Comm unity Service Order Boarctpresentation Tbursday, durlng the noon prograni in providing coin- with the Oshawa Probation mnunity Service, prograni. The hour, and following a lun- munity work opportunities to Office. certificate is presented by cheon at the Darlington those ordered by the courts to Above, Ted White, Chair- Mrs. Pat Rundle, co- Marina, the Newcastle Comn- undertake such work. The man of the Bowmanville ordinator for the board and munity Service Board paid Board has operated in the Kinsmen Squirt Hockey John Peters, B3oard Chair- tribute. to those who assisted municipality for the past 18 Club, received a certificate man. with the Community Services months in direct relationship for their part in the Comn- Orono A thletic and A rena participate r. Dae Htonà Mr. Dave Hinton, goe of rhododendrons and azaleas on a num ber of acres at his hiome on the Taunton Road, north and east from Orono, was the guest speaker at the Orono Horticulture meeting on Thursday evening of last week. Mr. Hinton told his au- dience that rhododendrons are native to mountains and foothilis with over 900 varieties from small shrubs to large bushes and even larger tropical trees. Rhododen- drons flower from one to two weeks but must have protec- tion from the sun, have suitable soil composition and be protected from the wind. The guest speaker does grow a great number of rhododendrons on his own property and states hie does not have to specialize in any form of winter protection. Last year the membership of the Orono Horticultural Society visited his rhododen- dron gardens which is rnost impressive. Rhododendrons bloom in the spring. Mr. Hinton on Thursday last made great use of col- oured slides for his presenta- ,tion. Wednesday, MaTch-21, 1984-17 Broadbent predlcUing A ugust elect'ion Looking in his crystal ball, Ed. Broadbent, keader of the NDP, is predicting an August federal election and he picks John Turner leading the liberal -troops into battle. Broadbent also makes comment that the Tories would leave the poor out in the cold if they corne to power. To consider Bo wman ville park plan The Town of Newcastle has called for a staff report on a proposai fromn the Bowmanville JCs which would establish a playground and recreation park on the south side of Hig.hway 2 in thïe east end of Bowmanville across from the Bowmanville Zoo. The JCs state the park would, be at no cost to the Town. 1ear Taylor, nmaager of- Orono Arena received a cer- tation was made by John vice Board whi the Orono Arena, on behaif tificate for their assistance in Peters, chairman' of the existance for of the Orono Amateur the Community Service Newcastle Community Ser- teen months. Athletic Association and the Order program. The presen- I awake early, (that is early for me) about 6:30 a.m., but recently 1 was awakened by a s trange sound - the birds were singing, (actually it was a heck of a row in my opinion) but nonetheless it signalled the fact that spring was in the air -- that wonderful ex- uberant feeling of freedom, joy, and yes, relief -- the long cold nights, the scraping of windshields in the half light of morning, the interminable digging of snow to clear driveways, was almost over. The birds -are singing again and I feel like joining them. I have suddenly realiz- ed that the hedges, that 1 haven't seen for almost four months, are coming into view again, the Christmas floodlights on my neighbours lawn are visible once more (was Christmas that long ago?), the unknown cat that used to chase the birds around my feeder is back on the prowl (must do something about that), Old Bill next door has stopped wearing his woollen hat -- a sure sign of spring-.and_ even young Jackie who delivers my paper every morning (and she's neyer missed a day) can now walk up the driveway instead of ploughing through snodWdrifts up to her knees, she deserves a medal. It is even reasonably safe to collect my mail from the Post Office without risking life and limb. .....the rumble of the snow plough is becomîng less frequent and their con- tinuous beep, beep, beep, less obvious ... thank heavens. 1 can now take my daily walks without my contact lens freezing to miy eyeballs and without mny nether regions doing ikewise. (I can't stand longjohns). ich has been in the past eigh- AIl in al] it signifies happier times ahead. .... grass to cut, eavestroughs to be painted, gardens to be dug and planted, cars to be washed and probably visitors to entertain from overseas,- (how come they neyer come in winter when they could see Orono at its best?) Ah welI, it's being se miserable that keeps me hap- Tanoa P.S. I've just looked out of the window and it's snowing day I'm maybe going to Iearn to keep rny big mouth shut...meanwhile, "ýgas up the snow blower once more." DR. B., KOSTIU K <Dental Surgeon) Wishes to announce he has assumned the practice of DR. P.1. MAARTENSE (Dental Surgeon) Past records and histories remnain Office Hours Box 187 by appointment Cobbledick St. Phone 983-5825Or n , nt LOB 1 Mo REG ISTRATION Summner Sports'Programmie.1984 MON. APRIL 2nd and WED., APRIL 4th 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Late registration will be at the discretion of ail the con- venors and the Orono Amateur Athletic Association. Soccer, Girls Softball, Basebail and T-Ball SOCCER: Tyke 6 yrs., Squirt 7 and 8 yrs., Atom 9 and 10 yrs.; Mosquito Il and 12 yrs.; Pee Wee 13 and 14 yrs.; Bantam 15 and 16 yrs. BASEBALL: Tyke il yrs. and under; Pee Wee 12 and 13 yrs.; Bantam EOBA 14 and 15,yrs. Registra- tion fee payable after teamn players have been selected. T-BALL: Boys and Girls 8 yrs and under; no charge., GIRLS SOFTBALL: Squirt, 6-7-8 yrs., Novice 9-10-11 yrs;, Pee Wee 12-13-14 yrs.; Bantamn 15-16-17 yrs.; Midget 18-19-20 yrs. Note: ail ages are as of December 31/84. lnterested coaches, refs and-umpires contact: Girls Softball: Vic Vanderveen 983-9571 or Betty Lycett 983-5908., Basebaîl: Denis Mumford 983-9443. Soccer: Gordon Lowery 983-5840. ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Orono writer states Sprng Hias Spung"