Orono Weeklv Times, Wednesday, lune 20, 1984-7 !14ruJauuYxL Classified Advertising $1.50 FOR 25 WVORDS OR LESS BLOCK,«DS - $1.50 COLUMVN INCH "Hair with Flair" LADIES AND GENTS Main Street, Orono 9835333 Woodall Carpentry Fully Licenced 10 Years Experience specializing in CUSTOM BUILDING - RENOVATIONS - CABINETS, etc. 983-9759 J'Me Fashions Main St., Orono "-TheIat'est infashiionsfor ýa/I imiies and ail need s" 983-9341 LP HOTO0 SHOP {jL î E D Phone for appointment. Anniversary, Wedding and Family Portraits in our Studio, your Home, or on Location. 78 King St. W., Bowmanville, 623-2404 Call for a no obligation evaluation of your home, acreage or farmn or for information on properties in the area. 987-4733 623-4445 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono cail 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST Chris Stapleton Sales Representative 983-5093 11 NOTICES Il' you have questions or concerrus about your 11nunlicipality, please feel free to cail nie ai cit ltt' 983-5505 or 987-5039. Diane Hamrc Counc. Ward 3 luown of Ncewcastc1( -EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY- Typing (50 words per minute minimum) and general front office work or person with some graphic art skill for paste-up. Opening available immediately. Apply Orono Weekly Times, Main Street, Orono. 20, a.c. COMING EVENTS' Newcastle Public Libraries present a Concert for Young People with Rick Avery and Judy Greenhili. Folk Music and Fun. Orono Town Hall, Tuesday, July 3, 1984, 2-3 p.m. Admi ssion - free. 20, a. c. ORONO CEMETERY DECORATION D)AY Orono Cemetery Decoration Day, Sunday June 24, 1984, 2:00 p.m. in Lang Memorial Chapel, Rev. Keith Henderson - Guest Speaker. 13,20, a. c. The congregation of the Kendal United Chuirch in- vite you to worship with themn June 24, 1984 ati11:15 a.m. in a homecoming service. :Special music wiIl be rendered by former residents and members of our church choir over the years. A social time will follow aur morning service. 6,20, a.c-. BOWMANVILLE MUSEUM TEA The Bowmanville Museum Tea sponsored by Corn- munity Care will be held on Thursday, June 21st fromi 2:00 ta 3:30. Entertainment at 2:00 o'clock. Ail seniors welcome. 13,20, a. c. BASEBALL EXHIBIT June 9 - June 24 an exhibit on BASEBALL AT KFNDAL, 1925-1983, at the Kirby Schoolhouse gallery on Hwy. 35/115 at Kirby. Photos, uniforms, etc. OPEN Tuesdays through Saturdays 10 - 4; Sundays 2 - 5. Free Admnission. 6,13,20, a. c. OPEN HO USE The family of Charles and Gloria Gray wish to in- vite friends and family ta an open house in honour of their 25th Anniversary at Newcastle Town Hall on July 7th from 2:30 - 4:30 p. m. 20,27,4, pd. YARD SALE 21Munroe Street, Newcastle (off Mill Street, north of lights) on June 24th starting at 10:00 a.m. - garden tools, auto supplies, dishes, etc. 20, pd. FACTORY SPECIAL T-SHIRT CLEARINGS Large Neighbourhood Front Yard Sale on Satur- day, June 23rd, ramn date - June 24th from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. New aduit and children T-shirts (subs and seconds) $1 .00. Some fleece sweatshirts will be avaîlable in youths and aduits. Various household items -toys, games, etc. - pool pumnps, filters, etc., stroller, bikes. Located on Clarke 4th Line, 1 mile west of Hwy. 115. 20, a. c. Saturday, June 23, 1984 from 9:30 - 4:30 p.m. Sale of antique furniture, most pieces restored. Mill Street, Orono (grey house). 20, a.c. COMMUNITY CARE YARD SALE Newcastle Community Care Yard Sale at the Rickard Farm, 21/ miles east of Bowmanville, Saturday, JUne 23rd, starting at 9:30 a.m. Any items or baking would be gratefully received from volunteers, seniors and the general public. Please call the office at 623-2261. Coffee, pop and baking available. Ramn or shine. 13,20, a.c. CANCELLATION Due to a variety of circumstances, the Clarke Township Museum's STRAWBERRY SOCIAL for June 23rd has had to be cancelled. 20, a.c. FR 1SALE Motorcycle, 77 Yamnaha, 750 cc, Faring Stereo, rear bags and box, new paint, battery, tires and muflier. Low mileage, cover. Bills to prove - $2500. Phone 983-5916. 20,27,4,- a. C. Box plants, potted plants and hanging plants. The Manders Farm, R.R. 1, Newtonville. Caîl 983-5179. 16,23,30,6,13,20,27, a.c. Flower Basket Day, Saturday, June 23rd, by Orono Junior Gardeners for Decoration Sunday. Cut flowers arrahged in baskets, $4.00 a basket. Phone Helen Robinson 983-5460 or Donna Scott 983-5026. 1 3,20,a.c. 1980 Turbo Trans-Arn, special edition, T-roof, air, plus many other options, $7,400. Certified. Phone >983-5826. 13,20, a.c. 18x6 ft. flat traider, tandem wheels, single "Iwalk- ing" axle, 1 year old, good for small farm tractor or an automobile. Phone 797-2566. $2500.00 13,20, pd. -~CUSTOM COMBINING 6600 J-D Combine with shredder attachments if re- quired - owner operated. R.D. MORTON. 983-5682. 20,27,4,11,18,25,1,8, a.c. LOST One brown metal telephone directory, Iost last Fni- day in phone booth on Main Street, Orono. ,Reward $25.00. Phone Orono Times - 983-5301. 20, a.c. (continued page 5) Corne to ~ FRED'S 1' 9fU Pick Your Own obuy fresh picked at Market beginning June 25 Open 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. .~FRUIT MARKET HWY. 35 ~ :SOUTH OF ORONO .98352 Real )'-'state..,,,