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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jun 1984, p. 1

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Retirement Party at Kirby Public Sehool Di.BI.A. propose future promotions llie Orono Doiwwýritown t Main Street. Space wtll bc Busnesme'sAssociationi allotred to those individuals held a meceting, last T uesday isin o take part. evenig when fture Ipromlo- A ms inonnectIon with the lionsý were sel forth For' the r- c ommuiniiy Yard and mairing. L port ion of t be year . Sidewýalk sale an Air-Band The Board is promoting a com pel ition is to be held dur- float for the Orono Fair ing th&L afternoon and Bicenitenniial parade to bc e seentyfive dollars has been held on Saturday, September allotted for prize money for 8thi. A\committîee has been this event. seîup to proceed with the Thec Boatrd also is to pro- plans which are to incl ude a more their cýoupon draws as special float promnotion f'or last yecar withi some $400.00 the downtowni area. being issued through the The group also sanctionied couLpon[1event. This-event will a co niiy yard and be lheld jusi befonre Christmas sidewýalk sale to be hield in the for a period of three weceks. Orono downtown area on It was pointed oi that this Saturday, September 151h. evenlt \was mlost successfullast Prior to the event an invita- yýear i v ti-aîmosi 100 percent tion w\ill be offered to local of th le coupons being redeeru- citizens to take part in the' ed in hie local stores of the commuiniîy tyard sale along Vlae Envirounment to Ybe Mrs. Margaret Campbell, crirrently a teacher ai Kirby Public Scbool, is reiiring at the comipletion of ibis school year. Last Thursday, friends and associates gathered togethier to show their appreciation of' her dedication to teaçing.,- Mrs. Campbelli, along with Board o f Ed ucat ion Iliem bers, thle Areai Superintendant and teachiers who have worked wý,itb Mrs. Campbell at the various sehools in whîch she's taught, enjoyed a lovely lunch. Mrs. Campbell was then presented withi a food processor as a parting gift. Mrs. Campbell spent her early years; near Millbrook and attended Millbrook High School. Afier graduation she enrolled in the Teacher's Col- lege in Peterborough which wýas called the Peterborough Normal School at that time. Her early teacbing days werie spent at Cedardate in Orono Cubs at weekend camp Twety-wocubs bad an enjoyable w\eekend of camp- ing 'at Sandaraska Park. Thieir themne was Athileic Camp. As ilhey arived iîhey ier asignecd their lent 10o sleep in. Camp vas officialyopeed -lby the raising of the flag. Flie cubs hý en changedl from thleir uiniforms iro camp i oJi Winner at Orono Showcase Amanada Haines wvas thle winner of the doit draw held last week-end at the Orono Shiowcase Co- operative. Mr. Gordon Jackson made the dr-aw with Ohe doit being- donated by Ted Remington. Proceds fromn the draw to be used in advertising the Showcase. ~XOrono O.M.H.A. Atom Banquet The Orono O.M.H.A. Tennant Fuel Atomrs were entertained at a banquet Sunday evening at thie Orono S Coimunity- Centre when the teamr miembers and coaches enjoyed a chcikewni dinner. The coaches presented the teamn members willh individual trophies whie the Orono Athiletic provided monies which was us- ed to purchase hoeky bags for the boys. The -oachies were in return presented m-ementos byý the team- The Tennant Fuel Atom-,s woa th D Chami-pionl'- ship for the Zone but were dezfeated fro-m proceedinig t further by Okwoo in a ýseries thia weint four gaeto declare thewier A Lwwely Pair of Shoes and Soces A lonecly pair of running shoes and socksý are ax i ous to be re-uied wýithi their owe.Found descrîedi ai the Orono Pa-,rk ura afiernoon. Ownier mnay con- tact his despairing shoesý and(- socks byý phoniing i 621-6311. Oshawa before