Orono Weekly 'rimes, Wednesday, June 6, 1984-9 Their own TV commercial Andrea Ferguson and An-. drew Kettles at Lockharts Public School are at the con- trol centre to guide the pro- Forty attend local duction of a TV commercial, motion and al got their turni The school and the Board of- for a hands-oni part of the fice raised lots of excitement eenît. for the students with the pro- the familiar TV comparison about the Promotion tesýt. The kid,. were ail seriouis TOURIST ACCOMMODATIONS HOU-SEKEEPINOj COTTAGES Boshking Lake. Ideal for senliors, famities. '/sý price Jupe, Septemnber. 20e' disc;ouni from Augusit18, The Homnestead Cottage Resori, Hwy. 35, R.R. 2, Minden, Ontario. KOMI 21<0. (705) 489-2550. nie Industrial Somte forty atîended the Town of Newcastle Inidustrial Day promotion held in the Flying Duîchman last Thurs- day miorning and hosted by the Town of Newcastle. Mfayor Garnet Rickard chaired the meeting. Gary Herrema, chairman of the Region, stated in- dustrial promotion did re- quire co-operation between ail levels of government and that nothing -would be ac- complished until we become proud of ourseives. Dave Johnson, Towvn ad- mninistrator, also spoke of working together as a teami and that meeting should be the start of a fruitful dialogue. Gerrard Gervais, head of industrialý promotion for the Region, was the guest speaker for the breakfast meeting. He said employment in the Region hias remnained at a stable level for the lasI quarter of 1983. He said the Region is now looking aàt $40 million in in- dustrial expansion in 1984 compared to $12 million in 1983. It was also pointed out that of the $40 million seven- ty percent would be throug-h expansion at existing plants in the area. Gervais said the Region ln- dusirial department would follow uLp any lead presented 10 t heini a confidential nd professional mranner. H-e said the success of promotion meansý tax dollars and jos, Orono Ban tam Girls No. 2 Unde-lufea tedri The Orono Baani No. 2 girls s(arted their softbail season Off on a winning note last Thui-sday nîght as, they trounced the murch more ex- perienced Orono Mde teani by a whopping score of 38 to 12. Leading the ýay ih homne runs were Darlene Dennis and Kari Lece Virahamburg. Great defenisive plays by E rin, Parker and AgeaWest and superb catchinig by Mandy Hoskins, helped keep (lhe Midglet îeam off the scoreboard on mnany occa- sions. Excellent, pitching by Darlene Deninis, who\was one out short of a comipie[ e gamle victory when coaches Ken Prescou and 1 Do Ogen decidea 10 ge o 0Ille builpien and ýal1 upon thecir ace reliever Leanne "oeby LyceîîbIo nail down Ithe vic- On Mlonday, June 41li, the îcam travelled to Hampton to face a strong declfeive teami but with the aid of excellent Pitching by Darlene Dennis who posted 10 strike outs coasted to' a 10 to 4 victory. Excellent hitting was evident throughout the gamne as Mani- dy Hoskins, Vicki Kimbal and Jack Vandoleweerd smashed out sorte key bits. Many excellent plays were made in the outfield as Erin Parker, Kristina Snyder, and Jane Byers played very strong games. Last but not least the great 'double play combina- lion of Penny Boughien and Angela West picked off many- Pro. Day tii jobs and lax dollar,. He also spoke of an eniergy park that he hoped would be a realiiy in the near future. H-e also said lifestyle of the communîty is an important aspect Of comuniy and in- dusirial promnotions. 0f the forty present six directly represented industry in the Town of Newcastle, One real estate firm called for the appointment of an In- dustrial Commissioner for the Town of Newcastle and stated with serviced land available the real estate in- dustry would have little pro- bleui in selling such land. High municipal salaries camne under fire along with the noting that such areas as Markhamn were being more attractive than other areas at Ibis period in lime. Mrs. Jensen of Jenisen's Nursery poke of the problem of endeavouring to identîfy the Town of Newcastle with a multitude of addresses and phone calling areas. She aiso noied that she considers there exisied a lack of residential accommodation in the area for emiployvees who mnay be comning to the area. Mrs. Jensen said she was prepared to wýork in any way she could for the promotion of the Town of Newc astle and suggested that a commit- tee be formied to wo-rk Classified Ads (Continuied fromi page 11 ) CAREER TRAINING FREE 128 page Career Guide shows howý to train at home for 205 top-p)aying lfuîI and pars-tilie jobs. Graniton instituie, 265A Adetade Street \\est, Toronto. (Cali (416) 977-3929 today. n/c TRUCK DRIVERS CALL MIERV ORR'S Transýport Diver Trainiing Schoot. Driver Suplyl Division, for qualified road tested cIass "A", "D" drivers. Full or part-ti . (519) 623-2430. f/ SFOR SALE ST1EEL, BALE RACKS, 20-foot, $1100f; catie heated wýater bowts; pipe fenicing, $4.75/f(.; bale f'orks; rotary gr ass c utters. Owen Marinii Manuac ng R , Whlenteîs, OtaroMNB 2S0 (519) 699-4144. n/c REZ Wooid "Stain SEMI- TRA NSPA REN T Redwood, WValnut and Cedar Reg.199941 Speciall2.99%&v% Pageant Solid Wood Stain Redwood, Walnut and Cedar Reg.,13.994L Special 9.99- Neu-Tone Drivewavày Sealer 4 gais. 10.99 Rolph ['d V-,rhaibuirg of Ail Scaso)n's Holiday, Orono, siaîed thai he had purchasd Iwo acres in the Industrial park in Bowmanville 10 con- sîruct an industrial building for Van Conversions with the probability of hiring sorte twenty employees. "Evert though this land was zoned industrial and ser- viced it was going to take me from tbree 10 six months to get clearance for the building f romin t he Town -o f Newcastle" he said. Later he said to arrange site plans, building certification and other requirements was turn- ing industrial development away. AIl Season's Holiday drop- ped plans for expansion in the Town of Newcastle and within six weeks was in a new plant in Ennismore where Van Conversion is now being undertaken. "Our loss in this cOmmiunity is someone's elses- gain," states VanHamburg. *Couinc. Hobbs strongly op- posed the creation of an In- duýstrial Commîissionier for the Town stating it had neyer wNorked in the past and wouidn'î in the future. He also asked what serviced land do we have to promote? "It is very litle", he said. Following the informai discussion a group of those ini attendance held a brief meeting when it was decided the group wvoould meet with the Town's planning department 1o discuss the new coin- prehensive zconing by-Iaw and then plan further meetings. Orono limes Main Street, Orono Phone 983-5301 we made our ziame ini hardware I Main St., Orono