Classified Ads (Continued fromn page) 1 I) -CUSTOM COMBINING 6600l J-D Combine with shredder attacilments if re- quired - owner operated. R.D. MORTON. 983-5682. 20,27,4,11,18,25,1,8, a.c. STORE FOR RENT Modemn 600 square foot shop on Main Street, Orono - $250.00 per month. Caîl Ed Vanhaverbeke, E'd- van Realf y Lirtited 623-4445 ur 987-4733.2,41la. - BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT - BURT - Joe and Merridy (Williams) are happy to ant- nounice thle birth of their daughter, Brenida Louise, 8 lb's. 101/z oz. on June 18, 1984. Proud grandparents are Jack and Shirley Williams, Orono; Karen Taylor, Ottawýa and Bill Burt, Nova Scotia. Great grandparents are Peter and Rena Bathgate; Mabel Williams; Irv Taylor and Isabel Burt. Special thanks to Doctors Anfossi and Cunn- ingham and tile maternity staff at Bowmianville Memoriai. 27, pd. AUCTIONS LINDSAY FLEA & FARMERS MARKET on Lit- tle Britain Road beside MeLeani Auction Barn NOW OPEN EVERY FRIDAY 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., ne.w and used flea items, farm produce, yard sales, new,ý mattress, discoun center, sport clothes and shoes, dress shoes, crafts, DELI MEATS, lunch & chip bar, FREE DRAW. yEN- -DORS WANTED 324-2783, Lintdsay or come thîs weekend. 27,4,11,18,25,1, a.c. THURSDAY, JUNE 28 - 6:30 p.m. at ORVAL, MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY - con- signmnents from local estate and homes, appliances, somte antiques, furniture, dishes, double banik electric organ, McLarey 2 door frost free refrigerator almond, maiching almond apartment size lniglîsh electric stove, antique dining table, oak dining chairs, Nashua 2210 photocopier, adding machine, chesterfields, 2 office desks, good electric dryer, RCA console color television, oak china c-abinet, good 3 pe. bedroomn suite, chests, dressers, knitting machine, good auto washer, single beds, chromne set, antique bed, old box stove, maple buffet and hutch, lanternis, old cabinet radio, picture framnes, oul lamps, books, king size bçd, oul stove, white portable sewing machine, maple desk, wýooden rocker, solid bedroomi suite wvith Beautyrest mattress, gesteiner, trunk, bar fridge, dishes, tools, a good sale to consign apt. or housefuls or list sales caîl 324-2783. McLean Auctioneers, Lindsay. 27, a.c. SHELP WANTED TRUCKING CAREER. Becomie a profesionat Transport Driver. Contact Mer, Orr's Kingsîoni (613) 549-3914; Toronto (416) 251-9073; Otiawa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-172.6; Nnrth Bay (705) 472-2910; Thunider Bay (807) 623-8686; Sauti Ste Marie (705) 759-0177; Camnbridge (519) 623-2430; Sudbury (705) 560-3351; Mlember B.B.B. n/c CAREER TRAINING FREE 128 page Career Guide shows. how to, train ai homte for 205 top-payig fuît and pai-timie jobs. Granion Institute, 265A Adetaide Street West, Toronto Cati (416) 977-3929 ioday. n/c Moe FARM F~OR SALE MoenHOG FARM on payed road. Bungalow, Feeder Barn, Sow Barn, Electric Mill, Grain Storage. $15900«). Montagne, Pr ince Edward Island (902) 838-4766.n/ FARM AUCTION Ontario's Largest FARNM MiACHINERY CONSIGNMENT SALE, Norwich, Ontarto. Friday, .tuly 13, 1984, 10 a.m, (Sales conducîed se- cond Friday each mnonth). Approx. 150-175 tractors plus ait types o0f farmi equipmient. CoMnsinens welcomie. For more information catI (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamnutecki & Sons. n/c LIVESTQCK SALE SI-EE? FOCUS '84 1lt 20, 21, t984. Markhamr Fairgrounds. 6 Top Quality Sheep Sales iincluding R.O.P. Station Tested Ram Sate and Commercial Ewe Sale. Contact Jan Burtch, R.R. 3, Omremnee. KOL 2W0. n/c 1FAIRMi ATTENTION FARMERS! N. fair share is a slogan ai F.B.C. Et receiving your Notice 0f Assessn, toes not say "As Declared- assitance now! Sersng farmners' free 1-800265-1002. - BUILDING STEEL BUILDINGS Odd i/ space. Buy irecti ai f.iciory pices. WANTED tloi one nickel iii taxes more ilian your urinig the summn ier nmonîhsyoU wilt be ient from Revenue Canada. Ifryours u need Farm Business Consultantsý needs 52 week, of the veau. CatI toIt n/c S FOR SALE /es and typesý. Musi sdI, îîeed facir CuIt now, cslli i-416-676-1343. n/c In th las Fro Arond aon.She ues lythi cou fourte youFnghicks o the a .sea ood mloter-01o Or-onio Public School thie fuit eighiteeni chicks. Kinderg1ar ten anIId ithati