Oronýo WeekI y Times, Wednesday, Juily,4, 1984--3v FREDERIC BRIA Gr-aduated orin ay 26, 1984 fromi Durham College of Applied Artsý and Technology with an Honours Diplorna in Electroniie Techniques - Computer Op- Must instali smoke detectors The city fire protet ioni and general purpose comminite hias passed a bylawv whIict they hope will decreas the nu Lmber of fire r ela(ed deaîihs ii Iodginghos. The bya asthait d smioke detectors ini aiIl roomji for rent an!d keepT r2cords oj aIl reg-isiered guest onlle premIIises. AIl roomsI for renl muibe numberedILýý and mlort f'ire preenio cecks w\ill bc donce. At I its ee-ting, \ nex Tus thle bylawk. Whitby tour train Whitby \'sl new\ "tour" t rain beisoperation on Ijly 3. F or 25 cents, îouisrs or residents, can take a 1~ hour r ide arounid Whitby ini a racý trdrawn veilThe traiti wilcarrI 8pasner n w\iIl leave the centre at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Mond(ay [o Fridayv. Pasýsengers wýil se various historie sites during thieir ride. Durham tenants hotline Whitby counicil voted 4-3 against aý grant ro thle Durham Tenant's biotline. The hotline offers services such as a landiord-tenant in- formation library, mediating disputes between landlords and tenants and rep)resenita- tion in court. A Canada works granti enided in June and ithe volIunteer organization iss ing, various municipailities anud agencies for funids. Ev\cn t1hough 28 per cent of Wiîii by's population arc tenntsi,, council refuscd a grantj b-ecause2 Wh Iiitby pol, i, y dsntallowý grans, to bc g1iven, not allocaîcILd durlïing, anniual budget dPicusions. Regional headquarterýs Ano1h o ang11 asL ee thrwnilit fiet guen LN SCHOENMAKER lion. He has accepted a positioni as a Field Engineer with the National Semiconductor Cor- poration. of Regional Headquarters. Hierrema had said that Os;hawa had not lived up to d ils agreement with the old e county of Ontario, but he h failed to mention that the old ýe - county of Ontario did not repay its commitment and the province ended up pick- ing up the tab for ils building. Port Hope nominate five for awards t Port Hope counicil has n lon lat[cd rive of ils r estdents1 for ani Ontario) The fisc nolmiinatcd \\arc: Doniald Scol i, L\\artl Marsd'Len, A.K. Suttre Helen Sraffh\ and Aîîdy' MCL aughhin. who have made a vauiaLýe contributons10their comri miunity who theri becomeu eligible for special prosvincial recognit ion. Port Hope counicil adds its support Port Hope counicil has ad- died ius support b Hope Tow\nship resideýnîs, who are opposed 10 a proposed per- manient low-level radioactive wasie disposaI site that could be located in Hope Towtnship. Port Hope calls for a coun- try wide seareh for such a disposaI area atîd also cal lfor a federal environmental rcsiew proccess for any site Eldotado Nucicar Ltd. are proposing one of three possibe steswliiuihare (Lcted in Hope T ownship attid iii tlîe Towîî of Nesseas- tic.ý 01a zdgrusboiti [romi Hope ýand Nscatearc nloppiion to sucli a 'saste dipsa ite being locatcd iin teir i1w iunpalit ies. Wh itbyh ready to celebrate Ontario's 2001[1 birthiday Aiedsith $20,00(0 0f tio îiaidcing the Tu o\s n et V u v has set i tsl schedule for a July 15 birth- day bash in celebrat ion of' Ontario's, 200th bir[îhday. A tfuli days sehed-ule for aIl residents hias been organized f'romi musical conlcerts f0 a pancake breakfast. Theli Towvn of Newcastle received a suml of $10,000 fromnthle Prov ince t0 provide funding for its ,celebration of the provincial birthiday. Two Hamilton groups in opposition A Northumbferland and N caleBoard of Edluca- lion trustee, Dois, Linton, fromn Roseneath saates they haven'î fouLghit for 14 years to bring T\ Ontario imb their area only to w"atch new City residentîs spoil il aIl nowý. The Province has included $4 million in ils budget for three new transmitting towers Io provide extended coverage of TV Ontario (Channel 19) mbfi Northumberland Coummty as well as Peterborough, Belleville and Kingston. A group from the Gore's Landing and Plainville areas are now opposing the eree- lion of a 400 foot transmit- ting tower for the service in their area stating il will destroy tlhe quaint, pastoral surroundings of the coun- tryside. This group say thley have no objection t0 TV Ontario being exiended mbii te area but do object t o t he consi ruc- tion of the 400 f'oot tower ini the area. VON celebrates 7Oth anniversary, The Vicî oriari Order of Nurses, Durfîam Region, not oîîfy hefd ils annulLal meet.ing recentty but aIso cetebraied il s ses cntiethi anniversary of service to thc commutîity. It wa.s poinitcd out thlit he Order hît cd t s'first nurse in 1914 to s isilthef sick inii thir owni homes'i n Wi 11. The seirvice rno0W extends t firoughiou t the Durham Regton., WiII neyer be the same again Reýsidents of Port Hope fhasvc beeni tofd thc.Ganaraska Ris er rurîning through the 1Towtî ssitf neyer be the same again. The