4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 27, 1984 Kendal Fa g/es on disp/ay Science Cc Memiorial Park in Kendal. 19, 1926 'iffh a Fil ay. books from thsuarly days The park wýas donated lby Mr. The 800 people who were prer1 on display a- well as crests, and Ms Abrahiam Jackson sent participated in sports trophies and phiotographis. in miemory )]t their soni Corp. events, races and basebail Uniforms are alsýo on dIisplay Harveyý Jackson who was kili- games. dating from the strped wýool ed on Octoberi 16, 1918 dur- Basebail have been played outfit of 1950 to the present. ingWrld War 1. in Kendal Park since that first Admission inoithe Gallery is Thle Dedication Ceremiony day and only stopped f'or free and the Staff i,, very took place on June 5, 1926 Woýrld War IL. helpfuýl in answ\einig any followed byý the Officiai The Gallery has record questions you mlight hlave. history of Har\v Jackson opentng of the park on June Orono Eu ..O.Bn".A.u Bantams, dubbed by Port Hn-ope squad Oronio îravelled lb Port Hope TusaJunie 21s, for a 7:00 pm. ugamie. Port Hope doybled uip Orono 14 10 7. Evcki with the score the wayV it w\as, Orono had good hiiîting and <scoringchne leaing ,the bases loadedmtice and sîraniding ,at least 12 base runners. 1June 26th at 6:15 p.m. Ajax comes to town iih Cobourg coming out Friday, June 29h at 6:15 p.m. Orono Bantam Soccer team doing welI in season play Reistralion for the season friom shw and went on to ithe reami. Doii started out ai 14, but we hiad defeat themn 13-0. Orono o r1Oronlo wu.as îwo new additions 10 bing dominaied thec gamre right w\ith 2 and Joli the teami up to a total of s"ix- fromt the tart and they neyer ,sith I. teeni players. The team ulne up let up ail the way throughi. June l8th, C is - Keithi Vey and Mark Keith Vey started out in net, hoisted Orono - Sarg-ent - goal, Brian Young,, but he changed at haft' ile Vista field in Osl Brian Kealy, Robert Klepac, ith Mark Sargent so he nuing 'on the Paul Henriy, Shawni Bailey, could get in on somte ot the streak, Orono LI Lee Riddîe, AI Hall, Darren action on the field. Scoring Stewart 4-2. C Lewis, Richie Dupe, Dave fori Orono was - John seored 2 quickg Little, Johni Sotriatidis, Lyle Sotriatidisý - 3, Paul Hetnry.- thc beginniing co Blghl. Jailie Johnistonl and 3, Lee Riddle - 2, Keith Vey- but Orono t lin Jeff Vanhiaverbeke. Coaches 2, and onîe goal each going to anid reallv sset are Toniy Wood and Bob Richie Dupe, David ittie b_\ haiftmile it Lewis. and Robert Klepac. St ilIcontIij)1lil1L Willh a couple of practices Monday, June 12tlh, sa5 ork, thie\ acde behind ilhem, Orono's first Kedron sl isititîg Orono and thec 2nd haîf lu c( league gamie was Tusdy lte Ihomle îoWn boys camne tbp. PIlin iii rl May 22, aantKintgide. aw\ay wýfiha 3-1I in. flhe was Keith Vevi Or-ono worked hard, btteaLýin lcaille up with some lcvery numb111et . vt were def'eated 7-2. Due to good plas;ses and defiensive 1help us %vin thc g; ran thlat morning there \was a inanleusers,, also thev hIad thîe Oroîîo goals very large puddle just about some fitle goatltend(,ing ,froini Dupe - 2, cellter field, and it ýws n ibis Mark Sartii, by coining Sotiatidi wit puLddle where quile a bit of aIl of' Ihese efforts gt ail add, Go TCatni!" thec action took place.The p to a sseîl earncdin o was, niotto lmny Ilelei thtihd le tn-p hoiuw iiDih i C1e The nexi gamie wasMa 28th in Ohw gis Thornton/Dun)irdee. Ti