2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 8, 1984 Orono e1Ivct lt's Ail Working Out, Just Great Lt asn't that long ago that those with concern frtedowntown area were wondering what would happen when Armstrong's moved out and a building could further deteriorate to exist as a bliglit in the Village of Orono and especially the downtown area. Its flot about to happen and in fact as to the street scape in Orono there appears that a definite imn- provement is on its way. t has taken the enterprising spirit of the Partners to bring it ail together and this is just what is happening for the downtown area of Orono., A Village or any community is generally judged by the downtown core and it would have been a shamne to see a blight exist for the area and the community as a whole. Not only will the street scape be improved but along and equally as important is the surge in commerce that is to follow this development of renovation. t is a good omen for Orono for which we can thank the enter- prising spirit of the Partners. There is good reason to re-assess. No doubt the biggest topic in the Town of Newcastle over the past month has to be the re- assessment of property at 1980 market value. For those witnessing a sizeable jump in value of their property the' venture by the Town is one of bitter disappointment. On the other hand those witnessing areduction are silent. 1980 market value assessment does determine and distribute the tax load on a more equitable basis rather than using market value of the 1960s or even earlier. The assessment department has current transactions on which they can make their determinations an d beleive it or flot this should be much more accurate than using values datîng back in history. No doubt those disappointed, in their new assessments will strongly debate this statement but sure- ly it must be a fact, It does render down to the ability to pay and is quite simiilar 1th le income tax procedure where one pays taxes related to their ability. Live in a big house should be as fair as the income tax system. If the comiparison between properties is accurate aad the assessment department should be fully aware of the comparison and the history of property and sale the assessed value should be within a few dollars. There is not other way at this time other than col- lecting taxes on the value of property. In reality it should be as fair as the income system. 0f course it is the determination of the value that really cornes up- for debate. There will always be defi- ciencies in the system as there has.been recently in at- ternpting to put a satelite in proper orbit. This deficien- cy has existed over years and prior to the last re- assessmnent to the 1975 market value was more out of whack than it is today. We îhink it would be safe to say that assessed values for properties in the Town of Newcastle is more accurate as to their comparisons than it is in the City of Oshawa and Whitby where to-day they continue to base mnarket value assessment on the basis of the mid 1940s. Council bas a political tiger by the tail at the pre- sent timne but they have to be seen to be fair ail across the board and values baed on 1980 rather than 1975 has to be more equitable to the masses. From Arouind the Region Bowmanville man picked for playgirl centrefold Jim' Stacharus, 26, and formerly of Bowmanville.was picked out of 600 contestants recently 10 appearin the cen- trefold of Playgirl magazine. Jim a truck driver now dreams of the lime he will be rich and famous and, a world- renowned model.' Fitness and health is a natural for Jim witb smoking and drinking definitely out. "l'm like a lone wolf" he has said, "wbo as the odd sur- prise inside." Within $40,000 of $350,000 target The expansiop fun," from public donations of tbe Dr. Ruddy Generai Hospital in Whitby is withîn $40,000 of ils $350,000 objective. Individuals in donations of $20.00 10 $200.00 have represented forty percent of the $3 10,000 now in the fund. The money along wilh a contribution from the Ministry of Health, $200,000 is being used for renovations at the bospital. Worker injured STom Robins, 59, of R.R. 3 Roseneath received second degree burns on bolh legs' afler walking into a vat of boiling water aI the DarI- inglon Nuclear Generating site last Tuesday. -He was treated aI Memorial Hospital and released. Akgrouli for ,REAL Women A new national women's group bas been formed 10 ex- toi the traditional values of home and family and plan to lobby against government- funded woinen's organiza- tions who assume they have a monopoly to speak on behaîf of ail women. The new group said they will fight back on every single issue and statement the radical feminists make with which they do not agree. Want to enxtend H&S program The Durham Region Home and School Association wants to extend their pro- gram into secondary schools. The regionat council started a program - last year 10 get membership among parents of high school students. Parent involvement is high in the early years of a chld's education but dwindles in lat- ter years. The Home and School associations operate as separate identities with their own programs as they see fit. Two more buildings with historie tities The Town has approved a request from the Local Ar- chitectural Conservation Ad- visory Committee for the historical designation of two buildings in the Town of Newcastle. The Clarke Public Library building in Orono built in 1882 by John Martin for John Waddell as a residence at a cost of $450.00 is one 50 designated recently. The other designation is the Walthan Cottage on Divi- sion Street in Bowmanville built in 1856 by James McFeeters. Claim youth abusing welfare Counc. Diane Hamre, chairman of the Region's social service committee has asked for an investigation in- to juvenile abuse of the welfare system. She has been supported by Regional chair- man Gary Herrema who bas been reported to have said he will supply a tisi of names known to him which he said should be checked. Doug