Oi'ono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 4, 1984-9 Attends Horticultural Convention Delegates from the Orono Anidy Brandt, Minisier of the visited the Big Nickel, an-d Horticultural Society\1attend- Evrnet speak to the "Science, North", a new ,at- ed the 78th Annual Conven- covninthemec, "It', traction in Su4ibuiry%. tion of the Ontario Hor- Your Env i-irnmet". Pictured (lefi to right) Ed ticultural Association1. Ap- Delegtes attended sessions lsrael - O.H.A. Tr-easutrer, proxim-ately 700 delegates onAloen Gardenîng, David Harrison, Lynn Har- from 260 hiorticulturial society image, and hor- rison. societies in, Ontario heard ticultural practices, and c a uecancer W,ýoods, Water and Wildlife by Arlin Hackman - Federa- tion of Ontario Naturalis(s Since the turn of the cen- tury, modemn chiemistryfhas transformed the healing arts of old into anr experimen(tal science domiinated by a mnyriad of Wonder drugjs. Gireaf progress, has been made in eliminati'ng or suppressingP certain ilînesse, especýially' thirough the luse-,of an- tibiot ics. Unfort Lilale!y, the comi- mon cold bias so fat eluidéd our phiarniaceut ical lraps). Rising canicer rates also) show that miledical sinei ot yet out of Ithe woodls. Tatsno aIl bad of course,sincli is in the wýoodls that many heribaI remledies of yvesteryear andI im-portant drug discoveries of odyhave thieir roots. Onie of Untiariosý comimonl flow'ering wild plantsý,(the Mlayapple, is thec latest case of excitemient. Thle NMayapp1-le i s v ar iiusly kn ]own ILasý Amertican MnrkWild Lemnioni, Dceil's Aple , Duck's Foot and Raccoon Berry or its latin nlame Podlophyvllum elatm oul ecogniize NMayapple whlen ecuteigbig pat- chles of urella-shlaped ievs n early prngthe flowecred bDud looks like a nodl- dingÏ head in thec crook bet- ween tschi leav es. By mid summiner, the wýaxy 6 -9 ptaîl- ed liwes av ebeen replaced by a large lemnon-like berry, which Cani be used to imake preservesý, though thle test of the plant and the green fruit are poisonlous. AmUericanltti-dians used I he Maapefor centuies 10l' treatwort, defrtes aid paaie.Laiuerlits resiîtwas wýiemakecd as ai' t opiCal , ý tl1niit tor vcitetaI ] rs 3Sand polyps. Recenitly, scientlists fromi Bristol laboratories have started sellingL a new dru8,- inmed Vepesid, which is a1 largely syntiihetic substanct deried fromi a natural ex- tract of thie Mayapple. And il is already billed as the nexl "suiper-star" cancer drug h1inig1 proven very effective on mien suffering testicular cancer.ý Scientists have already compared it bth lie Madagascar Periwinkle wh)(:ihdramfatically increase d Ilhe survia lrate (of leukemnia hlopefl lsigns ,of ýomblating1 viussuch as hIerpes. Discoveries such as this te- mmid lus just how important plantsý are to ont well being. The soft green carpet of vegtaton which thinly c overs the earth, not only preets sýoil erosion, in- fluences climiate and main- tains our stock of dlean, ftesh water, il also prolongs our lives by supplying roughly 40 pet cent of the wold's drugs. Where does conservation fit ini? Simple. Medicinal planîts are inicdanget of disa- eaigas their habitat is The MNadPaacar eriwiink[e is one exmple of a species unIder the gunii. Many others withgea potential could disappear before we even gesit. That's why the WorlId Wildlife Fund recently launichýed ils international plants camipaigni to stop plant Idutthat thete îs a ingole magic cure for cancer awNaiting discovery. But con- servation of plant di-crity wýill hieilpensurctihat w-e taxe Ilhe 1means to IopIc xx tth tiis disas Iadj tîjts.Tltat' s tthanl