The first 1ih checked truhthlis aci hiad solved on mlother hien j ust to sýee lihe problemn of hotising the how shte wa's accomiplishinig youngýý birds temiporarily. At thehre o fct keeping -,al the. timre I did flot know how chicks warmil for thle ight. teriiiîiary the, arrangemrent She had everyrhing un11der wxas but feit ait least a couple control, ail puffed out and of weeks and perhaps three. \with wings, spread full out to It was flot the case for cover ail eighteen. But 1 sister Jean arrived at the kit- coQuld See a good number of' chen door within'four day's heads peekin.g ou(t as well as with a box of fourteecick rumps facing thle rather cool stating the youngsters had ail night atmosphere. handled the chicks and it was It's now been well over a time for their returfi. Week and she still has ail eigh- 1 had taken thec chicks, teen under her wing, so to which were two to thr-ee days speak. of age, from thre brood it would appear if there is a henis and thoughit there xs ould will there is a way. be no problemr in givin,> the One thing 1 find intierest ing young birds back io their with the chickenis is thiat a hien mothers. l-owever, ini the sits on lier chlutch of eggs for meantime, 1 had caged the twenty-one days without a hens in an attempt to arrest cluck or a sound of any kind thie brooding and ilt had but with the first crack of thec worked. first egg she starts a soft con- The thr-eelhens Just lookedi tinual cluck communicating at the young chicks as if' they with her new brood about to were fromtsomne otheri wold pop out of the e-gg shell. and even after somfe rwenty Now l'mn sure the younig or mIinuLtes wou]ld have nothing about to be hiatched cannot to do withi the chicks. hear the cluck but vibrations, We did have one hien in a mnust be the formn of comn- separate run which wias mnunication at this period of miotherinrg four other chicks. timne for the new born. This is As a last resort we placed thre just a feature 1 do find ini- fourteeni in with hler'anidlher teresîing and it happeins brood of four. She didn't every timne to the point i don't even get flustered and ac- have toi muve thielhen toi see if' cepted thec additional f'our- there are chicks. The soft ten ais f they wre ers,.ail cluk gives uis themesg TheOP and the dinkin"lg driver As we approach the sumn- kili and when. mier monihs of 1984, drtinkin~g In 1983, drinking divers drivers on our roadways ini w\ere iîîvulved in rmutor vehii- crease the possibility of in- cIe accidents in the Provýince jury or death in motoir vehicle of Ontario'26,440 times. In collisionsý. 1,512 fatal accidents, they The Ontario Provincial killed 491 times, that is Police want to tell you about 32.5% of aIl fatal accidents. the drinking driver, who they The drinking driver that STEEL BUILDINGS - Econormi Curse Type, Frameless Construc- tion. Widths 20' bto' any tength Buy now and save for the towest price. Phone colteot. (416) 456-1200. n/c COMING EVENTS FIDOLE & STEP DANCEF CONTESI. iuty 13 bto 4 ai Fergus District Community Centre, Fergus, Çnario. Camping avaitabte. For information cait Merv Woods (519) 843-1630. f/ -VACATIONS HOUSECRUISER Vacation on beautifut Georgiani Bay1. Steep six. Dates stitt avaitabte. Caît or Write for brochure t Box t122, Poinie Au Baril, Onîiario P0G tt<0(705) 366-2511. n/ -PERSONAL MEEFT youir MATCH. For att ages and uinaîîached. Thousands of mnembers anxious w meet you]. Prest1ige Acquainiances. (CaitI ott free 1-800-263-9103. Hour, - n o 8:00) FOR SALE SAWMt1LL $3495. Paîenîed. Accessory converîs Chainsamw Sawmitt. For details send setf-addressed siamped envetopes to Beamn Machine, 160A l'rentiie Ptacýe, Quatbtaski Cove, B.C. vo)p t NO. il/c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES- SEAL..A-SHINE. A mioney mnaking opporîunîîy «fý or auitomotive deaters. service centrïes and detaiters. Sea-A-Siine is a piroven quatîty autmoiv piésatant hihprovides tonIg tasiig protctiion for vehi- des exeierior iishi. We are tooking to esîabtish deaters in Onîario righî nwNoFranchise Fee. Seal-A-Slinie is ani easy tose sse.One removes, oxidation iand resiore, paini 10 "tike nw'iinishi. Step io eal, in ithai sine. ,Forimore tmoney mnaking ftacts. caît Jack ai (416) 22t-7696, or write giinig yurphone numbeýhr and besi time t coîttaci sou, Namneric MIarketing." 