lO-Orono Weekly'Times, Wednesday, April 18, 1984 Professionlal Dirctr ntr g g ......... TApple BlossomShOp Orono's own Flower and Gift Shop Main St. Orono 983-5291 Yvonne Maitland We delîver and offer complimentary gift wvrap "Flo wer Den" 28 Davd's Crescent Dried & SiIk Floral Arrangements Specializing in Wedding Bouquets CUS TOM MA DE 983-5423 WAKEFIELD INSURANCE "Going A way Travel Insurance" 983-9438 R.R.S.P.'S INSIJRANCE Insurance Brokers Limited PAUINEMOTE, A11C Manager ORONO, ONTARIO PO. Box 340, LOB iMO Office 983 -5032 Res. 987-4619 Office 983-5115 HOME 983-5270 I-AMILTON'S INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO, ONT. LOB iMO 35 Years of Service Susan Sawyer . 983-5270 Judy Wo odbeck 983-5519 Nelda Dawson 983-9657 Orono Electric Mt. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES - COLOUR TV'S - HI-FIS Sales and Service: HOTPOINT -.C.A. - ELECTROHOME - WHITE WESTINGHOUJSE - WOODS FREEZERS SIMPI CITY -HOOVER 983-5108 PLUMBING-HEATING INCORPORATED Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING - Iow interest rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 Dave' s Plumbing and Heating Electric Indlustrial -Commercial 786-2471 R.R. 1, Orono Blob Stewart Heating Main Street, Oronio 983-5515 FurriaCes Cleaned, Repaired & lnstalled 24 Hour Servic-e InStiranCe Plans Available Orono Building Contractor BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE STONE WVORK CARPENTRY - CABINET WORK FLOORS TILES P;ione 983-5441 Orono PATRICK G. DEEGAN Denture Therapy Clinic' 5 George Street, Bowmahville, Ontario Phone 623-4473 O. CHATTERTON HWY 115 Electrical Contracting - TRUCK & AUTO Pole Line Construction PHONE REPAIRS LTD. 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontar-io To Ail Cars and Trucks TOWPING 983-9151 or 983-9152 "WORK WANTED" D& R Custom Fencing and custom chain-sawing Orono, Ontario 983-9627 or 987-4560 Oxford Bricklayers and Stonemasons Ltd. WilIi Schmahl Orono 983-5606 AIl types of Brick-Block, Stonework, Concrete. Chimneys and Ceramic Tuies Fireplaces and Chimneys Cieaned William C. Hall B.Comm. Chartered Accountant Phorie Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY How would your ad Iook ithis space? P~hone Orono Weekly Tlmee, 983-5301 Telephone (416) 983-5980 MIORGAN HORSE FARM STOCK FOR SALE - ST4ALLI0N SERVICE RPR ROO NTARIO Bob & Cathy Samipson LOB 1 MO Mel Hartwig Excavating Orono, Ontario 983-5140 Buildozing - Back Hoe Septic and TileBeds Sand - Grave[ - Top Soil