Recomimended for scholarships- Propose household waste separanion in Howmanviiie gratuilated for their efforts and achievements at Clarke High School. m- ,l rT " We". ANGlE IDEPLAA 86.8% SUSAN PFEIFFER DENISE PEDWELL WALTER SHERWIN 8(,.507 85% 84.3% The General Purpose Committee of the Town of Newcastle gave approval to a proposed Source Separationi of household waste schemie as submitted by- the Public Works director, Ron Dupuis. ,The proposai, whîch1 only effects Bowmanvilie, will now go to council for final approval. The Public works, Depart- ment has been studying pro- posais for improvements to waste disposai for a number of months and through negotiations with the Newcastle Enviromnent Wat- chers of Bowmanville have devised a plan whereby was te paper will be picked up separate to other household waste. The plan requires the household to separate the paper waste from other household waste. Both the Environment Watchers and the Public Works department suggest that the firmn of Durham Recycling lnc. be considered to coilect the waste paper and that the pick-up be on -the same day as regular garbage collection. It was pointed out in the director's report that to this point it is more feasible to have a private firm under- take the project as to date municipal plans have provýed too costly. It was further pointed out that Duirham Recyclîng had a comnprehen- sive and aggressive plan and as Well future Plans for ex- pansion into the field of recycling. The scheme is to include newspaper, glass and tin with Durhamr Recyling being in- volved at the present time on- ly with newspaper pick-up. It is hoped that residents will stili separate tin and glass and deposit same at the recycling depot cnnducted by the Newcastle Environmental Watchers at the Goodyear plant in Bowmanville. The depot at the Goodyear is open every Saturday morn- ing and is operated by the En- vironment Watchers. T he Director of Public works states his report repre- septs only an outtine of a pro)- posaI for recycling in the Town of Newcastle and that refinement must be made in a numnber -of areas before it would ',be operationai. He also states a final report is proposed for early September and with concurrence then of counicil the plan could go into effect almost immediately. T he collection of newspapers for recycling would be on a weekly basis undertakenf on the regular garbage days. Council to make citizen award choices The Town -of Newcastle e leven are to be honoured Generai Purpose committee sometime after September on Mlonday voted to have 30Ïh at a reception to be couincil members make the hosted by the Town of choice Of those to receive the Newcastle. Citzen of the Year Award for After this year the nomina- the Town of Newcastle. tion of the Citizený of the Year The committee decided is to be an annual event. Con- between a committee of sideration will be given to council members or a speciai deserving candidates to in- Selection committee which clude but not necessaryily be wouid be appointed by count- limited to a -community The committee also ap- proved the nomination of eleven award winners representing the number of years the Town of Newcastle has been in existance. The voluinteer worker, an outstan- ding sportsman 'or a person who has been recognized both within and outside the Town for his or her contribu- tion to society. Puhlished Every Wednesday Orono Weekly TUmes,WdnsaJy4,18 Semestering povnsuccessful LAURA CAIRNS 83.8% The Education Committee of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion has reviewed an evalua- tion report from Clarke High concerning the semnestering system which has now been in place at -the school for the past two years. It was a requirement in allowing the semester system to proceed at Clarke that a report be submitted to the board after a two year period of operation. The evaluation report will be submitted to the Board this Thursday evening at their regular mon- thly meeting. JULIE GRAY 82.8% It is stated in the Education Committee minutes that the semestering system at Clarke High School has been most successful and has been fully endorsed by staff, students and parents. The semester evaluation report does state that the reasons for Clarke High School organization on a full- credit semester basis have been justified by comments from staff on a departmental basis. It also states there is a high degree of student satisfaction in the areas of achiievement which the semester system was to ad- dres.s. The report states that staff reaction was a positive one withi improvement in student- teacher rapport along with the intensity of course coverage and the opportunity to offer more individual in- ciass help. The report did say there were certain areas requiring a concentrated and constant ef-, fort in 'monitoring with the aim for improvement. This is especiaily for those areas in- volving the General Level stu- dent. Such departments as mathematics and science rep- ort the suitability of longer periods. It does say the level of intensity does provide dif- ficuities for some students. The Englîsh, History, Geography, ,Modern Languages, Ciassics and Business departments reports are positive as to the semester system. Ail have epxresse d the feeling that students learn the curriculum more throughiy. The Business department has noted an increase in the size of classes over that of former (Continued page 2 BRENDA-BLNTIN(G KEN GILMER TRACEY MCBRIDE BARRY EHRET 82.i/o 8.5% 0.8%80.5% Moved to Larger Store in Orono Deb's Fashions and Fabrjcs hias mnoved to a newv site in downitown Orono and thle east sýide of Maini Street fin the Part- ner block. The new ýstore provides spacious accommodation, f'or Deb's Fashions and Fabrics and !te\, additions are ex- pected to be added to the stock in the nonth of August. The Officiai O)peinïg and ribibon cutting is to take place this coming Friday afternoon, July, 6th at 2:00 p.m. Congratulationis on file move to larger quarters. FCASWELL DAVE GARLAND 93. 1%, 89.3% WOODY HO KATHY ZYCH 84.3% 84%ý7 k1IEN ZL 83.8% 1 ý 11 , 1 1 1 1 . l' ýý 1 .4m. ý 1 . . . 1 . 5 . H . 1 . i 1 ý