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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jun 1984, p. 9

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Classified Ads (Cantinued frotw page 1l) THURSDAY, JUNE 14 -. 6:30 P.M. at ORVAL. MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY praperty of Mrs. and Rev. Edward McCrea, Combray and Mrs. D. Crouch, Bobcaygeoni, excellent furniture, some anti- ques, excellent Gibbard solid walnut 9 pc. dining room suite - a beauty, pine dining table and 6 chairs, new bath tub wall kit, portable television, RCA color televisiosi, 12x20 green rug like new and running pad, blue bed cbesterfield (Kroehler), pair speakers, maris bicycle, wooden bed, GE electric dryer, solid coffee table, Rem- ington electric cash register, lamps, luggage, bed chesterfield, office 4 drawer filing cabinet, radio record player, 2 double glass door bookcases and 1 single, pic- tures, Viking wringer washer, Viking electric dryer, many ceilers, 3 communion tables, small glass sho'wcase, pine table, gestetner, typewriter, 4 pressback chairs, 2 small desks, radios, dlocks, hall table, very old wooden chest, quilt box, antique Kneçhtel kitchen cabinet, child's wagon, power mower, 2 good desks, pine chests, pine buffet and hutch, large pine buffet, pine DP desk, console sewing machine, large freezer, portable dishwasher, side by side refrigerator freezer, quantity china dishes, etc. - 6:30 sharp. McLean Auctioneers 324-2783, Lindsay. 13, a.c. WED., JUNE 20 - 1 P.M. - tractors & framn machinery at ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY property of Bruce Dale, Sonya and other local consignments, International 656 Diesel 70 h.p. tractor, good N.H. 268 baler, grinder mixer, No. 10 In- ternational semi-mounted seed drill with fertilizer and grass box, harrows, 225 Lincoln welder, set Trig l8x38 tractor chains, 18x30 tractor chains, McKee 720 snowblower, Bush Hog 6' rotary mower, 2-24 grain augers, bood and 2 left front fenders for Chev>pick up, Rosso 6'x3' water troùgh, 15 cattle bowls, 2 beavy steel pig feeders 5 bag capacity, pig waterers, 68 John Deere 200 bus. grain wagon witb power take off unload, 35' King Wise hay elevator with 1 h.p. motor, 69 Kenworth dump truck with heater box, 250 Cummins, 13 speed trans only 4000 miles on motor, 1970 white freigbtliner dump truck, 250 Cummins 13 speed trans 17 ft travel trailer, bale buncher, Cockshutt No. il seed drill, 3 point sprayer with drums, 2010 John Deere diesel dozer, 1010 John Deere crawler loader 16 ft float, M.F. No. 6 mower, N.H. No. 68 hayliner baler, 14 ft. cedar strîpe boat, 12 ft. alumînum boat, No. 10 M.F. baler, roto tiller, riding lawn mover, 14 fi. fibreglass crestliner boat with traiter and 40 h.p. Johnston Motor, 1 H. 46 baler with new needles, tools, lawn mowers. 1:00 p.m. sharp. McLean Auctioneers, 324-2783 Lindsay. 13, a.c. THURS., JUNE 21 - 6:30 P.M. - antiques and quality furniture, antique dishes selling at ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY complete immaculate contents of prominent Lindsay home. 9pc'. walnut dinfing room suite, Westbend chime mantel dlock, Sylvania 26" console color television 2 walnut franied chesterfields, 2 excellent semi-wing chairs, hall table, parlour tables, lamps, console sterea, bard back books, soft chesterfield, walnut round coffee table, humidifier, brass woodbox, 2 small paîntings, painting by S.F. Muscbamp "The Taming of the, Shrew,ý", desk, round framed mirror, desk, beautiful bedroomt suite with tail boy with mirror, dresser, nigbî table and tw,,in beds, neediepoint arm chair, Gibbart wvalnut 5 pc aIder bedroom suite, cedar chest, drum table, 2 wicker fern stands, round wicker table, single beds, oil lamp, hook- ed matts, hall tree, chrome set, dining table and 4 chairs, antique floor lamp magazine rack, GE auto washer, old table, small appliances, 8 place set Coalpori dishes, 6 place set Nippon Bridai Bouquet china, 50 cups and saucers, quantity antique dishes, vases, collectables, fancy work, tablecloths, linen, bedding, pow,,er mower, please attend this qualîty sale. 6:30 sharp. No reserve. To list bousefuls, apartments or appraisals call 324-2783 Orval McLean Auctions - Lindsay. 