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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Mar 1984, p. 5

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Stutt's Bantams (Continued from page 4) until the final huzzer givýing Jeff Martin a vwel deserved slsut-out. Anybody wnh< had wýatched Orono's first too gaines must have had quite a slîock as itlIooked ike 13 dlif- ferent players for the final gaine as they neer let thie powNerful Belleville club1 get skating or shooting the mwhole gaine, cOntinually forecheck- ing and hitting for three periods comnpletely frustrating the opposiion. Seoring for Orono wvere: Brian Hili (2), Kevin Hartwig (2), and Scott McCutillough wvith assisîs going Io Stuart lir- wýin (2), Kevin Mmfrd, Brad Roberts, Scott Mc- Cullough and Shaun Bailey. Super effort guys con- gratulations. The Stults O.M.H.A. Ban- tamns vould like fo con- gratulate the Frankford Min<>r Hockey for an ex- cellent run tournament and go thiank Althe parents who helped oui willh rides due Io the short notice - Thank You. On February 22 Orono piayed thecir last playoff gai-e a-gainsf Omiemee. The Omnemee 10-5 win knocked the Orono L.O.O.F. out of the playoffs. Orono's five goals were scored by Rob Wagenaar and Steven Hardy wvith one each and a bat trick by Laurens Kaldenway. Assists went to Larens Kaldeway wib wo, Rob Nixon and Darrin Mercer. On Frîday February 24 Orono hosted Bowmaniville for an exhibition gamne. Bowmnanville won with a score of 7-4. Trevor- Bogdanow got the first goal for Orono assisted by Lauirens Kaldeway. Other Orono goals were scored by Craig HAyland fromn Steven Hardy and Jason Bu- nhaman. Lauirens Kaldeway unassisted and T. R. Pollitt f-rm Rob Wag-enaar. On February 29 Orono played an exhibition gamne in Newcastle. Orono w'on the gamre 3-0. Scoring for Or-onoç were T. R. Pollitt froml Steven Hardy. LaurenCi Lawrence reports from Ottawa HON. ALLAN LAWRENCE, M.P. (Durh amn-Northuminberlanid) Now that 1984 is finally wîf b us, it's probably just as well for bis sake that the late British auithor George Orwel w,ýasn't around to witness its ar-rival. A man of considerabie sen- sitivity, Orwell no doubt would havýe been embarrassed to the point of despair at al the byped comment about his book of the saine namne: '1 984'. Anyone who bas read Orwýel's novel knows its description of tbe worid in 1984 bear little real resemblance to life today -- at least for tbiose of us fortunrate to iive in the western demiocracies. H-owever, ail the over- blown attention to tbe comn- ing of 1984 bias at least prov- ed valuable in mnaking us take a close look at our society, ai the state of our individual freedom and, mnost impro- tant, at tbe reality of big governiment and bow it af- fects us personally. That, 'im sure, would please George Orwell. There's a misconrception that Orwell wrote '1984' as a sort of science fiction view of the future. In fact, he was warning of the dangers in- herent in the Communist systemn, based on bis own first-hand experiences during the Spanisb ivil ,var in the 1930's. Hîs book contributed somne scary niew phrases to our vocabulary -- such as 'Big Brother', the omnipotent and ali-seeing- head of state, and 'New,,speak', in whicb- words mnean that exact opposite of what thiey seemn to say. The w.ýorld bas changed imi- miensely in the 36 years; since Orwýell wrote bis, nov)el, in wvays whicb no one could hiave foreseen. Onie example: Orwell at the time wvas dyinig from tuberculosis, a major killer then] wbIichb las ir.tuaýlly disappeared 1thaniks toi)he discovery vof dnew rdru i retmnitri1. Yet Orwell's warings bear rememnbering, not only in this year 1984 but ajways. Wbile we nmay not bave ac- quired 'Big Brother', we do bave to live witb big govern- ment, whichi can, pose its own thireats to our individual liberties and our collective freedomn. We have seen any number of' examples of that in recent weeks, most notabley at Revenue Canada - Taxation wbere there bas been evidence of widespread disrespect for not only the public but perbaps even for the laws of our !and. Witini the newv Canadian Constiftution we ensbirined a Chiarter of Rigbits