Johns, commissioner dlaims his staff is checking and if there is abuse outside the regulations of the social services rules they are by âcci- dent. Hamre had claimed that staff were not checking appli- cant's families to see if welfare paymenîs were war- ranted. Spilis make cleanup pointless Dr. Donald Cameron of' Atomic Energy Canada Ltd. has bold the Por t Hope en- vironmentai advisory com- mittee that it is pointless to cleanup the Port Harbour as long as accidentat leaks-per- sist at Eldorado Resources Ltd. "The fact that Eldorado uses it for an intake and surcharge point makes it pointless", he said. On Ntovember 4th 390 kg of uraium spîlled into the harbour from the Eldorado plant. Supports battered 'Aroind lit Can be baffling cold?" slated Klaas. A recent letter to the editor "Lt may be colder in the in the Oshawa limes referring Ganaraska but il will be pro- to the reporting of weather tected from the wind at conditions in Celsius brought least", 1 replied, "aind 1 in- a chuekie or two as well as br- tend to give il a try". inging to mind some of my As usual Klaas is, always own problems or at least ready and it was on our way some of the problems of my 10 pick up Bill Bunting who is friends. equally punctual. The letter in the Oshawa On climbing into'the car Times condemned the use of Bill remarked, "It's thirteen minus Celsius stating il had below". the tendency to give us a "That means nothing to "9negative" complex ail me Bill are you talking through the winter months. Fahrenheit or Celsius." Real- The writer is sure the ly 1 had no0 idea what this "minus" Celsius preface has thirteen below was ail about a subliminal determental ef- and informed him that if il fect on our productivity even was the degree of cold he was though he tries to be a talking about it would have "positive" thinker. t is 10 be in Celsius to have any demnoralizing, he states. meaning. î personally have no trou- -I don't have my bIe with the Celsius measure calculator or tables with me for temrperature but 1 do have to give the corresjponding a friend that is still fighting weather condition in Celsius, the cha nge over from hie said, and thirteen below is Fahrenheit. a Fahrenheit reading". The story goes something Forîunately I had Klaas's like this. Celsius reading to go by. Ilt was a couple of weeks t was a vary simple com- ago that 1 had decided to start ment by Donna that got me the Sunday morning ski straightened out in, Celsius outing a ittie early and phoned and it happened a couple of Klaas Schoenmaker that 1 winters back. would be leaving a haîf hour Donna had said she could earlier. enjoy skiing in temperatures "You know its minus 22 in from zero to minus ten and Toronto, will it flot be to this has provided me with the port.ed financially Project Auberge, a group who are setting up a 15-bed shelter for battered wives and children. The province subsidizes the- grant of $68,422 to the point that' the Region pics up $13,600 of the total cost. The group expect to have the shelter open by mid May. Lt has been estimnated that ten percent of married women are victims of violence in the home. Surplus could drop water rates Durham Region water and sewer users may get a reduc- tion in rates this year due b a administrative surplus fromn 1983 in an amount of $ 160,000. Counc. Cowman wants the money used for a computer debt of $46,636 that would be charged to ratepayers. Although some agree others say it would be bad bookkeeping 10 follow such a course. The finance committee will corne up with a decision on water and sewer rates on February 16th. The estîmated surplus from the 1983 alloca- tion of $27 million is $2.2 million. Vote to keep tax increase to 3 percent Regionai council has voted to restrict their 1984 tax in- crease bo 3 percent. Counc. Hîamre said this move may be only to make council look good and notes that at this point they do not know what grants are available fromn the province nor do they have finai figures from their operation in 1983. Hamre points out that social services is 110W running wit h a 2.7 percent increase but warned that the Board of Heaith budget could grow for the year. The Durham Regional Healîli Services committee has cut its 1984 budget from a 13.7 t0 8.5 percent increase. Here again Counce. Hamare warned that the Unit should be upgrading some of the ser- vices this year that the Pro- vincial government is cailing for in the new Health Promo- tion and Protection Act that cornes mbt force Ibis sum- mer. These new measures have to be faced sometime in the near future, she pointed out. (Continued page 5) key to understanding celsius readings as to the t emperature. If Donna can enjoy the winter outdoors from zero to minus ten I can enjoy it t minus fifleen with no i'- ficulties, up to minus twenty with few problems other than' adding sock covers over our ski boots and survive up bo minus twenty-five through the use of an extra sweater and scarf. From minus twenty-five to minus thirty we add a hot shot pad in the right boot to keep the right foot toes warm which incidently shudder first with the cold. After minus thirîy it just too damn cold 10, go out and even I now enough to stay home. About the summer temperature I recall visiting Nancy and Jim in Edmonton when the temperature was twenty-nine and it was rather warm baut it is a point that I recaîl when hearinig the sum- mer temperatures. With these two incidents I find no0 difficulty relating to the Celsius meas urements. So in the future give it to me in Celsius, I know nothing else. St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURON Orono, Ontario Regular Sundhy Worshlp Srie-9:45 &.m. Rev. Allan Haldonby B.A.L Th. United Church Ae Qrono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. Wayne Wright SUNDAY, Feh. 12, 1984 Orono United Church Church School 1fid15a.m. Morning.Worship 11:-15 a.m. irby. United Church Church School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. I MAIN St. ORONOOtIT. -, .983-5009 MAIN St ORONO. ONT. ý a .983-SO09