13, a.c. -THANK YOU The Orono Junior Gardeners wisb ta thank the DBIA for giving them the opportunity ta plant flower boxes in the downtown core. Also a special thanks ta senior members, Mrs. Rosseau, Mrs. Schoenmaker and Mr. Baird for assisting us and tbank you ta The Village Bakeshop and Beckers for refreshments we had after our morning of planting. 13, a.c., HIELP WANTED TRUCI(ING CAREER. Become a professional Tranispo(rt Driver. Contact Merv Orr's Kington (613) 549-3914; Toronto (416) 251-9073; ttawýa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; Norths Bay (705) 472-2910; Thunider Bay (807) 623-8686; SaultsSte. Ma ie (705) 759-0177; Canibridge (519) 623-2430; Sudbury (705) 560-3351. MmbrB.B.B. SIDING INSTALL ERS wanIed, rmusit be fullyexrend and fuI- ly equipped. Cal Asis Aluiminum Productsý (519) 879-6430. n/c CAREER TRAINING FREE 128 page Career Guide shows lsow to train ai home for 205 top paying full and part-time jobs. GrantonIr nstitute, 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto Cait (416) 977-3929 today n/C TRUCK DRIVERS Cati MERV ORR'S Transport Driver Training Scisol, D iver Sup- ply Division, for qualtied road tested ciass "A" and "D" Drivers. Fuil or Part-lime. (519) 623-2430. ni/c COMING EVENTS DUNDALK COMMUNITY CENTRE Canadian Open Square and Step Dancing Competition. Friday, June 22nd - 7 p.m. Saturday, June 23rd - 2 p.m. and 7 Excelent Square and Step Dancing. n/c FIDDLE & STEP DANCE Contest. JuIy 13 to 14 at Fergus District Community Centre, Fergus, Ontario, Camping Avaitabte. For informa- tion cail Merv Woods (519) 843-1630. n/c ARTICLES FOR SALE- "PENNY-ROLLER". Wrap pennies, nickels, dmes and quarters quickiy and easily! One wraps al. UseS free bank wrappers. $5,95 Send cheque, MO. to Penny-Roller lroducts, P.O. Box,405, Fort Erie, On- tario L2A 5N2. n/c - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - $ 10,000 SECOND INCOME. BC a par-time representative selling and renting ourtline of higis quality distillers for purifying drinking water in tise home, office and factory. Become independent and be your own boss in a growing industry. Excellent possibiiity of becoming ful-time area distributor. Contact us today for more information. Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant St., Burlington, Ontario L7R 2G6. (416) 639-0503. n/c B.C. Manufacturer of speciality lubricants seeks aggressive dealers and distributors ici help market their product line. ýProductsare govern- ment tested and award winners. Repty to Microlon Inc., 149 Riverside Drive, North Vancouver. B.C. V7H IT6. n/c FACT! Kitcheni-Cabinet-Refacing - is - Profitable with LIFETIME KITCHENS. Sensationat 10w pricing and hîgis quality. Two week delivery. Over fifty door styles and cotour combinations available. Lifetime kitchens have develo ped an invaluable lead generation programt with al tise necessary sales aids and training. We offer excetlent growtis opportunities. Let's talk profit today. Selected territory stili availabte. Cati or Write today. Steve (416) 665-3955, 960 Alness S., No. 12, Downsview, Ontario. M3J 2S1. n/c STUDENTS! Earn extra mnoney tiis summer by seting popular itemis from our FREE Gifi Catalgoue. Write REGAL, 939 Eglinton Ave. E., Dept. 631, Toronto, M14G 2L6. n/c SUPER EARNINGS potemtial selling hos tubs and spas in your tocal area. Apply to: California Cooperage, 149 Riverside Drive, Norths Vancouver, B.C. V7H 116. n/c UNLIMîTED INCOME. Join our Circular Mailing Programn. Work ai home. Free details, write today Marbetis and Company, P-. Box 1266, Woodsock, Ontario N45 8R2. ni/C QUALIFIED DEALERS REQUIRED: 1867 Confedleration Log Homnes require additional dealers, higisest commissions paid. Contact Mike Murphy, Box 9, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. KOM 1IAO. (705) 738-413 1. FLEA MARKET MERCHANDISE; Internatinat Importer offers neyer before seen Ftea Market Merchandise, excellent prices, protected areas. Lake Village Merchandising, 3135 Universal Drive, Unit 18, MississaugaL4X 2E6.