Forme* and Present Kendal Choir inein bers Orono Provincial Nursery edging out Scots pile The Provinicial ITree Nursery in Orono expeets tfo make its last shipment of Scots pine seedlings for- Christmas Tree purposes ini the spring of 1989. By this time the Christmas Tree Association of Ontarjo will be growing its own improved Scots pine seedlings r, ather than depending on gvin ment nurseries. The Ministry of Natural Resources is, gradually phlas- ing out Scots Pinle seedlings production lIeav iiinte activi- ty to the private sector. It is expected the priat sector will meet the demnand of' Christmas Tree gowes b the year 1989. Alan Pope, NMinister Of Natural Resources has staied that the ministry wloe the opportunity to enter into a co -operative agreement and thiat the Ministry will continue itsers to create superior planting stock in conjunction with the growers. He saîd ithis will hielp lhem compele in at demianding market. The Ministry has begun ex- perimients at the Orono nurisery with rooted cuttings taken from 20 seed source selec:tions and as weIl are ex- perimenting with grafting of sýuperior stock. With this' stocýk it is the intention to establish a seed orchard on a six\ hectare site at the Orono Nu!rsery- abutting the Clarke- DarlingtIon boundary road. At the present time the nursery is doing -some preparatory work in cleaning outt Sc:ots ptne. The grower's Assciatioéi will be responsi seedlings [lie! for furîher preparation as well as planting and manag- ing thie seed orchard. The Orono Nursery has béeen active over the pasti few years in rooted cuttings for Black Spruce and other species,. Ini the spinig of 1984 the ýOrono Nursery shipped a total of' 600,000 two-year old Scots pine seedlings for Chistmias Tree purposes. Thfbis is expIected to be reduced to 475,000O to 500,000 in 1985 wvith, the last seeding in 1987 fo)r the(2finail shipment in Althou)Lgh Scots pine ship- mt ini 1984 were 600,000 the totafl ship ment from the local nur-sery numbered six million young trees and seedl- ings., It was 'HonCming made up of preseni and , frmner and pi eciit micnbci s Sunlday at thie Kendal UIted fornc mebes. as a of'ithe chiicliand cominuni Churehi)last s\eeka Ididtlhe hIapjpý icunloit lori uans i chjoir, shiown abo e, was ~japp~iîtn~ Receives degree from Trent University Mrsý. Andi ca Ilanc Kakeiximiec (Willianms) \v as pr-escmîcd ss'ithlier achloiolArts deg ce ii Nýttt x Studlies at theItt1111Cl! tILictîtUti\Iseitix Cottocaîîoi. 1lite de u i x sprsc Icd ibelialf iol' t lic U iti\ ci sus .oi lohî.. 1biîciiin'sfiltît Cîtaiteclot. 584 RA.S. M As îd diplIiintas wci e pri ecd oni tlie o'ecaso ou Sidewalks, Downtown Orono Iooking better 1 ie Iosî î cvstl icsakcxx aic iteai 111' Ile conlct olit ol t11lic lncxx sýdcxx aIk oniilie xx est side i tlie dîx uîxnacaptxiiîî litîcîi itp ' dap- White Lake Minister coming to Orono Rev. Wnrighit, Minister of the Unite d Church in Orono, gav e his last sermon hlere on Sunday. He will be departing for Severn Bidg(e shortly and will begin his ser-vices on July lst in two churjchies in that area. Orono Uited Churchi's new, MinisteIr, Rev. Fred Milmes, his wife and two children will be ariving- in Orono sometimie before October 1 si. Rev. Mllimes hasý been preaching in three churchies in the Whlite Lake airea for ihie pasi seven years. Fire destroys Trailer A ,48-foot mnobilentailer burni to the groutd in the early hours of June 21,si. Thle tiier was located ont Lot Three, Concession Six, ClarkeTwnhp on the pro)perty ol Walîer Henderson. Henderson anidIhis nephew, 1the onitly occupants of the trailer, were in] the process of bidn a bi11) and were uing t he traler as eprr ures ile lie ia liler was ]il Isoc t 5,))< îîd li liîis theL trailer xsere est 1ý'ine ai islt \3M> *Memorial Hospital reports busy year and within budget M emor ial HIo spit aI, Patient admissions totalled Hospital. Bowmlanville fltonlyhaId La overi 2200 with a patient oc- Thec hospIital registered 254 busy year during the period cuipancy rate of 82.7 percent. birthsý compraring with 202 in from April 1983 to March Ex\cluingiiL maternity and 1982-83. 