and Freedoms whicb, among- other things, guarantees Canadians: protection from uinreasonable searcbi and seizure; the presuimption of innocence uintil one is proved guilty; and protection against incriminating ourselves legal- Iy. A special task force of my collegues rig-ht now is in- vestigating whetber somne or ail of those Charter provi- ions are being contravenied by Revenue Canada's actions in: arbitrarily seizing personal back accounits; requiring Canadians to prove their in- nocence of alleged fax ir- regularities; and by requiring citizens fo produce informa- tion whicli may incriminate them. That may not be 'Big Br-othie', but if is somethling about whiich we sbould be ge- mnnely angry! Was it tiche and of 'Big Brotheri' itat directed of- ficials nin the Prime Minister's Offlice to inivestigate,, af public expense, private details of the personal life of thie Leader, of the Opposi- tion? Tbat's a question we sioid keep asking. W as ift proper for Unemipioyment Insurance of- ficiîais, as ouir neighbour, Bill Dommn, M.P., revealed, to cir-clate a list of the namecs, adrseand even thie Social 1nsurance Numibers of jo sein oung1 peopile of Kaldeway from Craig Hyland and Brent Osmond unassisted. Orono hosted Newcastle for a rematcb on March 2. This tîme it was a different story. Newcastle won the game,6-3. Scori ng for Orono were Steven Hardy with two, Mike Goodmurphy and Lauren Kaldeway. Assists went to Jason Burnbam with tbree. Good luck in the tourna- ment Saturday, boys. by Lori Wagenaar Durham east , Agri-News by: John Finlay Agricultural Representative DURHAM EAST SOIL & CROP IMPROVEMENT SPONSORS SEED FA IR A Seed Fair and Feed Show will be held March 27th beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the Latcham Hall, Port Perry. The show is sponsored jointly by Durham East and Durham West Crop Improvement Associations. Exhibits should be in place by 10:30 a.m. Judges are Fugene,.Lemon, Stouffvile and Ernie Swain, Blackstock. Seed classes include Red Clover-,-Winter Wheat, Rye, Oats, 2 Rowed and 6 Rowed Barley, Soybeans and Potatoes. Feed grains include Far Corn, Dry Shelled Corn and Sbelled Wbole High Moisture Corn. Forage classes include Corn Silage, Haylage, First Cut Grass Hay, First Cut Alfalfa, First Cut Legume - other than Alfalfa, First Cut Mixed Hay, Second Cut Legume and Second Cut Grass. Ration classes are open for beef steers or heifers, dairy and market bogs. A Junior Section is includ- ed for rural youth under 21 years, of age as of the date of the Seed Fair. In the afternoon, beginn- ing at 1:30 p.m., a panel of four farmers - Don Welsh, Bowmanville; Gerald Brown, Newcastle; Grant Mustard, Uxbridge and Doug Rennie of Sunderland will discuss the hay and baylage pro- high schools in the Peter- borough area? Snrely, whatever their motives, those officiais miust be reminded forcefuilly t isucb anl unethical andunrcdtd invasion of personal pr-ivacy will nof be tolerated in Canada, eveni if this is 1984. We must be gratefuil t George Orwell for remninding us in bis writings to be on guard against sucb inherent dan.gers. And though 1984 Orono Weekly Timnes, Wednesday, March 7, 1984 - 5 Election day for sexy men, March 9 I.O.O.F. PeeWees bumped from playdowns by Omemee gramns on their individual farmns. Dr. Buchanan-Smnith fromn the Animal Science Departmnent, University of' Guelph will speak on Ad- ditives and Preservatives for Hay and Haylage Storage. AIl interesfetd farmiers are welcome to attend. bas arrived, we can be eqlually grafeful that we still bav\e the necessary demnocratic pro- Cesses f0 prof ect usý. Another greaf democrat, Thomas ,Jeffersýon, once stated: "Eternai vigilance is the price of lib)ety.W' probably phrase thati dif- ferentiy today -- soincfhing like: government may be good for you, btlyoni'vc always got to keep an -eye on mlondson, Senior Citi.,cn; MIr. John Gorman, Orono Fairmer; Mr. Brad Reid, Newýcastle Service Club; Mr. Harold (Haýrry) Mark, Biness(- Man; Mr. Howard (Zip) Daveyv, Fire Prevention Officer. The categoriesý in thie con- test are: Mr. Sexy Profes- sionial, NIr. Sexyv BuIsinlessman11, Mi. Sexy Workingmnan, Mr. Sexy