioners sîaîed that they couid see no reason why they would not be able to serve the Town of Newcas- tle from the choosen site at the corner of Highway 2 and Regionai Road 57.' The correspondence was received by the Town of Newcastle council without comment. Fitness Swim (Continued from page 1) a.m. Registration fee for the Fitness Swim is $4.00 which amount is donated to the On- tario Heart Foundation. In return the swimmer has use of the Fitness Centre pooî for the peniods of the swim an d later in March the Ontario Masters and the Ontario Heart Foundation will provide the swirnmer with a certificate along with comparisons with other swimmers in their age group who had t aken partmi the program. Each swimmer may pre- register for the prograni aI the Fitness Centre on January 27th or later. Furîhfler infor- mation is availabieý- by calling 623-3392 or 987-5039. The program provides an If you're frostbitten, you may flot know it, but so- meone looking at you will. Frosîbite looks white and bard. First aid trealment is graduai warming with body- heat. Put your hands over a frostbitteni face or ears. Tuck fingers under your arms, in- side your jacket. Warm frostbitten feet with your hands, or tuck themn under your buddy's armis. If the problemu is flot frostbite, but freeziýngL, gel the ictim t10 medicai hieip as fast as possi- ble, and do flot try to thaw the frozen area. If someone faîls and.suf- fers a back or spine.injury, do flot move him unless i's nlecessary to prevent further damiagpe. Keep him warm anld sheltered and send for meudical help. For most other injuries, provide first aid trealmient and gel victim 10 warmth and to medical care if it's necessary. If you plan 10 travel your car shouid carry flares, jumnper cables, flashlights, candles (for heat), blankets, a first aid kit and non- perishable fond. You should also have sand or sait and a shovel in your car, but don't wear yourself out trying to dig out. If you gel lost anywhere in the cold, get under the best shelter you can and cover Up. Cover your tneck as well as opportunity to assist the Heart Foundation. enjoy an outing of swimming and as weil test physicai fitness through your resulîs in the swim. The number of lengths of the pool and lime are recorded tu comipile your resitis. your head, because it's one of the areas where your body will lose heat fastest. Resist the temptation 10 move arouind a lot because physical exertion also increases heat loss. A real danger .from ex- treme cold is hypothermia. Prolonged exposure to cold or a dunking through ice that was thinner than you ex- pected can result in a dangerous lowering of the body's core temperature. Hypothiermia is a coin- plicated problemi. Thesyp tomns begin .witlh iolent shivering and exNtenid to an appearance of death. Genierally speakingl, ithe fîrst aid response is [0 leave thie ictim's cloth-es, on evenl if they, are wet, unile.ss you can exchiange the wvet clothies for-, dry ones safcly and quickly. Warm the victim by applyinig body warmth or a hiot water botule wrapped in protective towelling. Apply il 10 the heat escap e areas, which are the neck, armpits and groin. If you can, get the victimi in- doors, and put him in a warmi haith or wrap him in an clec- tric blanket, warm the trunk, and leave armns and legs ex- posed. Don't actively warm extremîties. If the victim is conscious and the case is mild, give him warmi, suigared drink. Do not give alcohiol. 1In any case, get miedical care as sooni as you cani. If someone suffers a bad cut, you imusi act quickly,sa St. John Amibulance first aid experts. Apply direct pr essurec on thie wounid* Use your hiand if you 11ustI or a dleanl clothi pad. Raise the, injured part abouit heart level. Ge[ (Continued page 7) way in disposai Duncan Moffett, refrained from meeting with chemist with Eldorado Eldorado since mid 1983. Resources Ltd., Port Hope, Moffett told the Hope states the company is miles meeting that a $556,000 study àhead of the provincial by engineers has shown that goverilment in the safe burying waste in leak-free disposai of hazardous wastes. limestone cavernis on their Moffett was speaking lands near Wesleyville would before the Hope Township work. However hie pointed Eldorado liaison committee out this was the most expent- whenL he said Eldorado was sive of options under con- further along in low-ievel sideration by the company. It radioactive waste disposai is estimated such waste that the province is in resear- disposai on the Wesleyville ching hazardous industrial site would cost $50 million. waste disposai. Burying waste in limestone Moffett takes exception cavernis at the present Port with the environment Granby site is estimated to Minister, Andy Brandt, in his cost from $42 to $45 million. explanation why the A thîrd option is also Blueprint for Waste Manage- available being shallow burial ment in Ontario did not in- in impermeable containers clude radioactive wastes. north of the existing Port Brandt in a letter to Hope Granby site, land again held Township said the absence in ownership by Eldorado. reflects the fact that methods for the safe disposai of iow level radioactive wastes are still undergoing development. The letter said such disposai methods should be establish- ed on a'national basis and be CHU HUN F9: subjected to public debate prior to impiementation. The Agriculti Moffett stated that the minister's letter implies thatSh Eldorado is using current methods which are somewhat Exhibition deficient. Moffett said he finds the JANUARY 31 - FEBRUARY minister's statement aniaz- * Horse Sale ing. Wednesday, February 1 The Hope Township com- 0 Hereford Winter Classic Sai mnittee was formed like the Thurýsday February 2 ... - Invitationa! Holstein Sale Town of Newcastle liaison Thursday, February 2 .... commnitîee in 1982 to consider 0 OSCIA-"Outiook '84" the decomfissioning of waste Janiuary 31, February 1.... 0 Comnputer for Farm Manag disposai sites within the Sessions ............ municivalities. The Town of 0 Counltry & Western Entertaii Newcastle committee has FebrUary 1, 2,3 ......... 0 Ladies Program........ lbcsN FLORIDA MARCH BREAK ORLANDO 10 DAY - DEPART MAR, 9 fEvenîr,ç Departure. Nght Traval INCLUDES:SEAWORLD. WALT DISNEY WORLD INCLUOING EPCOT (2 OAYS). CAPE CANAVERAL * CYPRESS -GARDENS .$580Oemt ORMOND BEACH DAYTONA BEACH) E'enîng Deoarture. Nght Travei) 10 DAY - IDEPART MAR. 9 GO motorvoac! FOR FUiLL COLOUR BROCHURE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT OR CALL TOIL FREE 1-800-461-7615 It'ys Yellow Label No Name For QUAL1TY and VALUE NONAME Ock Large 10 kg -22 lb. bag-- )aIt -. 1 8 >reep your siaewalk clear of ice> NO NAME PIES (Chlicken or Beef) PIES (Apple or Cherry) 1M99, 1113 lb. pkg. 576 g 4 Pies ta pkg. THESE PIES HAVE FLAKY PASTRY AND DELICIQUS FILLINGS ENJOY THE WINTER BIRDS « NO NAME NO NAME 20 b. U F O MIXED SUFLWE RD $549'1"'SEEDS SEED buag OlWl . 4 9 CORNISH'S%* Phone 983-5201 :RRm SHOW lural Equipment )wcase Place Toronto YI2-3 IOAM-6PMDAILY .... ... ... ... il 1 00 a.m aie ...... 12.3Op.m ... . . . . . . . .2 30 pm .-. .. . . .. - 3O pm lement" ....each mornig o> the Show nment .. . . .. . . . .5:3Op.m . ... . . . .. . . . . Daily