1984 but also hiad an operaîing pjedliatries ihec average oc- Oper-ating xpese totaîl- surplus of $99,301 wNhich cupanicy rate in s;ome monthls ed $7,058,224 compared to compares1 with a surplus of iveraged 90.7 percent comi- the previous $6,614,155. $44,872 in 1983. par ed with 88.6 percent in theL Reeý nue, on the other hand Council approves J Senior' s The-council of the Town o(f Newcastle on Monday even- ing gave their approval lor a rezoning application on per- mitting a major Senior Citi7ens A parîmeni Complex together with a golf course and private open space. The complex, when completedi, wiIl accomnmodate ini the neighbourhood oýl somie 800 people both in aparîme.tnts and îown houses. Council also on M1onday gave a pproval of a proposecd developmnent agreenti. Thie Newibourhiýood Plan, and thie rezon)Iinlg appýliction wýas ie partial approval at a recent geel purpo)LI 1(secom11- mittee imeeting \ilh the final approval coing from coun- cil Monday oloigcom-_ ment s bin ecied om the Planiniig deparîmieni of- the Region of Durha an as1 well Lcomment s ýiIoIn the Ceni- tral Lake Ontiarlo Conserva- t ion Aut hoity. Minor'changes sxere inad f ollow ing rcmedtin from lhe IPlaning Deparuiii- ment and1LI Je chnges t o ton Ait hority. Hoxx everi, inans ol ilecmen rî ssc i c notmet ielat ive b i lîcîr oenson t hissueot cen îy eoiîriIsliai the Ioxxn complex has not met the md in, wh Ic wee preiul e forth to proteci the en- vironmentally sýensitive areas. The Authiority further staties that in the Nighbourhood Plan 3B area the Town is giv - ing sanction to areas flor development which îhey eliminated inNegbuho Plan 3A and thusý, îhey statle, Ilhe Town is , not being consis tent. Thic Auîhiority furîher op- posesq the dceIopment of the OIt i5 kilorntrerac daSui day heIl 1d a i Port1 lnd., ( regon1. 1Flic Nexxtons il, lrie distaiice ru1iiet1lo1k21 49 n 'iiîes,9.6seii. Bosi oit iii i ouciaItIpioii. 1982-83 year. - Other hlîghllights of the past year include 23,500 emergen- cy v\i s its ori anilaverage of '65 emergencyv isits pier day. 2,100 operations of ailtypeI)s wýere preformled bein1anHi- ,ýcase of 17 percent over thie previous yearl aie, dasin- creased 4. 17 percet Wvr .h prioc cus yearmking 8l 3-84 a busOye r Nor mmor1i a will hiaveu anadverse caff'ct on thle sniiiyotthie par- Cuc llo iamre during Monays eeting asked the Town DIirec:tor of Planniiing if hell feltere was anyiýthing ,fuir thler thie Town could do i il pro- tecingi the environmnent. Terry Edwards answered that he felt the Town has gone as far as it was possible as to pr otecting the environmental- ly sensitive areas. The Authority also noted the lack of-an overaîl plan to handle storm water runoff and commented there should be some plan to handle this feature resulting from development. LraieMoller ot New Zealand, iiîishl in isecond pilaýceilnliec cent. Syls ia xMii noxx part icipate iii theý 20 kilometre mun in Ciiaonoi Jun v 8 i h pri or t o eenling i lie lîtarat lion i aceit, ttcý 198s4 Olýittpics beiiîîz held increased f'rom $6,659,027 in 82-83 to $7,157,525 in 83-83. Thec Minismr of Health provided an additionral $126A400 in funding for the past year and! the same for- muI1 l tat 1brought aibout this incre2ase is expcted tCI o be followed for thie pr-esentyear. The treasurer, Mr . P. Scaflr poke of' the effi Orono DR. DIANE TREVIS QUINLAN Dr. Diane Trevis Quinlan has set July lst as the date on which she will begin her op- tometrist practice at the Orono Clirtic, Cobbledick Street. Her office hours will be Tuesday s 9:00 5:00 pin. and Thursdays 12:00 P.rM. to 8: 00 P. M. Dr. Tre-vis Quinlan is a graduate of the University of Waterloïo and was chosýen w) do charitv work in Jamaica toi a ittontît. SIte spentxa vear stuid\ingEste nded-Wcar contactletssantd specializes iiintc leiîses for boih adli0atdctiildrciî. P1î. Qîîîaîs loigfoi- 55 i î raci îciig utin i oîo aiîdL ops le acli e ot ltclp r4 erono*ee~t ~2mE MOI IM 1 4, 1