East Durham Liberal officers wîith speaker -w eq -Liberals, the party of concern & reform Seani Conwïay, M.P.P. North Renfrew, ini speaking to the annual mieetinig of the East D)u rhal-m L ib er al Associationi stated thiat esse- tial optimnisi was the core of, liberalismn. He said Laurier was a lîberal because hie vas cormmtitted to reformri. Con- way said, "he looked around to the abusýes and developedl nîewý forces and reform toj prov ide a better life for al. " "WAe-must gather togetther Ïin the liberal way for a better wvay of life", statedi Conway. He adimitted the challengecs wvere niem but liberals shoutd fltbe thirown back by these challe-nges. "As Liberals we remnain committed to The East Durham Liberal Commrunity Hall when Sean E lected to office were (left Sient, Louise Wr: Association held their annýtual on aM.P.P. North Ren- to right) Jim Carlyle, secretary and Sean C(c meeting onWeesa of rwws the guest speaker. treasurer, 1Lorna Davies, pre- guesýt speaker. last we-ek uin theHapn ~List begins to grow ini sexy men contest Orono - Experience-d men watchlers have joinied die crusade te flush out every sexy man in the Town of Newcastle. The Newcastle Sexy. Men Contest is being sponsored by the Kidney Foundatin of Canada-Teronto and District Branchi. This branich inludes the Town of Newcastle. The- centest is beýing-oriae by Bewmnanville rsdn Valerie Bowler and former Newcastle residecnt Joan Nobody knows, what con- stitutes sex appecal. Some men have it; somle don't. Those that have "It"- are being iden- tified in Oronio: In fact sexy senior citizen Lloyd Ransberry has been seen strutting his ego in the Main Street of Oreno. While the, co utesti s only seven days old, mnen achr have zeroed in on1 Mr. Sexy Farmer, Harold 'Miac' Ransbery of R. r. 2, Orono. Mac is facîng tough competinron fIrom Mr. Sexy Farmn er, Don Staple.s and Mrl. Sexy ývFarmer-, Bill abln Lswo in th!e race is' Mr. Sexy Working Man, Gord ins Mr. Sexy roessonlDoc- tor F. MýcKenizie and Mi. Sexy Sen-ior itieSid Rutherford. Therec! are more from the eluring Orono. They'tl be identîfied later. Here are the rules of thie contest - -SexycandidaLte.s musLI" Wor k in the Townriof Ne tle devils ,c ani,.cone anywhere ini the wýorld --women can nominate men cani nominate nmej men can nomnate theni --nmînescan re anonymous if' they choo --the nomnination fee is (Contiued paý sexy e fro 2, reuýrmr- he said. Con)Iway is the liberal critic on Community Services and Health and was first elected to the legisiatiure in 1975. He is a resident of the Pembroke area. Conway predicted the next Ontario Provincial election wIouId be held hin March or Apil of 1985 and that Davis wou)tld still the Conservative Part y leader. He also pointed out to his audience that wit'hin four to six ,veeks theeecoa district someimein eptemnber H-e said Durham East coulid be Oronro Horticultural Het Thrsdy, anury Head table gueýss incuded 26th in ma hall of Orono Miayor and Mrsc Garnet United Church with an ex- Rickard, Mr. & MIrs. JamesCî cellent attendance. A Lowery, Mr. Cor. Mset dicospot-luck dinner was Mrs. LornaAknMs thoroughly enjoyed by ail.Acdee McGilland Rev. The tables weýre decorated Wright." wýth) yelio\%and wiemums, Annual reports wregiven, and 1ple onated frm by acting scretary, Lorna GisnsOrchards. Atkns, ho illed in, ithe Thehad table arr ange- absýence of C arol Mostecrt ment "Tinik Sp-rtn1g",ws h is ill. Her many friends loanc ktems Ayour imember ish her a speedyrevry and n1ew ownler 0,oFiTe Ap Thie Shrý ow Commýittee, 1the pIe Bossom Shop" Each Jrs. Report and t he gues received a bag of Beautifîcation Cýommitte goodies, tings jý doaedb epo)rts were ail ecuggn the lo calmrchants. Partner and Adele MlcG-ill gave out P'lumbL-inig & HetigOono thetraue' report. Ouir lUimes, Hamiltonf n-m. 1983 treasurer, \1Mrs suacStut's VJru'g Store, Chistine NancfeveIde and MIarthecs & HUIiinurance, hubby Daue recentlarcevd 01rono Co-op , Orono Bank, the gift of a toel ew ýbajby of Commerce and Orhono girl Congratulaions,! Pos't Office. (Our-gratefuil "A minutfes slnewas thanks. o-bserved in meImorýy f a re- tooingte nging of Cent departed mnember, Ohi Canada wýith Doris Prust Clarence Tinik, Hmtn ai thle Piano, Grace a ivn Ms.reeAyre, Bowmnan- by Rev. Wihtil and thle presi- v,ýile rndered two very dîent, Doreen Lowery, delightfl-n solos, accomn- wduIrnd everyuiieu, especial- pianied on pian-o by Mrs,. Jean ly our guesCts fromn Bowmianl- Billett. Much enjoyed by ail ville and Newcastle societes. (Continued page 2) Anew and local group on the horizon Stedman-type store com4-ing A lease has, be-en signed byv Jin Rombomugh of Potpool for the south portion of the forimer Arm- strong's !C'A store on thein Street of Oronio and now owedJ by the Harveyv Partnlers. Il is expctecd theý Stda-yp tr iIl open on March 28th. Jim obogonsand operates the Countryv JR Store wichî opened re.ently ini Pontypool. The owner hias a wide exe Ienein purc:hasing for this type of store. The newý store will be a wcIcOmneJ addition to the THIRD ANNUJAL KýIDNEY FOUND)ATION DANCE lTe Ransb-erry f'amily are pno i te third aniual Kidney> Foundation dane w ich ibe held in the Newýcastle om niyHall on StraNac 3rdC. MscWill b-e po ided b The Tradesmn, a f'ive- piece country and westeiýrn anid contemporar~ bandu. Fur- heinformation available from, Harold Rnbry EUCHRE PAR TY RESULTS High Lady ',Rita Jonah; Low Lady - Doreen Bairstow; Highi Man - Charles Miller; Low Mai, - race Best; Draws - May Tobb, Hesper Dean. With 14 "'-ý!4 tables. Next card Party JFebruary 8th.