Oroo Weekly Times, W'ednesday, Joly 4, 1984-11 Classified Advertising $1.50 FOR 25 WVORDS OR LESS BLOCK ADS - $1.50 COLUMVN INCH "Hair with Flair" for LADIES AND GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Woodall Carpen-try FuiIy Licenced 10 Years Expenience specializing in CUSTOM BUILDING - RENOVATIONS - CABINETS, etc. 983-9759 PHOTO ISH0PI Phone for appointment. Anniversary, Wedding and, Family Portraits in our Studio, your Home, or on Location. 78 K(ing Si. W., Bownanville 623-2404 Phone 41 6-623-3393 Orono cail 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST NOTICES Il -wu I iaýe qCJlionI~Is t oIi iccnis liSaout\OUIt tititcipltx, please 1tel trce io cati tiea' Ci iý 983-5505 or 987-5039. Ditane Haie Coulne. \Ward3 Iomn i Nesof' h COMING EVENTS KIRBY SCHOOLHOUSE EXHIBIT GALLERY See artifacts and photographs of the Rosebank House (1836-1983) at the Kirby Schoolhouse Exhibit Gallery, Highway 35/115 at Kirby . The Exhibition runs from July 7th to 29th, Tuesdays through Saturdays 10 - 4,- and Stfndays 2 - 5. Free admission. PICNIC AREA. 4,11,18,25, a.c. MCCREA'S DECO RATION ý DAY SERVICE McCrea's Cemetery Decoration Day Service wilI be held Sunday, July th at 3:00 p.m. Guest speaker will be Rev. John.,Lindsay. In case of rain, service only wilI be held in Pontypool Community Centre. Please bring Iawn chairs. 1For further information please- contact Hilda Cochrane at 983-5566., 4,11, a.c. OPEN BOUSE The family of Charlesand GloriaXŽ:ray wish to in-, vite friends and family to an openMtuse in honour of their 25th Anniversary at Newcastle Town Hall on July 7th1 from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. 20,27,4, pd. FOR SALE Motorcycle, 77 Yamaha, 750 cc, Faring Stereo, rear bags and box, new paint, battery, tires and muffler. Low mileage, cover. Bills to prove- $2500. Phone 983-5916. 20,27,4, a.c. STRAWBERRIES Pick your own or picked. (Bring your own con- tainer). 4th line west of Highway 115. Kents' Berry Farms. Phone 983-9290 or 983-5706. 27,4111,18, pd. '81 Acadian, good condition throughout, woman drivent. Asking $4,000. Phone 786-2872. 4, pd. AUCTIONS THURSDAY, JULY 5, 6:30 P.M. at ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY property of Mrs. L. Stewart, Lindsay and other consignments, furniture, appliances, some antiques, Westinghouse dryeýr, 2 power lawn mowers, radiant heater, 3 pc. chesterfîeld set, chrome set, Simplicity square wringer washer, 2 office desks,, cedar chest, pine bureau, flowered chesterfield, swing mirror, library table,,good Kenmore auto washer, McClarey dryer, Beatty frostfree refrigerator, Kenmore 30" auto electric stove, beds, large shelves, excellent 3 pc. solid bedroom suite, rugs, rust recliner, Hammond sounder electric organ, china cabinet, upright piano, portable dish washer, treadie sewing machine, trunks, beds, King size bed, other fur- niture, tools, 30 bicycles, 12 ft. fibreglass boat, box trailer, Suzuki 75 cc--motor bike. 6:30 sharp, bicycles first. To seli housefuls, apts or estates caîl 324-2783 McLean Auctioneers, Lindsay. -1 4, a. c. THURSDAY, JULY I2TH, 6:30 P. M. antique sale at ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LIND- SAY, property of Pearl Wilson and others, 47"-roil top desk, antique beds, settee, parlour chairs,' tables, oak table and chairs, ol keys, ideboards, cupboards, bookcases, china cabinets, Heintzmani upright piano, Dominion piano, dressers, washstands, rug, oval table, quanitity antique china and dishes. A good sale, 6:30 sharp. To consign phone 705-324-2783 Orval McLean Auctions, Lindsay. 4,11, a.c. CARDS 0F THANKS 1 wish to express sincere thanks to the Orono Home & School Association fôr the beautiful clock and to the Lockhart Parent-Teachers' Association for the wonder- fui patio furniture given at the time of my transfer to the principalship of Waverley Public School. Cards and gifts from parents and students were very much ap- preciated. I shaltreastire these as reminders of the ter- rifle parents and students in the Orono-Lockhart School Community. John A. Reid 4, a.c. Grateful appreciation is expressed. to the many friends who gave floral tributes, donations to the Cancer Society and words of comfort and support during the loss of a loving sister, Charlotte. Special thanks for floral tributes fromn students who ride Nixon's bus No. 56 and to the staff of Orono-Lockltart Public School. John & Maureen Reid 4, a.c. (Continued page 9) Lycett Contracting General Carpentry, Renovations, Roofi ng Telephone (416) 983-5896 or (416) 983»475 Orono, Ontario os Orono c Showcase Co-op OPEN SATURDAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAY MONDAYS' 983-5832 Calf for a no obligation evatluation of your home, acreage or farm or for information on properties in the area. 987-4733 623-4445 Chris Stapleton Sales Representative 983-5093 14 Weal Estate fl-