First Birthday Home opener for Eagles Saturday Kingston 9 - Kendal 5. Jim Newvton 3 bits, 2 homeruns; John Robinson 2 bits; Kirk Woodward 2 bits; Dwigbt Woodward 1 bit; Bill Robin- son 1 bit. Kendal 0 wins, 2 losses. Kendal home opener Saturday 2:00 against Ori ltia and Sunday 2:00 p.m. against Osbawa in Kendal. The history of tbe Harvey Jackson Memorial Park and the Kendal Eagles and basebail in Kendal wiIl be shown in the new museumn in the old Kirby Scbool blouse, starting June 90h at 10:00 a.m. Anyonie withi old uniformis, pictures or equipment please Contact Brian lFost er 797-2'402 or Ralpb Kennedy 983-9387. Students attend co-op seminars Happy Birthday 1 year old Nicole Janey Paus, April 16,ý daughter of Cathy and Wolf Paus. Proud grandparents ar$ Mr. and Mrs. Don Stephiens and Mr. and Mrs. Wolfganig Paus, ail of Orono. From the Dim and, Distant Past by Chris Hooper May 23, 1957 The May meeting of' tbe Women's Cbriistian Temperance Union wýas field in the Suniday School Auditoium wii\ith tbhe presi- dent, Mrs. WKalsh, opening the meeting wýýitb the singing of a hymn. Mrs. Rower wvas appointed a delegate to at- tend the 8tb Prov incial Con- venition and tbeni the ladies enjoyed a swn contest. The Oroniogrl'softbiall teamn, tunder the leadersbiip of Raye West, openied tbie season onida gis Couirtice. On Friday eventing, May l7th, 1957 in Orono United Chuirch, Mary Waddell was united ini marriage to Char-les Webber. The service was per- formed by Rev. Johni Kit- cbien. The regular miontbhl meeting of the Evening ,Aux-_ iliary was field TburIIsda,, May 16, 1957. The peiet Olive Milîson, anniounced that Stella Carson biad been made a "Life Member"' of the W.M.S. Hilda Tamrblyn took the Devotional and Mr. and Mrs. Drummond showed their pictures "BeautySpt in Ontario". Lorraine Martin and Earl, Puickrin were married at Oronio United Cburch on May 18th. Mrs. W.'.. Workmnan played the wed- ding music and Mrs. Carolyn Jones sang. May 23, 1938 The Orono school girls' softball team was defeated by tbe Millbrook school girls at the local park on Friday. TFle score was 22-12, Last Saturday evening a crowd of approximately three hutndred and fifty assemrbled at the Communiility, Park to witniess thle first football gaile of the scýlieduLle betweenl Clarke United anid Solina. Thie final score wýas 3-0 for- Clarke United wýitb tire goals being scored by Cro Leamen, Jim WVood anid John Keane. The memnbers of thle W.M.S. quiltin1-glgoup of tbie W.A. held a quilting Monday afternoon followed by a sup- per and sociable evening to presenit Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Osterhaut witb presenitations and address. Addresses were given by' Mrs. W.M. Stutt and Mrs. H. WXals. Congratulationts to Mr. Staniley R. Bruton wbo pass- ed bis first year examinations at the Ontario College of Pharmac. Mr. A.J. Tamblyn showed a nuniber of bis Holstein cat- tde at Brooklin Fair last Tue- day scrn 6 firsts and 3 second. Is.ý Red &À White Stores. - Church Roast of Beef, boned and rolled, lb. 15 cents. White sugar, tu) lbs. 54 cents. Armstrong's Sboes, $2.45; Dresses, $2.50 & $3.95; Pants, $3.95. Obit uary Vera E. Milison Sunlday mornling, Aprij 1 1984, thecre passed awa t Str-athaven Nursing Home in Bowýmanville onle oft, he- pioneers of former Cak TowýnsbIip in the persýon of, Vera E. Mlilîs'on, wîfe of 'lie late irvam E. Milîson. Born in June 17, 1886, on the borne tfarmIn inithle Towýnsbip of, Hope, shIe was tbie eldest child of the late Alfred and Sarah Hres S After ber mar riage b Hiram F. Millîson in 1904 she by Cliris Hooper On Friday, May 25th, co- op students from Clarke High Schiool took the day off and attended seminars throughout thie morning and afternooni. To start things off, there \vas a general discussion on careers and education during and after higb sehool. One of the objectives of the co- operative education pro- gramme is to prepare studenits for the world of work and these seminars were spent