Park Board request big council debate Thomas William Gustar Thomas William Gustar, son of MIr. and Mrs. B. Gustar, R.R. 2, Or-ono, recently graduated fromi- Fan- shawe College in Londcon KINDERGARTEN TO THE RESCUE lifs that timte of year- again, in fact bias been for the past month and a biaîf, whien tble hiens in the chicken bouse decide its timne they raised a family. Out of the comipli- ment of nine hiens six went broody and to satisfy thle in- stincts of nature and the urge to have a family we set five wifh four to five eggs eacb in every corner of the smnall house in the back yard. This was a littie better than three week.s ago and of course last week ai]lihens left their in- dividual nests with thieir young broods. During tbe three week in- cubation period ahl was quiet but the hecus prove miost pro- tective of their younig and over the past fewý days the old hiens were siiniig up trouble as they protected thieir own or keeping others young at a distance. Now 1 can miake one or two pens but that is tbe limit and te let them roam outside is pure suicide for the dog lias a thing about young chicks and their survival is always in question even thoughi the dog is tied up in the back yard. Sister Jean always operates an incubator at the Orono Public School for the kindergarten children and did so again this year. Unfor- tunately the incubator, or for my case possibly fortunate, the incubator could not reachi the desired temiperature for tbe incubation of the eggs. The lack or tbree degrees cen- tigrade was enouigb to resuit in a zero batcb and the kids wNere about I(10 do witbout their cbiicks tis, year. Tbis solved myv bousing1 problemi in tbhe c2hickenl bouse wNith th-e tem-porary loan of four a.Ssemb[ldbod of young thrlee to four dayCoI cblicks, and by thie tim iget thiem hack tbeyý sbould ams be old enlougbf to fendl for theseles.On Ilbe othier bandthe i i k indergre brood ohem withn with a diploma ii Sound Produc Engineering (Mus Arts). The Bowmanville Memnorial Park Associationi's request to expand the Park Hall off Liberty Street South had counicil running in al directions on Monday and took up a major portion of counicil's deliberations. The General Purpose Committee had approved the plans and biad authorized staff w\ith representation from the Memorial Park Association, to explore tlie feasibility of grants. The Genleral Purpose Committee hiad also referred the Board request for a $15,MOO capital grant to the 1985 budget dJiscussions and n Recorded as wýell anrinterest free boan as tion and haýd been made to others so sic tndustry thaitithe Memorial Park Board could proceed at this tire ith its plans of exten- ding thile Park Hall. This was to be disussed with the Park SBoard wtb a furtber report coming back to the General brood and back into egg pro- duction. The four continue to jam into the nest box and covýer the eggs from the two laing ,Buiff Orpingtons who continue mnost religiously to produice an egg a day each. 1 recali when 1 was a kid and at tbat time also kept chickens living on Park Street withi a hien house in the back yardc. 1 was not as foritunate as today witbi a host of' broody liens but did want to set somne eggs. The Lintons living in the Tree Nursery bouse also kept chickens and 1 was gven a broody hien on loan to set. 1 can recali bicycling over to the Lintons with a: grainl sac to transport thec brooder home. With the hien in thec sac and the sac over the handle bars -1 was speeding down the flttre hilI west of tbe Orono creek when the sac slipped in bet- ween the forks of tbe bike and tbe front wheel and tbe hen let out the most ungodly squack. My onfly thoughit was at tbis point, "'ve kilied Lin- toi's lhen". Upon investigation tbhen was alive and only suffered a scalping of feathers off tbec side (if jt<head. The happening however took ail the brood out of tbe hen and just would not sit on any eggs. Well 'm not about, to try tbiat trick again so will put uip witb nature and wait out ftic bens and their brooding ways. Ne wton ville water survey report In a reply to ani enquiry bCounc. Diane Hamre the iistry of the Environment( \01o along wmitb the Dwum Board of Hcaltb bae ccl- dCtLCed a survey of ;ellsIL U Haiet of Newt(onvile, are to bavýe a reportibi0,coming week . Tbie Two prisdid Imeet LaII wek and lbave