4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 13. 1984 Bike Rodeo at Orono-Lockharts Christian Women's club summer event This summer plan to join location with a feature on us for an afternoon or even- fresh-cut flowers and music ing to remember. by Allanah Coles as well as On June 19th a dessert- an exciting speaker. For coffee will be held at the reservations cail 623-7750, Lion's Centre on 26 Beech 623-2872, or 623-7227. Avenue in Bowmanville from 1:15 - 3:15 p.m. The Visual On August 29th treat the Arts Centre will be providing mat in your life to a dinner a very special feature on anti- evening with a special feature que porcelain dolls. You will on basebaîl by local author be entertained with vocal Bill Humber (Cheering for selections by local singer Lin- the Home Team). Check da Norton and heart warming your newspaper for more speaker, Ruth Pitt. details later. A nursery is available. CWC is an international, On July 24th an evening non-denominational dessert-coffee is being plann- organization with no ed from 7-9 p.m. at the same membership fees or dues. ing," says the chairman. Ransberry reminds local residents that there are a number of kidney patients living in the region as well as a number of kidney transplant patients. Ransberry became in- terested in the Kidney Foun- dation of Canada in 1969 when her then 21-year old brother, Don Ransberry, underwent a transplant after disease destroyed his healthy organs. Today, 17 years later, Don Ransberry lives a healthy and normal life. "He's married and has two children. He's a resident of Durham. He lives in Orono," explains Ransberry. "Through advancement in medical research made partly possible by the Kidney Foun- dation, my brother had his life returned. The Kidney Foundation plays a vital part in keeping hundreds of Cana- dians alive," says the chair- man. Ransberry is making plans to attain two guest speakers for the June meeting. The speakers will include a representative from the M.O.R.E. program and a local doctor dealing with kidney disease. "Also a half- hour has been set aside to let people meet each other," says Ransberry. Anyone interested in more information on the Kidney Foundation-Durham Unit call Joan Ransberry at 683-5110. Recently, students at Orono-L.ockhart Public School participated in a bike rodeo. Students were re- quired to do a written test, a riding agility test and a bike safety test and were supervis- to Shean Kennedy and third ed by a member of the place went to Nicole French Evers managed a third place Durham Regional Police. At and Derrick Dennis. At finish. Orono Public School, frstAbove picture taken at the place went to Kevin Scott and Bradley Thorpson captured Orono Public School. Lower Todd Graves, 2nd place went first place, Laurie Sokoljuk picture taken at Lockharts wkh their respective winners. Kidney Foundation Durham Unit DURHAM - Residents of Durham Region have formed a group to help fight kidney disease. The Kidney Foundation- Durham Unit was formed in June. Elected chairman was Ajax resident Joan Ransberry. The unit is affiliated with the Kidney Foundation of Canada-Toronto & District Branch. The next meeting of the local unit will be held on Thursday, June 28th at 7:30 p.m. at the Whitby Legion Hall, Byron Street, Whitby. The first objective of the Durham Unit is to increase it's membership. "'We're seeking volunteers from across the region," says Ransberry. The chairman points out that the main characteristic of a volunmeer "is just someone who cares". The June 28th meeting will be an educational session. "We'll offer a breakdown on how the Kidney Foundation works and how kidney pa- tients and their families benefit from the foundation." The objectives of the Kidney Foundation are to support and encourage research into the incidence, causes, prevention and cure of all kidnev disease and to promote professional and public education about kidney diseases. In Ontario about 1,370 people are on kidney dialysis. "Of these about 700 are suit able for transplantation," says Ransberry. However, every year, 300 new patients come onto dialysis. In 1983, 230 transplants were per- formed. "Depending on the blood type, the average wainmg time is one to two years. About 80 percent of transplanted kidneys func- tion after one year," says the local chairman. Members of the local unit will organize special fund- raising projects throughout the year in addition to taking part in door-to-door canvas traditionally held in March. Also, local volunteers will help sell peanuts, a fund- raising project held every year by the Kidney Founda- lion. "Through public support, the Foundation is able to pro- vide research grants across Canada for studies into kidney disease and its treat- ment. In 1983, $156,538 was issued for research in the Toronto area including the Region of Durham." Also, public support helps the foundation offer blood pressure clinics at companies and shopping maIls. "Pa- tient s are assist ed primarily in the form of transportation and medical costs, where not covered by government aid," says Ransberry. Also, money goes to fund summer camps for kidney pa- tients, including children. "Money also goes to the Metro Organ Retrieval and Exchange (M.O.R.E.) Program. This is a provincial service which retrieves, tests and transports kidneys," says the chairman. In the past, residents of Durham volunteered their time to the Toronto and District Branch. Ransberry says public support from the region has been excellent. "Members of the foundation decided that because of the local interest in the Kidney Foundation, a unit should be formed. We decided to hold the monthly meetings in Whitby because it's the cen- tre point of the region. We hope to atîract members from as far north as Ux- bridge, as far east as Newcas- tle and as far west as Picker- Choose a Lawn-Boy Special with quality performance and standard Lawn-Boy built-to-last features: 0 Finger-tip starting 6 4 HP rated engine 0 CD solid state ignition 0 Quiet under-the-deck muffler * Patented flexible rear shield 0 Optional side grass catcher Lawn-Boy - choose from 14 different models. ROLPH we made ournameinhardware Main St., Orono Phone 983-5207 LAN-: BOY As time goes byyou'll know why.