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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1984, p. 4

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t-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, JuIy 4, 1984 Kî.rby Burger launched with ribbon cuitting Last Friday moi--rflifg Kirby Burger fast food outiet Highway 115-35 and is. being, Utter own ottîcials also Mayor Rickard of the Town in Kirby. operated by the Reid spoke at the ceremony along of Newcastle cut the ibbon Thei ribbon ctting launchi- Brothers of Kirby. with M.P.P. Sam uretz at the officiai opening ofth le ed the newý,est en terprise along y Chris Hooper June 30, 1938 Between 5004 and 600 peo- pie attended Decoralion Day a( the Orno Cem-etery on Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. H. Osterhout read tie scriptlure and led lihe prayer. Rev. D. R. Dewdney of ýewcastIe was the guesi ipeaker and gave a very orceful address. Chairman, Oir. Reber Souch, thien spoke t few wo mrds. Miss Neya Rainey was ,ivemt a iiscellanteous Ned- ling shwer at thre homne of 4i1rs. Harold Allen Iast even- rg. Afier receiing h ler ifi, contests were enjoyed and unch was served. Messrs. MI. C. Hall, >eorge Yeo, Harold AllUn, 'harles GlanNille, Mati Har- ison and Sid Hughes wnton fishing exp)edition t1(pkeene, lice Lake and came home iith seven pickerel. Th'le Federal Decpartment aio tgr-icuture hias credited Mr. A. J. Tamblynr of Orono vith haing thie leadïng nature cowN in tire 305 day livision. At Orono Public Sehool hie followNing stuidents have een promoted to grade two: arbara Case, Lois Dean, lirley Flintofi, John For- ster, Eleanor Hiancoick, etty Jordan, Donald ercer, Cerald Raineyý, Jean iney, Murial Reid and Bar- ara Rolph. JULY 4th, 1957 Thie Evenling Au'Lx1liary of le W.M.S. \was ld cion hursday. Kay Chapmnan ing a vocal solo then Jenniiie lorton led th hmn lsingLing1. largaret Arnott took the ~udy Book fiowdby a Ik from thec guest speaker, Ir s. K. WVerry, fr om ýewcLast1e. Thle Gold Cord rmn ,as hield for the Oronlo -àtides on Fridlayuith Miss Alary Fou(!ild ac-t ingl a hiairperlsol. fThe Goid tord ~as presented o Jo Anrie Rutherford. The teenagers of the Village have started theit summiitier programme witb a dneparty on Saturday evenîng. This Teen 'age association hias elected WVayne Bailey -as president, Connie Tyrrell as secretary- treasurer and Marlene Graham and Norman Rickaby as programn organizers. About thirty teenagers attended the dance. Mr an-d Mrs. Clarence Burýley weýre surprised. by frienids and faily when a party was rrngdat the NewonvlleHall1 on June 29th in honour of their 25thi wedd1 ingu, nvrsry' beautiful address was read followNed by dancing with the muie being provided by Mr. Norman Andrews, Armond Holing-sworthl and Mrs. L ena TwAo Orono studLenlts, Shirley Vagg, and Bernice Lunn r -epresented Orono at the United nations Seiniar hield on the camipus of Queen's University in Kingston., The smnrran from June 25 to June 2th. Attendance was quite goo)d at the Dominion Day celebra- tion held at the Orono Park on Monday which featured basebail games. The Orono Batnams won the first gamne by a score of 10-7 over Newcastle but lost the second game 7-4 to Bowmanville. Carmani Cornish, Hamilton Boyd and Ronnie West weree Orono's besi ittiers. Prin ting Cali thel Orono Weekly Times 98 3&M1 Allan Lawrence Froin Ottawa- Hou. Allan Lawrence, MI.P. (Du rham-North uminbcrl anid) There has been much talk and speculat ion hiere these past few days about a sum- mer federal election. fithegan during the Liberal leadership convention, and went into highi gear as soon as the win- ner was announce. Before John Turner could even savour his .accomp!ish- ment after six weeks of' strenuous campaigning, some of his supporters, indicated they wanted him to go)stra- ight into an even more Pgruel Their reasons w\ere oh- vious. Many\ reealled hIow, in 1968, Pierre TrudeIa[ called an etectiion imdaeyafter becoming ieader and rolled to victory on a wave of euphoria. That may look good toý some Liberals at first glance. But thisý isn't 1 968, and Cana- d i anis certa inlyv arcen't eupihorie ight now. Per sonally, l'd welcome an early lection, because the Caniadian people want a change at Ottawa, and- l'm still incined to think that we pr1obably wn't ave an) dcc- [ion uniit later in the fiaîl. Here's why. T'here must be a m inimumi 50 days between the calling of a federal election and the day on which its held. And the election must be oni a Mon- day, uniess it's a holiday.