as'"Il lot. Junior Gardener Flower Basket Day Orono Junior Gardeners had aniother suiccessf'ul Flower Basket Day this year. Leaders Helen Robinson and Donna Scott with the hielp of six Juniior Gardeners arranged and sold the total of. 59 flower baskets. The Juniors wouild agýain like to thanik the Scots for the use of their garage anid tdîme. We would also like to thank the followýing for flowers donated, Cecil Baird, Leila Werry, BettyCoan ,orna Atkins, Donna Scott, Helen Robinson, Isabell & Orville Challice, Cor & Carol Motert, also Don Scott and Harvey Robinison for suîpply- ing the cedar. Junior Gardeners lhave a flower & vegetable show August 16th at Orono United Church., PARTiCI Pac©d©o ByRuss Kisby PIool Hustie P ARTICIPaction an- nounices a sure-fire wyto keep uninvited neighbours and their inner tubes ouit of your swimming poÇol this summiier: use the pool yourself! Don't treati that expeiv,e gallonage you sank into the backyard as some kind of orna- mental reflecting pool from the Palace at Versailles! Cet in there anid simi! Make a regular program out of it! Sure, there may bec a few days when you just want to dunk and cool off. But, devise a -routine in. which you aidd a f'ew laps everm other morniiin, and ýomie Labour Day youIl luhav stronger, ftrmer arms and leýgs, plus healthier heart and lns Swimmîng piuvides the mo)om complete body workout of aIl popular activities. And whetiher you lurcb alongwith a cuýte lit- te dog paddle or uinleash a complete armada ofstrokes, your body wýill tbanik youi. We, inl turn,wol like to thanik Stan Kukla,, Assiant Sales Mlanagier o>BisolMers Produicts Canliada, vwbo Lgave us some advice on hlow tlocod tion Ilhe wate-r in) your pool while the pool isl get!ingy ou in- to cond itioni . In a word, chiloinate. Check thechllotine level in your pool d aily and you'll en- sure that bactecria, viruses and otheLr rplve rganisms don't get into, the swvim with you. Bistol-MyIers suggests that you ensure the pH level of youri pool water is in the range of 7.2-7.8, then add a chlorine sanitizing agent to a level of After- a hot spell, rainstorm or paniceularly heavy pool use, the comp-any recormmiends superchlorination soc îreatment -thrceeto five times- the proper daily dosage. If al this cehem1istry ound confusiing, .get detailed adv1ice fromnthle store that sold \you the pool -an1 d follow i t! Next, follow PA RTICI 1Pac- tion's adv'ice and tant doing those laps. liThen, ,when the neiýighbou)Lrs drop by, %\it h their goggles anid fip)pers, they'll see you're a seiousswmmr.And that should keep ithem at bay. Or, at least, send themi off to the lake. Maybe enc:ourage them to buy a pooî ofttheir ow n' Russ Kisby is President of PARTICIPlaction, the Canadian movýement for personal fitness. Classified Ads (Continued from page 11) _________NOTICE Anyone interested in supportîng Girls' Softball for trophies, etc. mnany do so by purchasing a large box of Saran Wrap (1000 feet for $10.00) by calling Vi Vander- veen at 983-9571 or Betty Lycett 983-5908 or any local girls playing softball. 