Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July, 4, 1984-,5 Grade 8 Proficiency A wards Pines Senior Public annual Graduation Graduation ceremonies were recently heid at The Pines Senior Public School when graduating dipiomas, proficiency awards, and schooi crests were presented. The evening's activities were chaired by Michael Par- rington with weicoming remnarks by the principal, R.L. Moore, along with greetings from the local Board of Education express- ed by R. Wiiisher. A band selection was presented by the school band under the direc- tion of Mrs. C. ProIe. .Mr. R. Proie introduced Jý a à Grade eight Proficiency Scott, Paui Foster, Richard (Middel Row) Tainmy Rid- Award winners are pictured Erhardt, Dana Shetier, Ann- dle, Heidi Meszaros, Patrick above: 'Back row, left to dee VanDoieweerd, Chriîtine woods, Leanne Reid, BMain right),Kerry Hester, Andrew Ferguson and Lana Maingot, Smith, (front row) Jean Grade 8 Pines crest Winners Brown, Tanya Brady, Lisa Stamp, Heathier Hoy, Michelle Riddie, Julie Green and Jill Cunningham. The above Pines- Seior Crest. (Back row) Kerry Anndee. Van Doleweerd, Lisa Stamp, Heather Hoy Public school students we.re Hester, Jean Brown, Tammy, (front row) Michelle Riddle, and Julie Green. presented with the School Riddle, Heidi ýMeszaros and Grade 7 Proficiencyv A ward winners Tammy Riddle the vaiedictorian, Tammy Riddie, who followîng her address was presented with the Valedictorian Trophy presented by R. Proie and Nancy Peters. The foliowing is a iist of graduates from The Pines: 8A - David Bailey, Jane Bannister, Susan Baptie, Troy Golîvar, Sean Bordun, Doug Bradley, Karen Buckiey, Dan Bunton, Nancy Byers, Scott Casselman, Deiann Chard, Bonnie Deveau, Leslie Dobroshin- sky, Richard Erhardt, Linda Henderson, Bill Hutchinson, Ron Johnson, Craig Mackey, Mike McArthur, Macky Mc- Cormack, Lisa Morris, Jason Morrison, Luanne Morrison, Kevin Mumford, Kathy Nesbitt, Chris Pedias, Leanne Reid, Dana Shetler, Jaçquie Smuk, Anndee Van Doleweerd, Susan Vander- veen,. Chris Wilisher. .8B - Sandra Atkins, Kelly Boricic, Rodney Bosak, Stephen Cairns, Mark Cameron, Tammy Closs, Nino Custoza, David Demp- sey, Cathy Dennis, Darren Dennis, Tracy Gardner, Brent Gatcheli, James Glasbergen, Michelle Gregg, Richard Harris, Brian Hill, Heather Hoy, Larry Hutchin- son, Ahmed KaKa, Lana Ma- ingot, Vickie McGarvey, Heidi Meszaros, Catherine Mudd, Scott Rekker, Michelle Riddle, Deanna Roughley, Andrew Scott, Ross Smith, Lisa Stamp, Bob VanDusen, Laura Vickers, Mike Walker, Janet Wind. 8C - Michelie Aiic, Melin- da Bragg, Dodi Brough, An- drew Cairns, Jeanette Collin- son, JIl Cunningham, Derek DeJong, Deon Dias, Pamela Easton, Christine Ferguson, Darren Hirschfeld, Suzanne Hoimes,,Jackie Hood, Stuart Irwin, Roger Karas, Peter Kiose, Joan Nesbitt, 'Paul Pfeiffer, Robbie Pollard, Scott Poilard, Tammy Rid- dle, Steven Schaefer, Richard Shewchuck, Blain Smith, Karen Taîsma, Tony Vanrenen, Michelle Wagg, Tracey Weatherup, Jac- queline Whyte, Patrick Woods, Todd Yarrow. 8D - Jeff Allaway, Lisa Bail, Tanya Brady, Jean Brown, Paul Cannings, Jen- nifer Clarke, Kim Coates, Susanne Cochrane, George Gardner, Jeff Graham, Nicole Handrahan, Kevin Hartwig, Kerry Hester, Tracey Hudgin, Teresa Ken- nedy, Leanne Kent, Theresa Lyle, Susan Mangar, Sean McComb, Stephanie Oke, Rhonda Owen, Steven Pilgrîm, Meiody Rahm, Paul Rahme, Angie Sanders, Frank Sargent, Tyrone Sluymers, Brett Smith, Shawn Spence, Steven Van Dyke. 8E - David Aimas, Barbara Arts, Ken Brown, Sian Davies, Kelli Fanis,' Paul Foster, Susan Gibson, Julie Green, Andy Haines, Ken Hall, Jopanne Hodgson, Cathy Hooper, Toni Howes, Brent Hutton, Katrina Johnston, Jeff Martin, Laura Martin, Jamie McRobbie, Elspeth Payne, Chris Pearce, Kim Plitz, Laura-Lynn Plum- mer, Scott Richards, Sherri Rogers, 'Samantha Shetier, Stephen Thompson, Robert Tinlile, Jamnie Todd, Sherry Todd, Jason Vailiancourt, David Vandermale., The above students were Senior Public School. Gaudet, Tammy Hansen, Stephenson, Michael Tait, reseted with Grade 7 Profi- namnes not in order aýs Shana Hillis, Jon Libby, Kim Ian VanderSchee, Paula incv Awards at the annual shown:. Cathy Angi, Marcia Lycett, Colleen Martin, Warner and Laura Weaver. 'Iadujatin at the Pines, Blaschlke,Jae Crother, Ted Michael Mendonca, Diana MANGAR'S GARAGE 17 Mill St., ORONO * General R. pairs on ail Makes Cars, Trucks, Buses, Tractors Both Foreign and Domestic " Radiator and Air Conditioning Service " Propane Conversion " Satety Inspection Station on ail gas and Propane vehicles lncluding Dump Trucks and School Buses 0 Free Towing -Enigine & Transmission lobs a Life-Time Warrant y on Muffier, Shock jobs Licence: Class A, B, H, P3, S6A, S68, Pro- pane Inspector For Appointment CaliMIKE:*