2-Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday. I'ebruary 15, 1984 Se unid Cta-Ma egiii rat iln NumberOO3lm Ma nIlletOropo H- C(1. rrester. Edmitor IN THE FUTURE A tw,ýo-page report froîn Roni Dupuis, Director of Public WVorks, Towni of Newcatle, at a recent general purpose commrittiee meeting concerning source waste separation bhas no douibt been oversbadowed by the re- assebssment conitroversy, now takinig most of the ink in the prinited wvord. Altbouigh thlat may bie the case today source waste separation mia\ywel1be a fact of tbe future whlen ail tboughit of market value.1980 assessrnent is forgot- ten. The report on source separation gave little dletail but it did informi counicil mnembers that municipalities in the Reg-ion of Duirhami, other than Newcast le, are giving- source wýaste separation thiotught and that in f'aci, joinlt meetings are heing, held wbicb ai least incluide the Reg-ion of' Durbham, Osbawa\NL, Whitby and Newcastle. it is quite ovosthiat change miust corne in waste disposai wýith special empbasis in the reduction of' pollution fromn sanitary landfill operations. Costs are also a big- consideration wbicb is affecting centres in Durham Region as well as ail centres of tbe country. Conservation and the re-uise of wbat is now throw-away mnaterial l play a big part in tbe handling of waste in thle futureC. It mnust be understood thiat cost benefits can only arise tb-roughl assistance of tbie homneo\Wner or blomiemaker b-\ being willinge to paiticipate ini bouise separation of bhousebold wýaste. It appears thaithtis bias to be tbie key in any plan ol re01 lin. itbout assistance from tbe lboineniaker any plan becomnes ex\o- bitantfly costly. Finiancial assistance is available from thle Mýinlistry of the Eni'irnmient and numerous centres are uising sucb start-uip funds for collecting waste for re- cyln.A pattern is beinninig to appear provincially wbicb miay also corne to igbft in Durbharn in tbe next few 111ontbs. There muI b;I e caneInI wastelmana!gemenit and it shIould corne in, the not-to -distant future. Tbe Town of Newcastle just mnay be part oftbat change. Let's îlot end up being suffocated by Our- own garbage. SALVATION ARIMY RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE Giant Rummiage and Bake Sale at Salvation Ar- my, 35 Division Street, Bowmanville. Sale begins Marcb 2nd, 1984 fror 9:-00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Items needed please caîl Ali at 623-3205. EUCHRE-PARTY RESULTS Resuits from Euicbre Party February tb. There were 16111 tables. lst - Marg Winter, 81 points; 2nd Hilda Dean, 80 points; 3rd - Doreen Lowery, 80 points; 4tb Robin Alldred - 80 points; tb - Roy Winter - 79 points. Low - Stella Carson. Draws - Ellen Yeo and Bonnie Rabim. Next Euchre Party February 22, 1984 at 8:00 P.m1. EMBARK ON CONCERT SERIES THIS FRIDAY The Newcastle and District Concert Series opens tin the Newcastle Comînnity Hall ibis Sunday evening, witb tbe Climax Jazz Band hitting the first chord at 7:30 p.mn. The Newcastle and District organization bas ar- ranged a series of four concerts witb tbe firsýttiis Fn- day. This is to be followed on Marcb 25th witb En- tracte, a guitar and flute duio, on May 6tb witb Marc Widner, pianist and on May 13tb witb the appearance of the Horseless Carniagemen (Oshawa Barbersbhop Chorus and Quartets). The series of concerts bave been arranged Io stirnulate an interest in good music wiîh the total admis- sion price being only $20.00 Plan to attend Ibis wvorîhwhile effort in the'Towýn of Newcastle and arranged tbrougb a local group ofiii- ter-esîed cuitiiens in good nmsc for tIlle comnmunity. Tikesfot tue tour isiL,,are available aithtîe Orono