4, a. c. HELP WANTED TRIJCKING CAREER. Becomne a professionial Transport Driver. Contact Merv Orr's Kinigston (613) 549-3914; Toronsou(416) 251-9073; Ot- lawa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910; Thunder Bay (807) 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Camn- bridge (519) 623-2430; Sudbury (705) 560-3351; Memrber B.B.B. ni/c Large Eastern Ont.aio COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER requires: Junior Reporter - Darkroom T echnician for ix mionths terni position (ihintention Of fil poitioni). Duities %will be mainly featuire writing, Photography and darkroomr work for regional weekly, circulation 26,000 and commiiunitY newspaper. Ideal for graduating journalismn stu- dent or wecckly transfer. Contact Gerry FHUddleston E.M.C. Editor by iuty 16,~ Smith Faits, Ont. K7A 411. (613) 283-3182. n/c AGRICULTURAL work training okportunities abroad. Most have twýo years practiical experience, be single and 19-28 years. European, Ausîýratian, New, Zealand host famnilies. International Agricultural Ex- changee Association (403) 244-1814. 1984 Australian and New Zealand deadline, July 16. n/c CAREER TRAINING FREE 128 page Career Guide shows, how to train at home for 205 top paing, full and part timre obs. Graniton Intituite 265A. Adelaide Strecet W est Toronto. Cal (416) 977-3929 today. n/c COMING EVES F 1DDILE & STEP DANCE CONT1EST. J uly 13 to 14 at Fergus Ditrict Commui Centre. Fergus, Ontario. Camiping available. For informiation Cail Merv Woods (519) 843-16310. n/c L\iDSAY'S .ANNUAL HOMECOMINO Weekend, July 27, 28, 29, 1984. Comie celebrate the icentennial wi;th us i 1indsay. For infor- miation or brochure Phione (705) 324-2393. ni/c FARMS WANTED A\tteioni FARIMERS. Not one nickel tin taxes miore t1han your fair share is a logan at F.B.C.DuigtesmemohsouwIberev ing youirNotiuceof sessm ni omRevenue Canada. If yours does not say-As DecýLared" you need Farm BusLliness Consulitanitsasistance now! Servîng faiiirmer' needs 52 veeks of the year. C-aîl toîl free I 800-265 002. n/ c -REAL ESTATE OR PROPERTY Owýn a piece of snhnin71LEHIGH. FLORIDA, 1/2 Lacrelots developed wiîh streeîs from $S3,300 W \rite fiiorination, Lotex, BOx 727, Lehigh, Florida 13970. n/c FOR SALE YOUJ, A COO0DRNKandi a HAMMxlNOCK. En.îoy summner inour lu\iury HAMMOCI(KK and h fand made cýasual furniture. Waterproof, fuliy guiaranîteed. Sittingý Pretiy, R.R. #, L anrFk, Ontario, KOG IKO. (613) 259 3033. Hot days are coinig. n/c Shopping for a SWýIMMING POOL KIT? We are a whotesaler with top quality producîs ,ho can probably save you money. Gise us a cali and wwi ry to belp. (519)73160 n/c sTErEL IBuILINSPr-Engineered clerspan altee] I beamn constru cion. Wýidihs, 20 ft. îo 60 fi. any length. For lowest priceu phone clei(416) 456-1200or. ni/c M',OVý IES -RCA Video dise, lateat titles. Send for listing. Blenhieimi SC)uIId, Box %40, Behem0ntario. NOP LAO. n/c HOME VIDEO CTLOU.300 selcions. Order toîl free. 1-800l655 or write. On Track Vision, 13381- 72n1d .Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3Wý 2N5. Major credit cards acýepted. n/c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEIGýHBOURITOOD SALES! Earn extra money part-lime as a eglRepresenitaîive. l's easy. WVrite FREE REGAL GIFT CAAOGUE, 939 Eglîntojn Ave. E., Depi. 632, Toronto, M4G 2L6. n/c 52,00-530,000- GROU Ni) FLOOR OPPORTUNITY. Interna- tionl Cemîcl mnufaturr, xpandjng inito thecOn[ario service market sprpard o appoiiand train Dealers for the fitbex cîîng and unique etoraton adfire retardants. \W e esccs nlin eeypaeof ii ai growing ,industry and offer: Immeiidiate earings; Maaeetand empl)oyee training; Unlimîteýd growtb1; Viriually no comit,iion. For ihose appoinied, ninimium invesimnent ut 53,600 is re- quîred, backed hby extensieîraîing and înventir. For complete info anîd itriwarraneemieint cojnaciBob J;einig, THE SURFACE DO(C(TOR INC. box 632, SiaiîonAMsiaua Ontario LUA 2Z4. nec $10,000 SECOND INCOME. lie a arti-limrîepreseniative selling aîîd renttng our utc offbîgb quatîîy dis(ittirs or puiirtfymdrinking water Can conservation Orono Weekly Times Printing [.mm7Cali 983-5301