many years on the Milîson Homestead farm in Lots 13 and 14, Concession 4 of Clarke Township. In 1922 she moved witb ber bus- band and family to Orono wAhere itbey established a fruit farmn. However, ber time at t his location was saddened by the sudden passing of ber busband on March 25, 1929. Following thiis shie moved to B3owmanville in 1930. By 1940 iwith ber famiily raised and away shie gave tup ber, home and lived wýith mnembers of tlie famiily ini c',vr Toronto, Bowniile and Ty-rne (until shie took uip apartmntt living in Tloronto and finally at Orono in the Durham Senior Citizenis' Lodge. Mrs. Milîson was very devoted to ber famuly and Cburcb. She is survived by three children, Meta of Bowman- ville (Mrs. Allen Moffatt); Alfred of Tyrone and Ed- ward of Orono. Two daugbters Muriel' and Marguerite (Mrs. Leslie Webb and Mrs. Leon Moore) as well as two step-daughters, Della (Mrs. Arthur Wan- namiaker) and Ethel (Mrs. H ar ry Rutherford) predeceased ber. She is also survived by one brother Roy, another brother MCrïyi,, predeceased, ber-. ýShe also leaves to ,'ourn ber passing 23 grandchildren, 39 great- grandcbildren -and 1 great, great grandchild. Her memory will always live in the Iearts of al wbo knew and Ioved her and will continue to be a source of strengtb and inspiration to theni. The funeral service was bel d in Bowmanville Trinity Ulnited Churcb on Tuesday,ý Aýpril 3, ]984, and was con- ducted byý Rev,. Wayne WVrighti and Res. Arthur Aiiaclicr. Temporary inter- menit was in the Lang Menmial Chapel, Orono C'em1c1ery. P1alîbearers wNere aIl granid- sons, Mecssrs. Russell Mlof- f'att, Toronto; Jin Moore, used as the wrap-up of tbe semester's work. Following the general discussion, a guest speaker from the Fire Departmentl ex- plained to students the pro- per use of fire extiniguishers and otber safety features, ac- companied by a slide presen- tat ion. Students then bad a chance to try their band at operating a fire extinguisher. A gas fire and a mattress fire were lit in the school parking lot and students took turns putting out the fires. Kedron; Richard Trafford, Kitchener; Paul Moore, Tyrone; Cordo n Milîson, Newcastle; and Ronald Mof- fatt, Wbitby. Many beautiful floral tributes attested to the esteemi in wbicb Mrs. Milîson was held as did the contributions to various charitable organizations and in par- ticular the Memorial Hospital Building Fund. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 30, 1984-3 OronoBn tams start with -1-1 record The Orono Bantamns have played 2 gaines so far. They went to Cobourg last Tues- day and brought homne a 15-12 win. McCullough started pit- ching followýed by Randy Reid and Mike Lane. Then on the Friday tbey headed off for- Peterboro and lost 5-4. Although they worked harl they just couldn't get whlat we needed, one run extra. Reid started pitching, then followýed by MlcCuilloighi. Thecy play again this Tues- day against Oshawa in Orono and in Port Hope at 7 p.m. on Thursday May 3lst. Looking forward to seeing our faithfutl fans out suppor- ting us agaîn this year. Orono Nursery School Hait day enrichment programme for 3 - 4 year old children QUALIFIED STAFF - LICENSED PREMISES QPTIONAL READING PROGRAMME FOR 4 YEAR OLDS Register Now For September '84 983--5402 a.m. 987-4012 p.m,. Music by your host SarRKYý Ail Types for Ail Occasions 983-9600 Clarke High School lOth Annual, CHOIR AND BAND> SPRING CONCERT Fei-, iring Ingleside High School, Concert Band' May 3lst at 8:00 p.m. CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL GYM Aduits $2.00- Students $1.0o Produo-t of USA, Canada No. 1 Canteloupes each P9 Atlantic Pa&2per Towels 2,roupkg.*99 Produot of USA, Canada No. 1 Tom atoes kg 1.ý08 lb. 49 Kraft Salad Dressing Miracle Whip lL jar 2.39 -Cavendish Farms - Frozen Country, Crinkie, Straight Cut, Shoe String- French Fries 1lkg pkg. 99 Liquid, 500 mi bottie Sunlight Deterg-ent .99 White Swan Facial Tssue bx e07 C 0 vwÀ&aNa S HPhone 983-5201 1 6m