2-Orono Weekly Tinmes, Wednesday, March 28, 1984 0ronoUe-idt5-m iSecnd ass Mail gration Numbe OWOSÜ Welcome and Good Luck We welcome to the Orono business arca' this week JR's Country Store as-weli as the expanded service now being provided by Partner Plumbing and Heating, botb loicated in the downtown section of th bsins arca. The Rombough's at JR's are providing a service that bas been lacking in Orono from the days of Chas. Froste and bis Five to Dime Store wbicb at tbat time took up the present location of Becker's, Hare Witb. Flanc and the AppleBlossom Sbop. JR's Country Store should fîlI the void that bas existed and be a welcome service to the shopping community. The long-established Partner business in Orono has certainly advanced with their new showroom up a few doors fromn thein former location wbich establishes a new image. One bas to feel good about the adivancement in the commercial aspect of the Village wbicb certainly is takeing another step forward this week Let us extend congratulations to these enter- preneurs and wisb tbem weil in the Orono business coin- munity. A Careing Community Over the past year and a haf a new service in the community bas developed tbrougb the formation of the Community Service Orders Board and tbrougb the pro- motion of their program. The Newcastle Boa rd of volunteers witb only two exceptions of part-time cmployees, work in concert witb the Oshawa Parole Office placing those in a work pro- ject whcn so dirccted by the courts tbrough a Communi- ty Service Order. Tbe Newcastle Board, in a short time, has gaîned the support of the community wbcrc- individuals and groups volunteer to take a client front the courts pro- viding a community work program and opportunity. This support is rather amazing considering the lengtb of time the Board bas operated in Newcastle. The program itself does have menit and docs pro- vide the client witb a different outlook on the communi- ty. The penalty, if you wisb to cail it that, builds rather than destroys. Ilt is mucb supenior to many of our past solution, or wbt we tbougbt would be solutions. This community bas shown once again that il is a careing commnunity from wbicb we ail benefit. We're for Chretien John Chretien running for the federal liberal leadership bas our vote. 0f course we-don't bave one but then we do bave an opinion.A_ We lost out in the Tory leadersbip bid tobave ~john Crosbie eiected but werc somcwbat satisfied that lie bad run a good race and did make bis mark in the over-alI spectacle that unravclled in Ottawa last year. Wc* suspect that John Chretien may corne somewbat cdoser and would flot be at ail disappointed if bie reached tbe top -of the beap. Surely bie bas sbown bis leadership qualities in Ottawa tbrougb the Constitution debate, the Quebec referendum and now as Encrgy minister and from wbere we stand be does voice a great love for bis country. For what it is wortb our vote goes to John (Chre- tien tbat is). ORONO NURSERY SCHOOL We offer a half-day enrichment programme for pre-schoolers Qualified Staff Cail 983-5402 a.m. Licenced Premises 987-4012 p.m. Ut Keeps Changing 25 NEW MOVIE TITLES Every Two Weeks Vido Machine Rentais Also A vailable M&M Variet y. MAIN STREET, ORONO Phone 983-9291 1 K&endal News If we could get God and discipline back in our scbools we might gel drugs and violence out. President Reagan Match 24th and 251h, Saîurday and Sunday, bave been perfect spring days witb the water running freely down the valîcys as the snow melts. A Match wind blowing: Oh what is like a dlean nortb wind To dry your washing white? Or like a breeze from off the seas To put your cares to fligbt? On Saîurday Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dunbar of Peter- borough visiled wîth Mrs. Mabel Eliiott in Bowmanviile Hospital. On Sunday Mrs. Pearl Clark visiîcd ber cousin Mt. Sam Smith in Bowman- ville Hospital.. Tbe other nigbt I listcned to some vety fine music piaycd by the Qucen Elizabeth Scbool Band of Peterboro. Thcy werc playing on the Telethon for Crîppled Cbildten. Then flot long aftcr I read, "AIl music granîs to schools are being cut". It [ apprniîne. PLANNING A WHITE WATER RAFT SPLASH Senior students at Clarke High Scbool are already planning a June White Water Raft trip which is provided near Ottawa. Jack Taylor, canoeing en- thusiast, may well join the trip, be states. DON'T FORGET ATOM SOCCER PRACTICE The Atom age (9-10) boys are getting- together for practices starting this Thursday night at Clarke High School from 7:00 - 8:30 p.mn. If yod have any quest ions contact Neil McAllister 983-5309. No change in Malil sta tus (Contînued from page 1) by resolution and tbat staff and the Town's solicitor take no furtber action on this matiter or carry the Town's position to thç, Ontario Municipal'Board. Courtc. Woodyard said there bad been some maisin- formation in the press as to bis Notice of Motion. He said bis motion was flot approving the proposal but rathen ask- ing the Town to reasscss its position and to not carry any action to an Ontario Board bearing. He said the proposai sbould rise or faîl on its own merits. Counc. Hubbard said she agreed witb Counc. Woodyand and said she could not sec the taxpayers of theë