she took lime off to rmise ber famnily. She resumed teacbing after a 15 year absence and spent the rest of ber 261/2 year teaching career in our local scbools: Newtonville Public Scbool, Kendal -Public School- and Kirby Public School. For the past 14 years she bas been in the field of special education and bas been working witb youngsterswho have learning disabilities. cloîh-es, went f'or a bike, bad at campfflire,mu up, and then off i bed. Saturday wmas a very busy day, 17 Beavers and 4 Scouts arrived [o take parti nthe atbletic eveinîs of50 nm. run, higb jump, rope limbng, baIl hrfow, runing Iýlong jumip, intupýsandlpush ups. Everyone did i cthiest nd bad a good limie. Beavýers staed 10 a supper ofhiami- burlgers and dnrs hen la campiflire, with eacteýunt of cubs doingLaskit and (the Beves some songs. Beavers deparîed ifor home at 8:30. Scouter Dave Stainton touir serviice rep.), arrived anld presenîed Bobh Gooidmurphily w'iîb bis pairt one Wood Badge. The cubs hen bad mug up and off 10 bed. Sunday morning after breakfastmas the Church Service and thien a frceelime for heboys 1w playn dean rp tenus and gel packed Up. After lunch awardis and badge ehne d our. Pareuntarived b take home vey ied bhut hlappy cubs. Leades ma iIis c amrp al posibewereDon ScoIt, FerriSrgan, ob (jiood- n1urphy, Dens ilias antd Maureen Tomiilrtso. Cook, wreDajle Burnetî,i Neil McAlisîner and JeLe t ig. Mrs. Campbell says she bas enjoyed ber years as a teacher very much because she loves people, especially children. Wben asked about bier retirement plans, Mrsý. Campr- bell replied that she w\ýas guing to devote ber limne to gardeni- ing on ber small farm. Pictured- above are: MAr. Bruce Lush, prinicipal at Kendal-Kirby, Mrs. Camip- bell and -former Kenid a1- Kijrbhy principal, Mr. Glîebs. addressed Councillor Diane Hamre was sucsflMonday in pursulading council fmembers to first have environmental conIcerns "addressed befor e givinIg total approval f'or dev elopruent plans in the Courtice area. The General Purpose Committee last week througb a resolution recommended to counicil that the Region of Durbain lbe advised that thle Townilbad lno objections to anl Official plan Am)CIIenmen application by a Mr. Geariing for ' 1a miumof22 Estate Resýidentiial lors in Ille Cour- ticear. At thle (Genieral Purpose, Commitee meeimention was ade of theleironruenilCI- tai ýoncerns in thle particuilar area wýitb assýurance tfrom thel developer thlat these ocen oudbe Imet when a stuIdy referred tw the cncrn itat first may as a result of the study. Counicillor Hamnre presented an] amendmlent to the GPIA recommiiendatiun in that tble -Town still bas no ob- jection [o the Official Plan amecndment applicaion but t hat the recommnendarion would delete any reference to the number iof' lots and wouild ble condtîional on the appli- canit first addre.ssing the en-- vironmiental uconcern.. The couincillor pointed ouli that the Town was non at ani important stage as toý deveopruent intheCournice area and that the Town must bave conlcern ,on lhow they deal wýitb the ' ftrsrcouple of applications nin(order- 10 Set forth the proper procedure and that thre as every asrneibat apyeswr poetdagaist airpossi- (Contiued page 2) AIl in the Fam i/y IL was "al in the famiîy"- for Andrew and Kevîni Scott wbo lasî ek eehonouredj as 'Scout of, theYeran 'Cub Cofithe Year'. Andrew ý (lefI \w1as presented [lie Heathcr Rebelkah Lodge Scouit of the Yecar Aad Andrew, is a miembý[er- of [lie Orono Scout [roOP Vwhich]ba',s somce wenî- Brother Kevin 'Wazs presentied wiîb the 1Heather 1Rebekab 'Cub of the Year The presentations wýere rulade lsiMOnday nigbtin l ilhe Orono Uiîed Cburcb at wbiichi a good number of parentswerein attendance. Orono Weekly Times, 'Wednesday, June 13, 1984

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