45 Shetppard Ave. E., No. 312, Wlodt.Ont- i ario 'M2N 5XI.1,/ $10000 SECOND INCOE.\ Be a pani-tîme represenialive slig- Orono WNeekly Tins, WýNednesday, June 27, 1984-9 From Around the Region Catholic School enrolments increase Wh'ilie public Schiools are plagued withi decreasing enirolîmlents, thle Cathiolic: syîmis on (the rise. St. Bernadette Caîhoiic school located in- Ajax hias alrmosi 900 K-8 stdleinîs enrolled and six port able classroom0ns are linluse. Scilool principal, Gary Noonan, says there could be 1,000 st udents and îwo more portables in uise by Septemlber. Durhlami Separate Schooi Board lias attemIpted to get a niew school built on a piece of prOperry il mows but Ithe Minlistry of Education would not provide the funding. Wants Provincial grant guarantee Chairm-ani Gary Herremna toid the finance commnittee that Durhiam residents may, h ave nmajor tax hikes or a cut in services if the province docies not guaranfee a mpiiinimum level of funding for 1985. The region has made a pro- kilîs is ttsually a weekend driver whlio drives the hihasbetween 7:00 p.m. and 2:00) a.mi., but they kili more often bet ween 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.mi. Their favourite nigh(rs 10 kilI are Friday and Saîuriiday, tfoilowed closely by Sunday. Early Saturday mnor- ning (beîwý,een 1:00 and 2:00 a.m.), ile dinking- driver killed 17.4%" of al thieir victimns. They also preferf Certain nmonthis, 'J11y and August, then October, Septemiber and June. They hiav e certain] holiday weekends, the Civic Hlolid ay and Thaniiksgiving ,Day wýeekends, where i4hey cause more deaths t han at any other holiday period. And whio is this drinking driver thai kilis? 11In most cases, the driver will be a maIe, age 26 to 35 years, foilowed ciosely by maIes 16 to 26 years. He wilI prefer a provincial highway (38%) over urban- roads (3 2. 7%4). C ouint(y and township roads and private property roads account for the remiaiingi, accidents (29.3%). Drinking- drivers do kilI themiselves more than any other person, particularly in posai t hat it will receive the samec grants as this year plus a utfle extra to cover rising ot.If thle province accepts the proposaI then Durham Region can start planning -ils fuiture. But the region must face toglopposition fromi the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, says finance comn- m1issioner Jack Gari ey, because approximatiy twvo- thirds of the mnembersý polled weenot too fond ofthe idea. Council says "no" to dump site Reg-ional council last. Wývedniesday sýupported a recomimendation from file Planning Committee fthat Reg-ional Reclaimers he denied an application for an o)f ficiaI plan amendmnent which would part iaîîy clear the way for the extension of a wasie disposaI site in the souîhi-easi corner of fhe Town of Newcastle. Councillors voted 23-4 in favour of'fthe denial. thre a-le group of 26-35 years. Passengers in vehricles who are k-illed are youniger, u.sual- ly 15-19 years. Obviously,îfile best way to avoid being kiiled in a car ac- cident is to not drink and dr-ive. The drivers who do drink and drive will die more ofien and in more accidents than any other person in the vehiicle. If your do survive thle collision, you are mnost apt to kilI an] unbuckled passenger. Allowing people to drink hieavily and drive hromie places your nieigîbours, friends, and famnilies atl risk of becomning a 1tafic statistic. The Peterboroughl District sawý drinking drivers kilI three times last wveekend. Drinking and driving makes everyone potenitial vîctims. If'yoir think that drinking divers kili oiy people from otler famnilies, other peopie'sý, f r iend ( s, or in other neighbourhoods, you're wrong . .. .and you may be dead wrong. Everyone las a righf to de- mand safe travel fhroughout Ontario. Part of that right is preventing people who drink from driving on our highw\a.ys. We can aIl take ac- tion against drinking drivers. LAST CHANCE to plant your GLAD BULBS Package of 10 M9 I-anging Basket Planters Reg. 10S5 now oniy 8.49 i1w Apple Blossom Shop main Stuet, Omo Phone 983-5291 ST EEL BUILDINGiS Direct Facory leartînce. Up to 40 pcentil 'ýcounts. Widths 20' to 120' any lenigh. Limiiied qulanit tes - aci itos. JE. Cal l oti free I-8<X)-46-7689. / . . .... . .... .