Town footing the bill in ob- jection to the proposai. She pointed out that the Bowmanviile Mail and the downtown businesmen bad objected to the pnoposed mal and that it should be tbem that financed thS figbt at any Municipal Board hearing. The Notice of Motion lost in a necorded vote 4 to 3-leav- ing the Town's position 10 have staff and legal counsel attend any Municipal Board bcaring in respect to the pro- posai. Counce. Hubbard and Counc. Woodyatd had a se- cond Notice of Motion relating to the developmcent but Counc. Hubbard stated she was withdrawing the Notice ofMotion at thîs time. wouid be a wonderful tbing for ail the children if there were more bands in our schools. The rewards would be greater than spending al this money on French Immer- sion. 1 sec a bus goby my house every day to pick up one cbild taking French Im- mersion. Miss Catherine Stewart entertained Mrs. Elyn Bickerstaff and Mts. A. Catbcart toan evening meal on Saturday night. Next Sunday Rev. Wayne Wright will take the service at Kendal. If husband comes home tired and bungry and tbe chicken isn't donc, serve him a bowl of hot soup. That's the way tbe restaurants do. A steak dinner is ordcrcd. Customers would get up and leave before it was ready only they are scrved a bowl of hot soup then they wait paticntly for thc steak dinner. The Tin-Lincd Trunk by Mary Hamilton (continueli from last wcek) It was the end of October and late afternoon shadows werc darkening into dusk. The ride to the Sommets' faim took more than an bout but at last the buggy tu rned in through a gate and drove up a narrow, lane towards a white frame bouse. The front doors Fragrances for Sprin Ch imere Aviance Wind Song Cachet Senchal Jean Nate Enjoli opcned and a tail thin man stepped oui, holding a lantern in front of him. It was Mr. Sommers. "Are you stopping over Albert?" he called. "Can't," Mr. Whip- pley replied briskly. "Lots of work to do stili. Got the cows to see to. Snow's coming. 1 can smell it." Mr. Sommets didn't ask again. He helped his wife down from the buggy and Polly jumped, down aftcr. She waved goodbye to Jack and followed Mr. and Mrs. Sommets into a large warm kitchen. A, long table with four chairs, painted dark green, stood in the centre of the room. Shelves lined on1e wall and a cupboard dccorated with plates and pithers stood opposite. A tal dock tickcd loudly in one corner. -V'Il heat the soup," Mrs. Sommets said as she movped a heavy black pot to the front of the stove. "The girl's naine is Polly." Mr. Sommets dîdn't say anything, he only noddcd to ber. Polly could tell though that he was judging ber. She stood, up straight, hoping it would make her, look bigger. "Sit down," Mrs. Som- mets said ladling the hot soup into bowls and cutting tbick slices of bread. After- Mr. Sommets had muttered a short grace, flot another word was said. Only the ticking dlock broke the silence. Tbe thick soup was good and soon Polly, became drowsy. Just as her eyes were closing, Mr. Sommets said," Since you're here you might as well give me a hand. I have to give the cows their water and I need someone to work the pump." Polly woke up with a start and realized that be was talking to ber. He led the way out to the barnyard, got the pump startcd and told ber to keep it going whilc he opened the gate for the cows. Polly grip- ped the cold bandie and began to push it up and down witb al ber might. Suddcnly huge black shapes crashed towards ber out of the darkfness. She stood frozen,- choking with fear, then screa mcd and tan for the house. Mrs. Sommets met ber at the door. - "Whatever is the matter with you? Surely you' ve seen cows before." United Church Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. Wayne Wright SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1984 Orono United Church Cburch Scbool 11: 15 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. U.C.W. General Meeting Thurs., Match 29th 7:30 p. m. Main Hall Slidc Presentation Kirby United Church Churcb Scbool 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Linda King - Presbytery Supply will icad at both Services. Island Gardenia Night Blooming Jasmine Andron Lady Jovan Musk 011 Chantilly Bonne Bell Skin Musk B S -AI ----- -----T. .* 9- 5--- dom- MAIN ff4 OROMO. OM. ý e .983-5009 "Only way off ini a field," stammered Polly. "Go wash the supper dishes," Mrs. Sommets ordercd. 'il bclp with the cows., Polly obcycd. "First thing, I'm asked to do, and I lose my bead," site thougbî. "It'S bad cnougb being small, but silly too! What wiIl the Som- mets tbink of me now.?" Wben Mr. and Mrs. Som- mets came in, thcy sat down around the stove and instead of scolding ber, began to ask bier questions. What had become of ber'mother and father? Who bad lookcd after her? Hiad she ever gone to churcb? Tt was like being at 18 stepney causeway for the first time. Mr. Sommets ask- cd if she bad ever met Dr. Barnardo. "Yes, sir, I did," Polly rcplied. "In the 'market at Spîtal fields. He found me and me brother Jack and put us in the home for cbildren." ST. SAVIOUR'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Mill Street, Orono APRIL 1, 1984 9:45 a.m. Holy Communion Church School Rev. Allant Haldenby Newcastle, 987-4745