ILrWIJkL ,Classified Advertising $1,50 FOR 25 WVORDS OR LESS BLOCK ADS - $1.50 COLUMVN INCH "HWair with, Flair" LADIES AND GENTS Main Street, Orono 9835333 Woodall Carpentry Fu!Iy Licenced 10 Years Experience specializing in CUSTOM BUILDING - RENOVATIONS - CABINETS, etc. 983-9759 J'Me Fash ions Main St., Orono -The laiest in fashions for all times and a// needs" 983-,9341 PHOTO ISHOPI L OEDi 1Phone for appointment. Anniversary, Wedding and Family Portraits in our Studio, your Honm or on Location. 78 King St. W., Bowinanvili 1 623-2404 1 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono cail 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when le, buying or selling and for the largest selection of le properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST NOTICES If' you have questions or concerns about your inunicipaliiy, please feel free w lcail me at i ejîer 983-5505 or 987-5039. Diane I-amire Counte. Ward 3 Town of Newcastle The congregation of the Kendal United Church in- vite you to worship with them June 24, 1984 at 11: 15 a.m. in a homecoming service. ;Special music will be rendered by former residents and members of our church choir over the years. A social time will follow our morning service. 6,20, a. c. SHELP WANTED Girls summer camp in Haliburton requires water- front staff, minimum age 16 with bronze medallion for July and August. Also R.N. or R.N.A. for part of August. Phone* 1-416-576-6693 or 1-987-5488. 6,13, a.c. TENDERS Applications are invîted to supply painting and decorating of the upstairs of the Orono United Church Manse. For specifications, please calI 983-5824 Mrs. Challice or 983-5286 Mrs. E. Gordon, for appointment. Deadline for tenders - June 3th. 6,13, a. c. COMING EVENTS Father's Day Turkey Dinner, Sunday, June l7th, 1984. Serving from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Orono Arena Community Centre. Adults $7.00 , Chîldren.under 12 - $3.00 - Pre-schiool - free. Proceeds to the Orono Arenia Project and Improve- ment Fund. Tickets available at Mom's Kitchen or 983-5236, 983-5608, 983-5858. 9,16,23,30,6,13, a. c. Large sale of collectiblesand non-juried art, crafts and antiques. Orono Showcase, corner of Church and Park Streets, for 3 days, June 8, 9, and lth, Friday 1:30 to 9:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 6,a.c. BASEBAILL EXHIBIT June 9 - June 24 an exhibit on 'BASEBALL AT KENDAL, 1925-1983, at the Kirby Schoolhouse gallery on Hwy. 35/115 at Kirby. Photos, uniforms, etc. OPEN Tuesdays through Saturdays 10 - 4; Sundays 2 - 5. Free Admission. 2t edn niesr 6,13,20, a. c. The family of 'Jack & Jean Ogden' invite you to attend the celebration of their parents '25th Wedding Anniversary' on Saturday, June 9 in the Orono Comn- munity Centre, commencing at 8:00 p.m. Wishing Well at door. 6, a.c. FOR SALE ASPARAGUS Asparagus - local, farm-fresh, picked daily. Please caîl 705-277-2332. 30,6,13, pd. Box plants, potted plants and hangîng plants. The Manders Farm, R.R. 1, Newtonville. Caîl 983-5179. 16,23,30,6,13,20,27, a.c. Singer sewing machine, many features $225.00, in- cludes cabinet and chair. Refrigerator $65.00. Phone 983-5019. 6, a.c. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 6, 1984-IlI 3 piece boy's suit, size 12, hand-made jacket- pinstripe. Phone 983-9293 after five. 6, a.c. LOST 2 Heifers (weighing approximately 800 lbs.), iden- tifiable white tags in ear, Iost almost a week from the area of just north of the Seventh Line, one concession west of Hwy. 1l15/35. Please caîl 983-5703. 6, a. c. AUCTIONS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 - 1:00 P.M. at ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY - tractors, farm machînery property of Bruce Dale - Sonya WANTED CONSIGNMENTS of tractors farm machinery, tools, cars, trucks, boats, campers, etc. to go in this sale. We must know by JUNE 9 for advertis- ing, no consignments after the 9th, please caîl today. Mr. Dale has a good International 656 diesel 70 h.p. tractor and NH. 269 baler, good International 1050 grinder mixer, No. 10 semi-mounted 1 H. seed drill, 2 sets harrows, 225 Lincoln welder, set trig tractor, chains 18 x 38, chains 18 x 30, Rosso water troughs, 15 good cattle bowls, 2 steel pig feeders, 68 John Deere 200 bu. grain wagon and power unload, 35' hay elevator, McKee 720 snow blower, bush hog 6' rotary mower, 2-24' grain elevators, tools. Caîl 324-2783 Dale or Oval McLean. 6, a.c. THURSDAY, JUNE 7 - 6:30*P.M. at ORVAL, MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY property of Mrs. Eades, Sunderland and other estates, 2 gas dryers, good teak dining room suite, Normande console stereo, chrome set, old cupboard, old cabinet radio, pressback chair, bed chesterfield, pine stand, picture frames, office desks, knitting machine, duplicator, plaid chesterfield, quantity hand cleanser, office chairs, oak desk, lamps, king size bed, Devon electric organ, many occasional chairs, dressers, old box, china cabinet, mar- bIc top stand, refrîgerator, wooden medicine cabinet, gold arm chair, antique sewing machine, wicker baskets, older Kroeler chesterfield, music cabinet, trunks, con- sole sewing machine, other furniture, dishes, tools. 6:30 sharp. Orval McLean Auction Barn 324-2783. 6, a.c.- CARD 0F THANKS The Officers and members of Orono Masonic Lodge wish to thank ail those who donated prizes which made the annual Ladies' Night such a success. 6, a.c. HELP WANTED TRUCKING CAREER. Become a professional Transport Driver. Contact Merv Orr's Kingston (613) 549-3914; Toronto (416) 251-9073; Ottawa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910; Thunder Bay (807) 623-8686; Saisit Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623-2430; Sudbury (705) 560-3351. Member B.B.B. n/c- (Continued page 9) Corne to for the f irst VEGETABLES & FRUIT of the season Hom ie-gro wn Asparagus & Rhubarb Bedding Plants Stokes -Seeds WyIe's Grape Juice Cider and Apples FRUIT MARKET HWY. 35 SOUTH 0F ORONO Cali for a no obligation evaluation of your home, acýreage or farmn or for information on properties in thie area. 987-4733 Chris Stapleton Sales Representative 623-4445 9359 otog'raplif F 1 Real 1--state', -. -. t. -