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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jun 1984, p. 3

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Local interest in Terr"y Fox Centre Stephen George Clarke Stephen George Clarke parents, George and Beryl recently graduated fromi Sir Clarke and, grandparents, Sandford Fleming College in George and Doris Day of the field of Electro Orono and George Clarke of Mechanical Engineering, England wvish to offer their specializing in robotics. His sincere congratuLilat ions. ro0%m A round the râRedg ion by Chris Hooýper Teachers should be politicalIy invoIved Susan Hildrethi, President of the Federation of Womien Teachers' Association of On- tario and principal of a Hamnilton elemnedtary school, recently spoke to more thanl 100 women elemientaryschool teachiers fromi across NorthIlumberland and Newcastle at the 'Port Hope Legýioni.*Shie aid that "'teachers' political activty will beniefit thecir students;". Hldrethi also remarked that cbildren must see the resuts of suich programmes as affir- mative action for wýomen or they vil!libe as discriminating as past generations. H-ildreth also sees the pro- incial goernment'5 cuit- backs on fundinig for educa- tion a major target area for hier FWTAO group. A new Cobourg DU Chapter Ducks Unlimiited (DU) hlas begun a newN Chapter in Côbourg where about 30 area residenits attended last wNeek's meeting. Lloyd Libke, who was voted Chairman of the Cobourg group, is n iow organizing a fund-raising din- net w ith fthe lhelp o f vol unteers. DU is a North Amnerica wide, non-proflit organization for thle preservation, restora- tion and creation of wtr fowl breeding areas. Fr-om its humble beinnii- ings in 1937, DU now has 2,000) proj)ects\which invove almo)st 2 million acresý of lanld and is thec largest conserva- tion group in North Aeia Oshawa - 800 acres The (ity of Oshaww,\il ask the ReLgion of Durhiam t o rezonle abouit 800l aces of land nlortheasr of Ithe ity for develo)pmietal purposes. The land is now knowp as, Speciial Study Area Number EI Ïigh'It which mIeans Itle Reion lhas not yet decideed on a uslor 1. Thie citil\Illask theieReioni to designate al land s>outh of Tlaunton Road as reidential and major open space wh-ich wAould alow evelopmnenlt Oshawva ill ask the Regiîon for water and sewage ser- ices. Tali ships coming to Cobourg Five taîl ships, which are part of a l0-ship Bicentenniial Fltilla ýviStil1g-severllports on the Great Lakes, will be coming to Cobourg. They wýill be in port f'or twvo nights during the last wveek of July. Sixty ships are now sailing towards Quebec City to hielpi celebrate the 450th annîvie- sary of the arrivaI of Jacqunes Cartier. About thirty will sail to Toronto and on to Kingston where the fleet will break up: Teni will form the Bîcentennial Flotilla and visit Great L.akes ports for an ex- tra thr-ee weeks. Waste subjeet for County * The Northumberland County Council has asked six consulting firms to submiit thecir proposaIs for undertak- ing- the countywide waste management study. The study will concentrate matinlyon the disposai of domiestic and commercial soîid waste. But Brighton Township Depuity Rccvc, Joe Menna, says Northumberland Counity should get out of the waste business. Discussion has been going on for some time in Brighton To9<nIship about the systemr of wýaste disposaI sites somne townsh.,Iips are forced Io paý> for (their own it es as welI as developilng siiUte coss thle cotyP. Minister approves MnseAndy Brandt, and Sam CreazM.P.P. for Durham EasVN, dannoýuced t- dayý ilthailanallocation of $ 170,000 hIla, hcu made in ihe Miliýilvr's 1984,/85 budgetl orimnprovemrent lat by Chris Ù00oper Approximately ten Clarke Highi School students are in the process of fillinig ont ap- plication forms for the Terry Fox Canadian Youth Centre. This One wek %isit to our na- tion's capital costs the stu- dent $50 and a sponsor or sponsors nmust be tfound to prov ide 1the other $200. niecessary*\. The Terry Fox Youth Cçen- tre is ia permanlenitreidential conference comlplex located in Ottawa and is a tribute to Terry1 Fox, file young Canla- dian whIo broujght the nation together with hîs courage and determination. Thie Cere was developed by TheCon cil for Canadian Unîty as a means of creating a sense of brotherhood between Cana- dians.of different origins and backgrounds. The programme is offered over a 26-week period bet- ween September 16, 1984 and May 11, 1985. Students arrive at the Centre on Sunday and leavýe.the following Saturday. Transportation costs are fully subsidïzed by the Govern- ment of Canada through the ,'Open House Canada" pro- gramme-. Students miust stay in residence and the Centre is s upervised on a 24-heur basis. During