rimes , i11ffîc. Ra tepa yers ouJeL ro reasse;ment t lie couiicil vote onit tii ta Lei1 in ourpsne Counc. Hamre oloiî the presentation stated (ihai the decision to a,4 for re- assessmneit had been miade in an open and public meeting of' council and thati figures bad been published by' the press. The audience broke oui in- to 'boos' when Counc. Hub- bard asked Mrs. Kaaz how many council meetings she had aîîended to which Nirs. Kaaz admiîîed she had not at- tended any. Conu. Hubbard clarified ber question by say- ing she meant that perhaps tl was lime ilhat members of îhç public did attend the' meetings to sec how they were represented. Mrs. Kaaz said she agreed with the point made. Ma yor Rickard went to great lengîhs 10 explain the assessmenî procedure saying counicit had ail the informa- tion from the provincial report before îbem when the decisionwas made to cal for re-assessment. He noted the change in assessment downward for 5920 raeaesin the Tow\n that apparently lhad been pjaying to00 much or an iunijusi amnounit under the revious ass.,essment. the Mayor said there hiad atasbeen inequities n assessmienî but that couincil haýd to provide as fair a syîe s[possible. He said there was posýsibly errors in the present set of assmn figures which are to comle in- Io effeci on February ISîh wiîh the presentation of the new rollto1 the Town. The Mayor said he would support whaî was equitable and jusi. Mayor Rickard then in- formed the meting that he had arranged a puibtic meeting 10 be held on Mon- day, February 201h ai 7:30 ta bc held in Court Rooone of the Police and Fire Build- ing in Bowmanile. He said arrangements have also been made to have present representatives from the assessmenî depart ment. Coune. Cowman asked if the assessmenî represen- tatives would be there to make adjusîmenîs. Mayor Rickard said the purpose of the meeting was 10 unders- tand the problem. Counte. Hobbs asked if the public meeting would also bc a council meeting. Mayor Rickard said a council meeting could be calle d afier the public meeting. One ratepayer in the au- dience called for counicil to support the delegation prior to the public meeting being as proposed by Mlayor Rickard. She said there %was nopuos to the public meeting ilffihe ratepayers did not ha\e (tie support of council. "Wu will not attend the meeting unless we have couîîcii support,-" she said. Mrs. Rtger, a ineinher of' the Association, said îhey wanîied coincilt t iecouisider iisý matter ioday. Coiiiîc. Cowiatt itîcî preseied a mtot ionî catliiîe f or couiîcil iti ruccsîsider it be i ~ ~ ~ ~ o 11i( pim nttit1tttc I98() wil utbae1984 1 e. ite 1. Ontario Heart Fo unda tion (Conîînuied f'romi page 1) Graîîîs-in-aid ltinance research projecis, and nîo part ot' any grant is usýed as remuîîeraîion toi the piri- cipal iîeiiaos Felowships support gifîecd young scient iýss wo are justi beginning a career ini heari research. The object iveoreearcliis the discov ery of nIIe w knowledge to imiprove thel diagnosîs and ircaîmnlt oif heari disease and, eveii more impoirtant1for utregenera- t ions, to make 1flth \e eerion of' heari and blood.vse diseuse a reality. Mayor catled thiree times f'or a seconder which wýas not fort h-coming. Counc. Hobbs ihen called for a Notice of Motion using the samne wording as, Counc. Cowman hiad used ini ber ai- teipitIo fhave thise con- seconded the Notice of' Mo- lion whichi will tîow appeaI oit a future agenîda of couîtcil (possýibly thlis Coiîtg LMon- day evening). A Notiuce of Miooi does utot require a oie In order t liai Ille mot ioii be placcd oni thle gedaof a sîtbseqLtiît mneeting of cîuîîcil. Tlhe isu i itl hbas tot b coisidered bx euitciml sIe tlie Notice uit