Farmner, Mr, Sexy C itizenl, Mr. Sexy Service Club or Association, Mr. Sexy Senior, Mr. Sexy Salesman and Mr. Sexy Stud-ent. The winners wîi be an- notincedi in t he Orono limies on] Wednesdý(ay, March l4tb. Thle penny-a-vote cruisade is in aid of the Kidney, Foun- dation ôf Canada. The con- test is beinig co-ordinated by Bowmanvýilýille recsident Valerie Bowýler and f'or mer Newcasýtle resýident Joan Ransberry. For more information caîl Valerie Bowlerci at 623-1158 or- Norma Ransberry at 983-9597. The ,inners \wýil11 be honoured Lat the Kidney Foun- dation Sexy Men Danice at the Lions Centre, Beach Street,ý Bowmnanville on Saturday, March 31st from 8 p.m1. to 1 a.m1. Muic ill be provided by Ross Jackmian - 'Disc Jockey. Tickets are $20 a couple. The ticket includes a buffet. Tickets will be available at the door. For more information call Valerie Bowler at 623-1158. ORONO: The Sexiest men in the Town of Newcastle w\ili be identified this week. Friday, March 9th is ElI-ec- tion Day, Poils will be open from nooni until 5 p.m. Sexy men contest polling stations will be located at the Bowm'nanv\ille Mail in front of Shopper's Dr-ug Mart, fthe New\castle Village ibrary on King Street and Hamilton's Insurance, Main Street, Orono. Camipaign iworkers can br- ing their votes info any one of' the above locations. There are over 200 can- didates bididing for 10 posi- tions. However, we do have a few sexy Johfinyý-Cotie- Latelies. They are OPP of- ficer Gerald Gibson, Civil Servant; Russ Clarke; Durham Regional Police Force, Civil Servant; Mr-, Howie Edmondson, Civil Servant; Mr. Steven Hayes, Student; Mr. Ron Mutton, Working Man; Mr. Slim Ed- Na ture walks at Lynde Shore area On Saturday, Mlarcb 10, 1984, the Central Lake Oni- tario Conservation Autbority will bold a guided nature walk at Lyndle Shores Con- servation Area. An Authority staff member wîill lead the walk, pointing out itemns of interest, including birds and, wildlife signs. There should be many early signs of spring apparent i n the woods. People wvishing to attend sbouild m-eet at the conserva- tion area parking lot at 1:00 p.m. To reach the area, go 2½ 2kilomnetres west on Vic- toria Street (Baseline Road) from Brock Street in Whitby. The parking lot is on the south side of the road. 'Tle walk will last approximnately two hours. For fuirth)er informnation, contact Steve LaForesti at thie Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authiorityl, (416) 579-0411. 0 a -. * àg àe PBLIC NOTIC Applications for use of Bail Diamonds and Soc- cer Pitches for 1984 are now being received at the Community Services office in Bowmanvill-e. Individuals or organizations should apply in writing stating park requested; type of league or team adultlyouth) and dates preferred. <Please make note of starting and finishing dates). Send request to: Department of Community Services 40 Temperance Street 4Bowmrranvllle, Ontario ATTENTION: Mr. G.A. Kennett Date of Publication: March 7th and 14th/84 Purchase Order No.: A0260 MARCH BREAK BONANZA (March 12-17, 1984), Not going anywhere for the holidays? Don't be sad -- join in the fun right hereby participating in these exciting events! MONDAY - Maple Syrup Demonstration plus Toboganning & Skating bus leaves Fitness Cen- tre at 10:30 a.m.) TUESDAY - Mystery Movies & Swimming (Fitness Centre) WEDNESDAY - Costume Skating Party (Bowman- ville Arena) Pool Games-(lritness Centre) THURSDAY - Movie Mania (Ftness Centre) FRIDAY - Magic Show <Bowmanville High School) SATURDAY - More Pool Games <Fitness Centre) For only $12.00 you can sign up for the whole package at Community Services, '152 Church Street, Bowmanville from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. <March 5 - March 9, 1984). You can also loin in single events by dropping in to the event and pay- as-you-play. Parents are welcome too! Brochures with specific times and individual event prices are available at area schools, the Fitness Centre and Commnunity Services or cali the Fitness Centre at 623-3392. Date of Publications: FebrUary 29 & March 7.,1984 Purchase Orddr No.: A 0267 "Omo 0 l WON il loi i

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