- Mr. Turner is expected to tak e office as PriiNimMinister around the end of tis month. Thus, hie \wouIdl ave to announce an eecii- media tely, 1by July, 2n1dforit to take place on Moniday, August 201h, or caîl l)he dec- tion by July 9th if it is to bie held on August 271lI. As we aIl know, ihr of those election datek woul automatically canicel the long planned \viith\yIthe Queen to the Maitms,1- tario and Manitoba. Thiat would generate much resent- ment in- those partsq of Canada - and Mr. Turner has to turn around -iberall fortunes in Ontario and Manitoba particularly if hie is. o have any chance ofrle- maining as Pime NinistIer. That leads to another qIues,- tion mark about a sumimer election. Throughoui his, leadership campaign, Mr. Turner made it clear lhewnt to put as muich distane zas possible betw\een hmefand the Trudeau admiiiiitaion which so many Canadians have cornte tosor. Put tig a new fIa:ce on that Crossing Guard not warranted The General Purpose com- mittee of the Town of Newcastle receîved a report from the By-lawý enforcement Officer in wýhich it was reported that a crossing guard is not warran ted at the corner of Miil street and Milîson Hill Drive. Council had received a let- ter from Debra Boumne of the Orono Estates requesting a crossing guard at this loca- tion as a safery measure for students walking to the lower grades in the Orono Public Thei Town hiad received a simnilar letter fromi a Mlrs. Debbie Hogenhouit ini Oc- tober of 1983 at whlich riime a survey was takeni and at thiat tîme it was determiiined there was not sufficient ineed for a crossing guard c. The report tocmite on Monday rfcterred ro a similar sutrvey taken recently and it w\as determined by thle By-law enforcementýii officer that conditions hiad not change sufficienly ýover the past few months Wto now wa- rant a crossing guard. Cmiteapproved ithe recommendation. oId buliclî woli't he easy. Il mecans brutally rcstructuring thce cabinet , dumipingý or te\sin a wholc range of unii- popullar policies, and pro- gasand announcing new federal strategies aund objec- tie.That will be virluially impossible in two days or even ine days. 1 doubi ithai MIr. Turner is up to such a task. An early faîll eleet ion is possible but nlot probable, even 1though thle Vat icanl reportedly has indicated P'ope John Parti wouIdl't objeet to a political c:ampaigon during Ilis 1 2-day v\isîII in Septemlber, as longl as thie clection isn't held until after his departure on Septembher 20th. Howýever, anr election camipaignt during thre Pope's isit could not get the media coverage a nlewý Prime Miister \wouId want. It should be worth ai ching \what happens right aftLer thie Pope leaves. An election announced then would be held- November l2th or l9th. After that, wýinter is approacingi, and our weather becomes un- predict able. We've had ss inter elections before. But 1 can tell you as politician th at none of us like them. Perhaps the, last word on 11is subjeet caille fast wcek, lin a letter to ithe editor of the Toronto Globe and Mail by thle Hon. Jack Pickersgill. M r. Pickersgill i S snmethfingili of an eider satemnan i Liberals, a f'ormnier senri or1-c abinile i mninister and long-timie ad- vÈser Io prime m iinisters. He's of a Liberal era and tradition wihJohni Turner certainily prefers th le remnnants of thle Trudeau adinitration. in lus lettertIo the editor, Mr. Pickersgill s-aid hie was "deeped distiressed" by thie specuilation and argued forcefully taaînst an early election. -Lgally an election needn't be calied uintil next year whien thlis goverlnmenlts five-year term iexpires, hec pointed ouit, and thie new Liberal leader should take six or eight mlon- ths to show how he can per- form compared to Briani Mulroney. One might wonder if that's exactlyý what t he Trudeau-era iberials are afraid of. Obv iousýly Mr. Turner wili get a lot of conflicting advice over thle next ew weeks. Het faces ,an almnostimpsil task, and for- the sake of thec coutry\ we al should wishi him wýell during his brief reign as Prime Minister. Orono Nursery, Sehool Hait day enrtchment programme for 3 - 4 year aid chiidren QUALIFIED STAFF - LICENSED PREMISES OPTIONAL READING PROGRAMME FOR 4 YEAR OLDS Regis ter Now For September '84 983-5402 a.m. 987-4012 pm. IL M IY Chioose a Lawn-Boy Special with quaiity performance and standard Lawnvr-Boy biit-to--last features: 0 Finger-tip starting 0 4'HP rated engine 0 CD soiid state ignition * Quiet under-the-deck muffierý 0 Patented flexible rear shieid '8 Optionai side g ass catcher Lawni-Boy - choose from- 14 different models. RLP0 H we made our nmrn hardware Main St., Orono Phono 983-5207 IAWN-BOY Astlime goes by, youlI1 know why. From the Dim and Distant Past

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