Moli oit i prceI1I tcd. Kendal News Altbougb t iiuîîiiii t atl Is ta ' al ce ogrv? Th1( t ut url te !is, brigtsIi t l i1 So trut1 n i(10od's cUýIeýUcr, And wlheiilcnLtte asercats We'll know a Cifaire ol's beyond, Altthough theflc uiain alîs. To each and eeyoeof the friends of imy husband wbo have sown meSO muc kindiness ai tiis tinie, 1I wistt 10 say 'thank you". Triyi "My cup runneth ovll er" because of youindnss On Sund]Lay, February Sth1, wbeIcwen to cliurc ac Lcompaniiiied byi,, m\brother and biisw\ife front Vanýouve, three H1ellebtbIoys gui\ c twO numbersi ýin(la r 1 lnd', mnemoryv, theirst ýiain in strumiental, th conda vocal trio. We ail w\e touchi- ed by the behautliiul imuic. The KeniulWomlen's tin- Stitute met at thhýlome ýof [tie preidlent, Mrs i. Bar b Holland, oitFbur th eightb, a bet:auitil wne' day, wiîb nine la diesprset Mrs. Holland opened ithe meeting witb the cOde and ithe Mary- Stewartcotlct1 he sýCereary-\, MNirs. J anieut Dykeman, read ithe minutes anid Mr,. Dcl (josson gaveLire treasýUuer epot. wa decided eto (ýlý o w we- diîîgs. One ithe end 0of June, the other the l4îb of1JIyI. There 'sas hO topic. It haid (uIt l p111t I aIied i Il s'Iu I 'u2t li t' plc tllt bad s ta.i a baU col d con.Silevra Ings Lwere dîscuIssed incIludiJmIlte 1LýInn Sale, Nptil 28r1i. Lunch wi vas piovided by Mrsli. B. Holland anid\Mrs. Barb11)Cathlcarti. Nexîmeting ýtis tthehome ot rs. 1D. 1Tur1ansIkyon Mlarch I4iîh. 1 told you thlat one of Ithe books I 1hoped to read \\as "The 1Tiin-L'incd Trunik" by MvairY Hamiltrun andputh cd by\ Kids Can Pres1, oron- tIo. Old Brigs,rant a roomiing hoseiitLodo. ike theý Brgssat ithcre, as she did C\very aftcrnIooni, a larg-e shapl)Uess mass of sal" Shte puIftIed nisiy'o1ahor dIay pipe, ctampe beîwee ber tootbtssgus.Steîh ed acroIssI ber tIap was a apron wbere IL'Po)IýIlnd Itle (IolthehmLHIls \bo ld & t(ilerior mtches put thir earrt11i inL". 1The 'otd 1woma 1 patîed fber aprongrdiy "WeIt Pollme girl hase -Nolody byS mtcesM Old Briggs spat, "IFolks thlat slctps bere bas topay ramn or lo raiw Out îith ou belore I forget m prmisle y'our poor dICad lmother to look afltryouI.- -You didnl't evert knowle Mumii!" Poilly houied. File shls s1,hif1îed and Biggs' cne îruck out. But Polkly moved îloo quickly for file otdýMd wa ad \was out of Ililebuebef'orcIe emoul strike agaîn. ou' II descr ibed. Plolly wenlt upstair io a gas flt oom lcr-owýded w\itI liron bed. Me, wmnanld children fu1111*yvcdressed 1tayý snioring and cuhn on the I(rw mîtesss.Polly crawl- cd linto a bedL beside two young Lgirls w\lonwere already asleep. Hler [troat hurt and she couldnt'î sîop coughing and shliveinig. Site lay in the noisy darknes listening to the rats and dreading the hungry b\1cd bugs that[11Wcrepi from ihle malîresses. Nexi nigh she sleýpf inthle open market under adiy tarpaulin.[Tie train seeped uandier the cover and wet ber United Church Orono Pastoral Charge Minîster Rev. Wayn e Wright SUNDAY, FER. 19, 1984 Orono United Church Cburcb Scbool I1: 15 a. m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. Kirby United Church Church School 9:45 a.in. Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. .... . ... . . là Shaef fer Pens "Les Pastels" (Pens on a cord) -$3,49 ea.- New ... 2 Color B ail Point (Red and Blue) $13.95 ea. MAIN St, ORONO. ONT. -.983 5009 I s]ccp1,11) notîg t h1 Icîolot S ~ îîcuîd modcî rcdnin bcsîdc ljac k. -icicgl sgvr Barnao lond tem. Sdoon thev eîe rovied wtheia OIluîoaymorninog, înild. We u missed the ysan hald 0on11on i uicndt tir teacher Mr. D n ed t0o t nnsllen Coî unea activîie, rguring to atheir hed u rglr(serice and tf'hi smlhlclassesased SundayaSeool.s pa1i1dHis ror ee who gave ustw19trumpe