comment came friom tthecenginecri n charge of ctîaîîrtei,'ation of't(ltc riv et t1 opres c11t fut ttre occLitance oft, floodi ng i n t ticd0ýoss ton arca. The Ganataska atthority are now ready to pruîceed on the second phase of'tteptro- grami which includes chtai- nelization north of Wallon street where tl ssifl he neeessary 10 climinate a goodly number o tt ee to mnake w ay for t ie itesi li,%an- nef w hich is being 5 dîe and deeperied. GARBAGE Regionaf Chairmnan, Gary Herremna attd tthe ptanining conimtttee[liasve asked the courteit'io appiose a study, donc b,\, îîgtîîeers, sshich il u pick the best ssaý ot ctisýpoiîij Durham', gai bate, tto[t tue cheapest. After Ilis recetit1 ttp t Europe, Hetierna sand-tîu fill sites are oee aitd sone ot etgîtcott ai e usine îîîuîîeî atot s anîd sclitit StiMii t1o itearl1w tîdusifites. and Mris. Taxpayer are will- ing 10 ()foot the bill. DETNYMANOR DsiyMariol,Ithe finan- cially (roubled women's drug and alcohiol centre, soon wýill receive temporary financial subsidy fromn the provincial govern ment. Alex Smith, administrator of the district Mlinistry of Community and Social Ser- vices office says lhe believes that full provinIcial funiding is in the works. Cynlthia Merdirector of the Mlanor, says a lot of m-oney still imust Lbe raised but 1the province bias really helped oui. HOCKEY IN WHITBY Thle Tow,,n of Whitby has been granted tan Ontario Junior Hockey L1eaue (OJHL) franchise. The club will play its homle gamnes al Iroquois Park Arena, thec bulk of' theml beingL on Fr iday nighis. More than 100 lcees have been sent t0 prospective playersaýnd it is, hoped I hai the majoritv of Iîhem wýill corne from thle Whby Oshawa ar ea. The Whitby team may serve as a eeder sys;tem thile Oshawa Generals bhut il re- mains to be sectn. FLOOD DAMAGE The Regional wvorks comn mittee is sîuldying a rcom- mendation vwhichprviesa payment up to $5.0for people who have hiad thieir basements flooded due to sanitary sesser akus Belore membersof the works ean make their deciite recommendat ion imus îfirsi go to the finance ommmituee for comments. Oshawsa councillor BruLce Sun Pac Ftzen Orange Juioe 12, -, oz. liný McArthur said the proposed paymenis are not an admis- sion of responsibility for the flooding on Ithe Regions part, bui a ser vice Io homreowinersý. REGIONAL, QUARTERS HEAD- Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickardl says the provincial governmnenii should not be in- v olved in the baîf le between thie ~ ei andithe Cityo Osaafor Coîoil ofo Reg'ionial HCadiquarters. Riekard tolcl the regionsý hie cani't ndr Mid h many l\,local\MPP's are tkn sideýs in the fighIt. Hie Ithen crtîtlcized sam Cuilreaîzt Durhiam Easi NMPP for in Os"hawa's side tin the batile. Riekard believes that the region is trying b tintimidate Osha\a into giving1-up lilsnin- terest int the building. SA FETY REPORT Norah Stoner, Pickering Councillor, is geîîing tired of wvailing, for a report ouI lining hier bid t1 force -Ontario Hlydro 10 miake a sfeypami phlet and to dîsîribute potassium iodide pilîs 10o pro- tedt Pickering Residienîs fromn radiation poisoning. Chief Administrative Of- ficer, Don Evans, was sup- posed t0 prepare the report and have it, before the management committee more than anionth ago. Evans says he's waiting for a confirming letier from the province. SENIOR CIT ZE NS APARTMENTS Forestree Place, newly- constructed ýsenior citizen' s apartments in Bowmanville is being nominated for a pro- vincial government aw\ard -foi excellence in housing. renovýýai ion ". T he award!, sponsored byý thec Ontario Mnstyof Municipal Aff1airs and Hous- ing is givenfor new ideas, quLaHiîy of design for the irnovation of older buildings and the consýerva.-tion of energy. ILLEGAL SIGNSe Couincil passed a recomn- men dat ion this wýeek saying al non-conformiing signs in Bowmviiirlle muLsi adhere Io municipal by-lawvs. 1Terry E dwva r ds, Newcasile's director of' plan- ning, says his departmen t \wil actively entorce signs whmlich do not conform to )by-laws. Illegal signis arethe which are not securted cor- rectly l0 building fronts, hang over sidewalks 100 far or do not have approv ed col- Mi rs., COTT EASY OPEN GRANULATED- As-orted Soif Drinks SUGAR 24 -25Omi tins 2 kq bag 4.79 e om99 CORNISH'S Phone 983-52 2 201, From Around the Region by Chris Hooper ORONO WEEO CONTROL GOVERtNMEN1' UCENSEO LAWIN SPRAYINQ , WEEDS INSECTS - FERTIIZING (C IL> DRIVEWAV SEALING W ork Compteted By Lcegsed Professiortai FREE ESTI MATES PHONÉE BOB 983-5267 Box 277, OROMO M I je Red & White 0f fers You No NamemProducts at FANTASTIC SAVINGS e.g. NO NAME SOFT (1000/ from Vegetable Oil) MARGARINE ,2 L pkg.139 Fresh Refngerated Produce (including Fresh Strawberries Dai/y) U.S.. Canada Nu. 1 POU«%TA TO*ES 1 l.bag 2.49 QUALITY MEATS From Canada Packçers and-Schneiders e.g. Canada A-i Beef Short Rib Roast kg3-06I128 GROCERIES AT COMPETITIVE PRICES mommua 1