6-Orono WeekIy Times, Wednesday, April 18, 1984 A look back into the- past Although computers become Mathew Trafford, Jamie Os- of programns relating to the Pioneer films are also on the a common piece of equip- mond, Stephen Johnson and Bi-Centennial celebration schcdule as well as having ment for these young Mandy Fluke.1 which are being brought to senior citize-ns talk to the stu- students they do showý a great The artifacts portray a the students this month. dent of days gone by. Includ- interest in a Bi-Centennial historical concept which The history fo the Trent- ed in the programi is a full day display which has been dates back to the early 1900s Severn waterways and Native of pioncer activities which assembled at the Orono and the late 1800s. Studies is one feature being will relate to candle making Public school. The school has a niumber presented this month. an-d butter miaking. Pictured above are: £Pro udly exhibit their sehool projects Town of fer unacceptable (Continued from page 3) J. Major but used as a por- tion of a road allowance in Orono Io pay to the owner a sumn of $ 1800.00 along with al legal and survey costs associated with the con- veyancé. The Town also agreed to comment favourably for the severance of one building lot on behaîf of Mr. Major to the Durham Land Severance Committee. The Town was also to re- quest the Région of Durham to only charge the service charge applicable to the development of the residen- tial lot. The Région turned asîde the Town request to drop mnost charges whïch in total amounts to $5633.75 plus a $625.00 Town of Newcastle lot levy-charge. The Region of Durham charges include $830 watcr charge, $245 road charge, $3258 water fromtage charge plus a $1300 water connection charge. The staff report to commit- tee states that Mr. Major states that the offer is no longer acceptable and that Mr. Major indicates he would like exactly the same settle- muent as Mr. McLaren had received for lands conveyed to the Town under the same conditions. The staff report states thaý, Mr. Major's request is incon.,,_ sistent with the Town's previous, action and that in staff opinion his request should be denied. Conce. Hamre said she understood what staff was saying but did comment that the problem did have a long history and was concerned as to possible larger costs related to a necessary court judgement. She called for a review of the issue by the Town solicitor hefore any further action was taken. The cail was supported by council with the Town Administrator being delegated Io get an opi- nion from the solicitor. ORONO NURSERY SOHOOL We offer a half-day enrichment programme for pre-sohoolers Qual if ied Staff Licenced Premises Three students at the Orono Public School primary sector exhibited interesting Ganaraska Task Force (Continued from page 1) the centre and was also sup- portive of the operation and its facilities. A school teacher a!lso stated that nature skills could not be duplicated and that if young people were not given the chance to take part in such a program, conserva- tion was in jeopardy. Audrey Wilson, co- ordinator of the Nor- thumberland and Ne2wcastle Board of education outdoor program statedï the centre and its operation was an exten- sion of the Board's day pro- grain and had both social and nature aspects tb its credit. She did state it wýas imost projects for the bi-centennial displays. Pictured above Mathew un likely that the Board would or could providte funding as they had already made finan- cial cuts in their outdoor pro- gram. Roy Forrester stated he was given to understand that the financial problems at the Forest Centre were due to provincial funding cuts. He said in making comparison betwecn the 1983 and the 1984 Authority budget it was a fact that the province has increased its fundin-g for the operat ion of the Forest Cen- tre and one would have to assumne that the province was most supportive of the oqYera-, tion. Hie said it was the Authority that made the fun-- ding cuts and not the pro- Forrester suggested the Task Force mandate should bce xended tb include Ai f Trafford displays bis project on houses with Amy DeWuff displaying her project on he the operation of the Authori- ty programs, and said many questions could be asked in almost aIl departmnents. He cited that in presenting the Watershed plan to the Town of Newcastle Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority hadsent only one representative while on the other hand the Ganaraska re- quired four personnel to pre- sent a similar plan to the Town. He said everyone is faced with streamlining their operations and the Ganaraska was no exception. "There are bard decisionsý to mnake", he said, " but they must be made if there 'is in- tercst in efficiency,". For- rester noted a numiber of areas in whichi the Authority could question its own opera- tion. Forrester also stated that if story ôf Little Red Riding Hood and Todd Graves Mis display on farming. the hard decisions were made he was confident the Forest Centre could continue to operate and he was most sup- portive of this continuation. Don Pedder of Kendal ask- cd a number of pointed ques- tions Î:lating to the financing of the operation of the Forest Centre and stated that when the Authority added Forest Centre staff surely they must have been aware they would have hiad additional costs. He said their administration should have given answers to the questions thiat werc now bcing asked by,, the Task Force. "It just doesn'tice!", he said. The Task Force wýiII hold a similar public mneeting in Port Hope nex t week and arcecx- pected to report to thie ful authority their recommecnda- lions laie iiiNMay. a. m. p. m, Budget- Concio? Choose a Lawn-Boy Special with quality performance and standard Lawn-Boy built-to-last features: 0 Finger-tip starting 0 4 HP rated engine 0 CD solid'state ignition a Quiet under-the-deck muff 1er *Patented flexible rear shield *Optional side grass catcher Lawn-Boy - choose f rom 14 diff erent models. ROLPH Main St, Orono Phone 983-5207 LA--BGy As time goes by, Yeu'II1 know wvhy.