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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jun 1984, p. 1

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Un veil Massey Plaque in- Newcastle Aftcr 122 eai s as tire ic of [ihe Orono lire Depart- mentfii, RssMecer f, ha, wclîook cffcct as ot flie first1 ol 1i ]ue Meeiwsappointed lice chiief in Apil of 1962 by t he Orono Police Trustees and hias held ihie position until the 1' pre,,ent date. At the lime he follo\wed hi.s brother Bruce Mrs. Elizabeth Breithaupt, along wth another mnember of the Massey family during the unvelâng of the Massey Plaque ni Newýcastle Village on Sunday afternoon. The Village of Newcastle on Sunday hionoured another 1 of its inative sons through the unvii\eiiing of an Ontario H-er-itage Foundation plaqjue honouring the Mase aii i y, fouinders of thie New\castle F ouniildry anild Ma chIiin e ManlufactoryV, \whiich Ceven- i ualiy de\veloped into the world('s largest manufacturer of heavy farmacinery. Thieuneig took place in front iof the form ner Mse home, now ,offtice,, for J. Anderson Smith Company. Daniel Massey moved the modest family business from Bond Head into the Villagec in 1849 where it prospered for some thirty years. In 189-7 the operation had outgrown itsý facilit ies' in Newcasýtle and (Contmnued page 2) Published Every MWedm&,iday Bicentennial dance for charity cause ORONO - The Eikens faiiy R.R. , Oroo(, 'vo miles, of Oronio i hstnga stof the 11. BicntnnalBarn Dance, The dan1ýce starts ýat 8pm, Saturday, Junle 23, and peo- w\ithuiepovied iynC Ie are îinvited to dress up i dy aesconr n itima'ginlation florthie o esenband.Tiktar$5 casoi. per coujple, anTd pro:eeds gLo The getshould dress in) to chaitl*. If' y ou'd like to at- ethn Ii, nlative ori s)tore tend', you can phione the cotmelorthle dil1ace Fikens' lfarm at (4116) which ie hbe hi on the983-5279. Eikens' tobacco farm on bppr nI -. Kirhy Burgers Now, on the Menu The Reids of' Kirby' Ihave openied their Kirby Burger Fast Food outiet and are now in fui operation. The Fast Food retaurianti is locatedi jus( north of the Deli and Meat store at the four corners in Kirby. And Not A Drop of 'Water Available Ross Mericer and Francis Tennant on June 9th were driving the Oronio irefighîter's Antiiquie '33 fire engine to,the OriYtar,o Fîre Buff's Association rally in Toronto when xxest of Pickeing -,on 401 IHighway they%,came upon a van on fire. Without a drop of water in thle 50 gallon wafer tank on the miachine and wNithout even an cx- tinguyishier the local Cre\\ had to paIss the i opporîunity to be t lie herios, of the day ,foriom anl ownIer. li tw a n marasigmoment states former fire ce osNecr Yvonne Mail lanld ritThe Apple RIossýom Shoi) broughLlt a mniosszdbuelehi mb theoffice oni Tuedayaftrnon aken frolin under thleir fiont veranl dali. 1The bee2hive wa aonder of shiades ,iniight brown[(\%I Signs must abide by-Iaw regulations The crai Purposc com- mittee of thle Town Iot- Necati ave give hiri approvali orlte uenforcemlenti of, conditions of thle Tw î Sign law hih\il[ affect aneha i gýiingLIsinrce nti erccted at Norm's Delicatïesseni in Bowmaniiiek as wcIl as other non- conforming signs erected foliowing the passing of' the by-law. JThe commîptspce k actinue At the Massey u1pon au com1pLain1t'flom-ithli Bomanilie Downtwi\on usiessmn~sAsso)ciation as toi the 1Delicatessen sýigI n whichi protrudes some c18 inches beyvond Ithecndto ofItle Sig n By law h e Busineqýsmen'sAscito have asalsk Ied that other sîgns erectediio ilte passing of the by)a and nlot meeting the coniditions of thle by-iaw be taken dlown. MeiLCI i wo \was chief of the l ocal depar imnent fo ra number iciof years., 11 s1,tretigto note that u1ponl appointment-c in 1962 t1 chliief1's sa1lary\ wýas i ncreas- cd three hunldred percent 11ront$50.00 a year to $1500 TheMererfamily have alwysben associated \with thie locýal lire depart ment star- ting,- with Harry MerILcer and follwedby hs snsBruce, Ro,,s and Jack, thie latter re- iniing wjth the departmenti at thle present time asdeu- fire chief' of the local Orono Station. Ross, Mercer reca!lîs many relationship- during theu 22 year period as chief and the co-operation f romnilocal fieigtrsad offieso thle lcldpret Ross has bein embherof tlle localdeprmmfor ai leaqttwny-ixyars. Denies request for waste disposai site The Region of Durhamn Planning C(omlmittee iast wýcek dcnied a rqetby Reina eciaimers lýfor anl Officiai Plan amendment tl o aliow theicdeveiopmncntof a 40 hlectare \wast ispsa ite in flie foire onhpof Clrc onILcessoin3, part lotsIl,11and 12. [lie Planning Departmlent rCLceived he pplcaton or O f ficiai Plan amcendmnent from Regionýa Reclaimeris in earlyv 1983 and w\hich request wýas t abled at a meet ingL of t he comiite on Jl 12, 1983. A revised application was handled 1by thle Regional Comnmittee on Septemiber 6, 1983 Nwfih rcommer.ndation from staff that the applica- tion, be denied. Again the comnim iiitc tah ed t he applica- t ion wýhich caime before com- (Continued page 5) Counci«l wants more input on awards A proposi hrm 11e Chie AdmnisratveOfficer, Dave Johnston, Concl aerning Outstadig Ciies awards for) thie Ton 0f lNewýcastle debate wliith tercommI[lendaLi,_- l ion [ig bak to stail I lr furthler iinput. Johnson s uggested that thle reýeIy f6rm Newcas- ic Comuity Serv\ices Plan- niing Board hbe requested to selct i11outstanding citizens of the Town iof- Newcastle. rersenIng lte Past ten years who wouid be lhonoured at a speciai l ad nlight. it wa alo suggested that thie icenitennial Comimittee in consitntion \with the- PlanningL Board organiz an awarids nighî f'or the elev-en becing given io ithelatter part oi Scetember. Sýome cunilmembers werc somewhiat reluctant to hand ov er the, choice of can- didates for the i\aads to others wàih the result thiat proposai bias beien returned to staff for otheri considera- t ions. în veiling Th11L piay ilng of O) Canada by the trumpeters and Ithe slute by tý he SeaCadet Cip kl 00 1 ý t- z ý , l

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