game was played in thec cold drz1nrainl, su the team had lu work extra hadi to keep warm and tis als- paid of. on(1theli scorbadastl defeated Ihmto/tn h\ a score of 6-5. On Julle Sth (>ono ptiiaxcd hosi to tht' Wllussdalc tcaînl î,thescrg ;Pauil [Heîîr in Sotniatidis Gietn Stewart at the Lake hawAa. Conti- ci î i1 w n i Ilg- lowîîed (iGl ileni Stewart goal,, righitat of' the game. seîtild dossui to work and N'as ai 2-2 tic. t' hleur liard [d 2? more itn 0me assav on M net forl Oîotîo m'ho iade aý good sa es t o aine. Scoi nu, ssere RichIie and ( J ohni 2. "WvTo v-e orientation program Each % ear Dtirhami College holds ait orientationlufoir- vuar t det o isect hemllI osr csof w lat olleje, al aei w\as added for incomning Stiudent s i n tlhe Sport sAd miisrtin and Coin- iunicat ion AII ipogr'aîns in ApidArts. Don N iclsoný,)t and Jox sharonl,setd-'a St uden t s, inii IeSprtsAd- nmi nist rat t on p rogri-amii ogether wth Lea Talvak, part-lime suimmer hielp in Sports Amiitrton o- ordimdted a qspecial f'iin-filledl afternoon for new'stuiLdents,. hosting a Progrm iQuesýtion1 and Anwer period, ofrn a pespc ive o couse load, content, and aplicationi. New studenis thenprcede on a Scaveng,,er lunt whMich look them on ia leewd search tlorinformiation on' 0. S.A. P., Hosigbu schedules, brochures On Durham Life, a copy ot' the student nwpaeand ar- ticles on thIe anniual United Way Turkey Trot. Studenit, their failfies and fins were then treated to) a Bar-B- Q, with staff priovidin1g the cooking-. IThe afternoon was completed ith a join-in thle f'un' ofblgamle for Don Nicholson, event co- ordinator, cited ihiat "Tire purpose of this special orien- tation is to closehegap bet- ween t[leefirst and isecond- year stuIdents bhy dvloia big brot)(ler /sister relation- ship. 1irs't and secnd ear students don't normnally tneet each othier and hiave imuch in- tormation Irhey could sae such as in\olvieent in comi- inunity projectsý. We also hope tis arrang5ement \dll provide a medium flor book exchiangc, tutoring atand wili ýeinerall\y help ease ness' st1udent s iitîto a College al- nos Ph1er .' Tflicent as scr1v suc(- cessf'ul, \ iwi hos ci 80 st 'ident s attetîdiing an enjo able 01ric- t at ion Prirai MANGAR'S GARAGE * Radia tor and Air Conditioning Service * Propane Conversion * Satety Inspection Station on- ail gas and Pro pane vehicles including Dump Trucks and School Buses " Free Towing - Engine 4 Transmission jobs * Lite- Time Warrant y on Mutlier, Shock jobs Licence: Class A, B, H, P3, S6A, S68, Pro- pane lnspector For Appointment Cali MIKE: 983-5130 (8 a.m..- 6 P.>. M ~ Choose a Lawn-Boy Special wvitb quality performance aind standard Lawn-Boy bu ilt-to-last f eatures: Main St., Orono Phono 983-5207 -L-M Astime goes by oulI1 know why. Basebali at Kendlal Park is the June exhibit ai thée Kirby Sehool H ousc Ex\liih it Gallery. The exhibit runs fromn June 9-24 and the Gallery is open Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10:00 a.mi. 4:00 p.m. and Sun- days 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.. The Exhibit begins wýiih the bue visits s t ri cî' ad uetW Juior Divjisin tachers Thc pareiîtswere!j divided into fiv groups. W"2e would like to also 1[hanik afi lparent vo lutîteersl for heîping tp make our trip a 1uc\ss ýIsenidinig their tme. It wýas reaIlly a lot of f'un to learni thiat way! byv Icinnite(r Ten-Wesîteneinid Grade 4 - Lockhari P.S.