(416) 625-8412. n/c A Poem for 'DaU-d' on Flather's'Day Yesterday before my shift 1 watched a man sit alone drinking a beer He looked around the restaurant as if be was lonely 1 became to wonder if he had a family With cbildren ta f111 bis days, with love, laughiter and tears. W'as hie takinig the timne after a biard days work to con- template how bis life is? Whetber bis children were doing well in scboal? 0f if tbey got inta another figbt witb the teachers. Or, couId he possibly be sit- ting there tbinking of how be was trying to cope the best way be knew how witb the way bis life is and withi wbatever bappened witb bis cbildren durinig their day of sehool. As 1 watched 0ibis mani atten- tively, A warmtbh inside mne grew.- for ibis mani that 1 was study- tng- Remninded me of a mnan I neyer really knew. For rnaw Inowthis lman 1 love so inuch Tried bis darndest ta do the best hie could To understand is cbildren and cap)e with the thinigs in his life. In return these children don't even Lake the time To look closely at this tired- eyed man that helped themn inta this warld and realize that he does care, and inaybe so mucb more than anyone can possibly see. Before my shift was ta be-gin, This man had finishied bis hard day's wvork, finished his beer, and gat up fromn the table. Afier he paid for his drink, 1 watched bim get inta bis car and drive away. Maybe he wasn't such a lonie- ly man, as he mnay be a lucky one that bias a home and family to go ta. Just then a tear feIl down timy cbeek, Because ibis man 1 lave s0 mujch has neyer been told, and that tbis man I neyer really knew, made me feel so fortunate ta have lm as myv dad, Wendy Procher Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 13, 1984-9 _______LIVESTOCK SALE Ontario premier SHORT-HORN HERD of Murray and Gaye Pimn- mett, Peterboroughs, Ontario. Dispersion 60 lots, purebred and Shor- thorn/Maine Anjou, Saturday, June 23, 1984, 1:00 p.mun. Ouest con- signor - John Sims. Details (705) 748-333 1. n/c _________FOR SALE New CELIAC COOKBOOK. 300 gluten free recipes. Guaranteed. $10 post paid. Write to Gait Davis, Sn., C608, No. 128, 9501-72nd Avenue, Grande Prairie, T8V 6AI. n/c PERSONAL MEET YOUR MATCH. For ail ages and unattached. Thousands of miemrbers anxious to mneet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Caltolit free 1-800-263-9103. l'ours: Noon. to 8 p. n%. n/c Oriental womnen seek literate, courteous correspondence with Cana- dians for language practice, friendship or cultural excliange. Cherry Biossomis, Box 1021AP, Honokaa, Hawaii 96727. n/c THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY )om, 0F DURHAM - flmýNOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that Regional Council wilI con- sider at a meeting ta be held on: JUNE 20, 1984 AT 10:00 A.M. COUJNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY TEAN APPLICATION TO AMEND TEDURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The amendmnent, as submitted by the appli- Gant, proposes ta permit an area for waste disposai within the site shaded on the map below. Previously, this amendment has been adver- tised on a number of occasions and has been sub- ject ta several public meetings. At the meeting mentioned above, the report of the Planning Com- mittee will be presented ta Regional Council. -1 The report and- information related ta this matter are available fromthe Regional Clerk's Department. Requests ta appear before Regional Council as a deputation concernîng the amendment apà- plication must be forwarded ta the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3, and should be recelved 48 hours prior ta the Regional Council meeting. Gary Herrema Regional Chairman CXW. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk Date of Publication: June 13, 1984 Purchase Order no. AD0676

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