Orono Weekly Times, Wednesilay, June 13, 1984-11 a Classified Advertising $1.50 FOR 25 WVORDS OR LESS BLOCK ADS - $1.50 COLUMN INCH Woodall Carpentry FuIl v Licenced 10 Years Experience specializiug in CUSTOM BUILDING - RENOVATIONS - CABINETS, etc. 983-9759 J'Me Fashions Main St., Orono -The latesi infashionsfor alliUrnes and ail needs" 983-,9341 Phone for appointment. Aniniversary, Wedding and Faxily Portraits in our Studio, your Home, or on Location. 78 Kng St. W., Bowmainville 623-2404 Cali for a no obligation evaluation of your home, acýreage or farmn or for information on properties in the area. 987-4733 623-4445 Phone 416-623-33 93 Orono cail 983-9547, For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or seiing and for the largest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST 214 Kingl E., Chris Stapleton Sales Representative 983-5093_ NOTICES fi t yuhseqei o or concerrus ahotit voui miunicip-aliiy, please iteedfrce tb catilFrc ai/ efflitc 983-5505 or 987-5039. Diane Harc Couiîc. Ward 3 Town of' Ncwca.,IIle HELP WANTED Girls summrrer camip in Hialiburton requires.water- front staff, mniinimum age 16 with bronze medallion for July and August. Also R.N. or R.N.A. for part of August. Phone: 1-416-576-6693 or 1-987-5488. 6,13, a.c. PART-TIME TECHNICAL ASSISTANT WANTED A part-time vacancy exists in our pharmacy depart- ment for a.technical assistant. Completion of a certified pharmacy co urse or previous hospital pharmacy ex- perience is preferred. Appiy: Personnel Department, Memorial Hospital, 47 Lîbery Street South, Bowmanville, Ontario. LlC 2N4. Purchase Order No. 2714. 13, a.c. .1 TENDERS_ Applications are invited to supply painting and decorating of the upstairs of the Orono United Church Manse. For specifications, please cati 983-5824 Mrs. Chailice or 983-5286 Mrs. E. Gordon, for appointment. Deadiine for tenders - June 3Oth. 6,13, a. c. COMING EVENTS Father'.s Day Turkey Dinner, Sunday, June i7th, 1984. Serving from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.mn. Oro(noAýrenia Community Centre. Aduits $7.00 - Chiidren under 12 - $3,00 - Pre-school - free. - Proceeds to the Orono Arena Project and Improve- mnent Fund. Tickets available at Momn's Kitchen or 983-5236, 983-5608, 983-5858. 9,16,23,30,6,13, a.c. Kidney Foundation-Durham Unit Meeting The Kidney Foundation-Durham Unit wiIl hoid a meeting on Thursday, June 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Whit- by Legion Hall, Byron Street, Whitby. The meeting is open to, ail memnbers of the public. For more informa- tion, cati unit chairman Joan Ransberry at 683-5110 - Ajax. 13, a.c. BOWMAN VILLE MUSEUM TEA The Rowmanville Museum Tea sponsored by Com- munity Care will be held on Thursday, June 2lst from 2:00 to 3:30. Entertainmrent at 2:00 o'clock. Ail seniors welcome. 13,20, a. c. BASEBALL EXHIBIT June 9 - June 24 an exhibit on BASEBALL AT KENDAL, 1925-1983, at the Kirby Schoolhouse gallery on Hwy. 35/115 at Kirby. Photos, uniforms, etc. OPEN Tuesdays through Saturdays 10 - 4; Sundays 2 - 5. Free Admission. 6,13,20, a. c. COMIMUNITY CARE YARD SALE Newcastle Community Care Yard Sale at the Rickard Farm, 21/ miles east of Bowmanviile, Saturday, June 23rd,.starting at 9:30 a.mr. Any items or baking wouid be gratefully received from volunteers, seniors and the generai public. Please cail the office at 623-2261. Coffee, pop and baking available. Ramn or shine. 13,20, a.c. "Hair wîth Flair" LADIES AND GENTS Main Street, Orono 9835333, ORONO CEMETERY DECORATION DAY Orono Cemetery Decoration Day, Sunday June 24, 1984, 2:00 p.m. in Lang Memnorial Chiapel, Rev. Keith Henderson - Guest Speaker. 13,20, a.c. FOR SALE ASPARAGUS Asparagus - local, farm-fresh, picked daii-y. Please cail 705-277-2332. 30,6,13, pd. Box plants, potted plants and hanging plants. The Manders Farm, R.R. 1, Newtonville. Cali 983-5179. 16,23,30,6,13,20,27, a.c. Fiower Basket Day, Saturday, June 23rd,, by Orono Junior Gardeners for Decoration Sunday. Cut flowers arranged in baskets, $4.00 a basket. Phone Helen Robinson 983-5460 or Donna Scott 983-5026. 13,20,a.c. 1980 Turbo Trans-Arn, special edition, T-roof, air, plus many other options, $7,400. Certified. Phone 983-5826. 13,20, a. c. 18x6'ft. flat, trailer, tandem wheels, single ".walk- ing" axle, 1 year old, good for smali farm tractor or an automobile. Phone 797-2566. $2500.00 13,20, pd. - ~APARTMENT FOR RENT- 2 Bedroom in downtown Orono. Available Juiy 1lst. Inquire at Red & White. 13, a.c. AUCTIONS FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 15 - 7 P.M. evergreen shrub auction at OR VAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY - a large sale of about 800 hardy potted shrubs, 12 varieties. Juniper spreaders and uprights, globe cedars, mint julep, blue danube, an- dorra, sabina, golden pfitzers, skyrocket, mountbatten, fairview, spartan, blue'haven, hili danube, springbank, etc. Don't miss this chance to save, ail must go - 7:00 p.m., Mclean Auctioneers 324-2783, Lindsay. 13, a. c, SAT., JUNE 16 - 10M0 A.M. at ORVAL MCLEAN AUICTION CENTER - LINDS AY estate of late Lomne Beatty, Beaverton plus local estate con- signments. Antique walnut settee, provincial fruitwood dining suite, modern bedroom suite, oval parlour table, buffet, china cabinet, wicker rocker and chair, antique and modern furniture, antique cook stove, antique china, dishes, a good sale. 10:00 a.m. sharp, McLean Auctioneers 324-2783, Lindsay. 13, a. c. (Continued Page 9) Corneto FRED'S for the f irst VEGETABLES C& 'FRUIT of the season Home-gro wn Asparagus & -Rhubarb BedanlPlnt Stokes Seeds WyIe's Grape Juice Cider and Apples FRUIT MARKET HWY. 35 SOUTHO0F ORONO0 983A5628 1l'hotography Luletil 1--,State,ý-ýý 1 'mm fi rÀd7jq/.FÀoffl!Â.À.,,.e.,ÀIFÀI.À,À.