Ilinrerd Cout II.Hamreilai a rpr Purpose Comimittee. It was pointed out at the council meeting on Monday tbat the building at Memnorial Park was not owned by the Town but did sit on Town property. It was furtber iearned that the Memorial Park Board was in favour of receiving a boan rather than an outright grant and that the loan would be paid back over a number of years. Couincil did inove tbroughi a numnber of mlotions even tIo a tabling nmotion %which was defeated. In the end, and after consider able discussion, more over procedure than Content of the recommnenda- tions, couincil didi follow the direction of the General Pur- pose Comm-liittee. A furtier report is ex- pected at thie next General Purpose Committee meecting with final action being ap- proved by concil itwo weeks time. in the correspondence thiat the Atomic Eniergy Control Board bas reported thiat the limnestone cavern options have the potential of achiiev- ing the AECB disposai objec- tives at relatively modlest ad- ditional costs to tbat of shallow land burial wbich hias been termed inappropriate. The limestone raverns that have been suggesÎed could be constructed either in Newcas- tIe across the road fromn pre- sent Port Granby disposai area or in Hope Township in the Wesleyville area. round Hom Gradua te 983-5130- (8 a.m. -6 p.m.) offers you an ever increaseing array of' YELLOW NO NAME GROCERY PRODUCTS EACH AND EVERY WEEK Many shoppers in Orono are enj'oying quaiity and 25% to 50% Savings over Name Brand Products The I own of Newcasle council bas received a copyý of a Region of Durham letter in which the Region is re- questing of Eldorado Resources Limited a commit- ment to submit any proposai for the establishment of a radioactive waste disposaI facility related to the decom- missioning of the present Po rt Granby site to the Federal Environment Assess- ment Review, Office for review by an independent panel. An attached report points out that in the past the Region has been unable to secure a commitment for- such a review from Eldorado Resources Limîted even tbough most government bodies suggest such a review should be undertaken for any new nuclear waste manage- ment facility that may be created. The report does point out that as Eldorado Resources Limited is a crown corpora- tion federal departments can- not stipulate that a review be undertaken. The report further states that Eldorado plans and schedules for further work and rer,-iving approvals does appear optimistie. It has also been contained is forthcoming this coming week., The survey bas been comn- pleted with the exception of tinal testing of test wells drill- cd in the area. Counc. Hamre reportsthat a number of residents of New.Lnville have called about the survey :which was srarted some two years ago. The report is expected to contain recommendations to alleviate pol lution of water supply to many residential homies in the bamiet whecre the suppIy is provided iltrougbI private wells. it is possible undcî certain conditions tbat the p)rovince couild assist with subsýidies up to 75 perýent for the driliing of new we\lls wbere required or, (lioniy answer t10 poilu- lion ('lresnt atr up- plies. NEW WHITE POTATOES. £Z US.,Can, No. 1 10Ibs. .m49 Large U.S. Canteloupe ea..99l Ck e CWORNISH 'S Case of 24x280 i Carnb 649 Mi Phone 983-5201 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Jane 13, 1»S43 Orono Nursery School Haif day enrichment programnme for 3 - 4 year old children QUALIFIED STAFF - LICENSED PREMISES OPTIONAL READING PROGRAMME FOR 4 YEAR OLDS Register Now For September '84 983-5402 a.m. 987-4012 p.m. ORONO WEEO CONTROL, GOVERNMENT UCENSEO LAWN SPRAYINQ -WEEDS INSECTS - FERTILOZNG {CIL> DRIVEWAY SEALING Work Completed By k1oe*tied Professional FREE ESTIMATES PHONE BOB 983-5267 BOX 277, ORONO MANGAR'S GARAGE 17 Mill St., ORONO 0 General Repairs on ail Makes Cars, Trucks, Buses, TractorsME Both Foreign and Oomestic 0 Radiator and Air Conditioning Service 0 Propane Conversion 0 Safety Inspection Station on ail gas and Propane vehicles including Dump Trucks and School Buses 9 Free Towing - Engine & Transmission lobs * Life-Time Warranty on Mutiler, Shock jobs Licence: Class A, B, H, P3, S6A, S6B, Pro- pane Inspector For Appointment Cali MIKE: Granulated Sugar 2 kg pkg. Eldorado makes no commitment 1 1 je do% al