their tay,, students participate in a unique pro- gramme of Canadian studies with 'Canadian Institutions" b)eing ,it's cen- tral themec. Thfis hglgt Canadian ,governmnciital, judicial and cultural insiîtu- Supremne Court. the Senate, the Houise of Commnons and cuIlural ce[ntres. Offered on a rotational basis are six w\eekly themnes wichl include: Arts and CuiltuIlre, Scien ce an d Technrio logtzy, Caniadi an Studies, Natural Resources and thlie E nv\ironniment, Economny and Law. Both programmes are con- ducted in both of'ficiai languages and include presen- tations by experts, con- ferences, seminars and other fojrms of instruction and ex- periences. Some students from Clarke have visited the Terry Fox Youth Centre and agreed it was a fantastic and unforget- table experience. Dr. Jethalalpresentsý medcalstaff report H. D. Jethalal, M.D., president of the Memorial Hospital Medical staff, in ad- dressing the annual meeting spoke of the beneticial addi- tion of the ljltrasound service to the Radiology department whliclh has now performed 1300 examinationis. He said thiis diagnostic modality hlad been utsed successfully in a wide range of applications. Jethalal lso spoke of a young addition to the medical staff of Dr. Peter Kizoff. Dr. Kizoff will be starting his practice in the community this summer. The medical staff report referred to the active events unidertaken by the educa- tional committee during the year including weekly rounds on Tuesday mornings, a monthly series of Journal Clubs hosted at various physician homes and as wéÏll theme evenings. -Jethalal alsou spoke of 'the Advanced Cardiac Life Sup- port progr-ami of which two successful such events wereý hield last year. He said it ap- peared thiat M'emnorial wýas to become a Reional area for teachiing A.C. ,L.S. hav\ing its own qualified instruictor at thie hospital. He said par- ticipants wýere wcoming. froin Port Hope, Peterborough, Uxbridge, Aa and other such areas ini the region. He stated that this fail it is hoped to have in place con- -tinuouis inifusion ep idural anaethesea for obstetrical pa- tients. He said this wýill ive thie patient a more teadyv staIte of pain free period duir- Ihe Ohawa ollution Con- trlPatcntucino thie Bo\wmanvýille Creek Trunk Sewer 1anid sewer imi proveIments mi the(ity of Osa aal locatted ;in the Regoial MnhicLipalty of Durhiam. Thie total estimiaied gat for the poecsis ,$188,4(X). Orono Weekly Timues, Wednesda.y. June 27. 1984-3 Attending 4-H leadership outing by Erarbara Weese R.O.S. Speciaist (Horne Economics) Promt June 23 to 29, 1984, Marilyn Green 'i n e representing Durham, East at thie 1984 Provincial 4-H Leadership WXeek near Hutnt- sille. Lecadersip ýWeek isdein ed to develop the lIdership potential of the 100 par- ticipants, inv\olv'e thiem in disýcussions on the 4-H pro- ,ramn and havi\e themn meet fellow\ 4-H mcm biilers fromn acrossý the province. Each mnorning will be spent in a leadership training programi coverinig parlîamentary pro- cedure, program planning- anid effective meetings. After- nioon sessions will feature in- inglabour as well as b)eing muTch sarin t1 erms of,'a possible implication. The president of thle eml- dical staff said thie birthing suite continues to be in great demand with patients comning from hetween Toronto and Peterborough to use the facilityý "We are quite proud of this facility", he said. YOUR LOCAL ,Famnily Pak, 3 Rib, 3 Loin End, 3 CentreCut Portion Pork Loin Chops 3 .73kg 11.691b. terest groups; on various topics from careers to out- doorsuvv. The entlire pro- grm is based on the 4-H motto of "Learn to do by do- ing". Delegate.s must be 16 to 21 years of, age, have compîeted at leat six 4-H projects and h'ave contributed a great deal to thle success of thie 4-H pro- prain. 4-H is a personal develop- ment pr ogrfam for v'oung peo- ple fromi 12 to 21 years of* g e. Thee are 22,000 4-H memnbersý in Ontario. fFor mor-e information con- tact the Min istry of Agriculture and Food, 234 KingL Street East, Bowmnan- v ille, Ont ario. Phone 623-3348 or Zenith7-3040. Phone 983-5201 I Gradua tes Orono Nursery School Haf day enrichment programme for 3 - 4 year old children QUALIFIED STAFF - LICENSED PREMISES OPTIONAL READING PROGRAMME FOR 4 YEAR OLDS Register Now For September '84 983-5402 a. m. 987-4012 p.m. ORONO WEEO CONTROL GOVERNMVENI UCE#SED LAWN SPRAY1NQ, WEEDS INSECTS - FERTIUZING (CIL) DRI VEWAY SEAUNG Work Completed by Licesed Pfofessional FREE ESTIMATES PHONI BOS 983-5267 BOX Z77, OROMO Asso rtedl 'Bick's ReIish 375 m1jar85 Aylmer Ket chup 1,69 Sunkist'Valencia Oranges >dozen 2.29 Maple Leaf, 700 g bueket Frîed Chicken 4.39 Pt'~dct f .S.A, Cando Red G ra pes kg 2.84 1 lb. 1.29 CORNISH'S

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