Clarke Public Sehools Track meet The finishing touch on a between public schools in race with participants' trom tured above are waiting for day filled with competition Clarke Township was a relay each school. Students pic- the starting-gun. Lockhart-Orono Fun Day These Orono-Lockart changing of events at their the Orono School. The group for the camera during their students are waiting for the annual Play Day exercieses at were only too happy to pose wait for the next event. whistle which signais the Orono i Girls win rebound with awin oe rn o On June 2Oth the Orono Atoms Teami 1 went down to their second defeat (4-0) of the year at the hands of Bowmanville Marketplan., For some reason the Orono squad chooses to play poorly against this particular team. The only two players worthy of commendation in this dreadful game were Dan Walters for his splendid play in goal and Laura Abrams for her toughness in in- dividual challenges with Marketplan players. The coaches decided our players needed practice at kicking the baIl on the run with either After a practiceemphasiz- ing jusi thiat, the Orono teami rebounded to a 5-3vctr over a tough Tyrone team oni June 271li. Ail players gave a good effort with particular congratulations going [o Todd Graves, Jodi Faulkneri, Grant Tomkins alid Dan Walters for theuir best efItri oi the year. Camecron Esler wiirh rw, Scoit Mý,cAllister, Scoit Hentig and Ryan Rock handled the scoring with Laura Abrams and Greg Hooper amongst others pick- ing up assists. Scott Hentig's goal was a brilliant indivîdual effort. Craig Nemis, our outstanding centre, half, dominated mid-field with the help of Laura, Dan and Ryan. Our defensive trio of Tim Hallowell, Scott Williams and Scott Hartwig reverted to their old selves,, clearing the bail effectively and then there was Jim! Jim Partner, an ail-star goalkeeper on a team with many fine goalies, took con- trol almost every lime the bail entered his area. The only unfortunate part of the evening was the display of poor sportsmanship by a f'ew of the players at the end o.f thie game. The parents and coaches will expect much bet- ter manners from these players in the future. Also, everyone wishes Shellie Nowak a speedy recovery fr om her ilncs%. Orono No. I played a superb game against Orono No. 2 Tuesday, June 26th. Due to the tremendous ef- fort, Orono No. 1 held a con- stant leaçl throughout the game. The team played well t ogether under good coaching. Good hitting by Robin Robinson, Charlene, Tennant, lina Wood and Karen Mercer. Barby Seneco pitched through the whole game t,) "good luck" catcher Kareri Goodwin. Great plays niade by Kim Copping, Linda Merrick, Karen Copping and Carnie Clarke, until her un- fortuante injury. The final score was 23 to 16. Way to go Orono No. L.! Eagles take Aj ax defeated by Foxboro Thursday, June 28th - Ken- dal 4, Ajax 3. Hits - Dwight Woodward 2, Murray O'Brien 2, Steve West 2. Winning pitcher -Fric Moore. Monday, July 2nd- Fox- boro 4, Kendal 1. Hits - Dwight Woodward 2, John Robinson 1, Mike Cornell 1, Kirk Woodward I. Nexi game Saturday, July 7th, 12:00 noon in WhIlitby Tournament. Next home games, Satur- day, July 14lt, 1:00) Maikham - 4:00 p.m. Peter- borough. AIl Star gaine Sunday, July lSîh Kendal. OREZ Wood Staîn SEMI. TRA NSPA REN T Redwood, Walnut and Cedar Reg. 19.99 4L Special 2MM99 Pageant SoIid Wood Stain Redwood, Walnut and Cedar Reg. 13.9941 Special 9.99- Neu-Tone Driveway Sealer 4 gais. 10,.99 Rlolph we made our naine in hardware Main St., Orono SALE BY TENDER of OL D 0ROÛNO%0 I FIRE HALL MAIN STREET, ORONO SEA LED BIDS, for -offers ta purchase" of the building and property specified below are invited and will be received in the envelope provided by the undersigned until the closing time and date. OLD ORONO FIRE HALL, located on thie west sie of Main St.,,near uts in- tersection with Park St., Orono. Two storey brick Fire Hall building with one storey concrete block addition. (Zoning C - commercial> (Part of Lot 7, Block P, Instrument #7887) Frontage approximfatelly 38.58 feet Depth approximately 108.90 feet Bid forms consisting of ail terms and conditions af sale are available at the Purchasing Office, 152 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. A Bld Deposit in the amount of $50000 must ac- company each bld submnission. Reterence File: Quotation No. SD84-2 Closing Time and Date: 4:00 p.m. (Local Time), Tuesday, July 10, 1984. The highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. .mr~ Ms. D.M. Homeniuk. P.P. Purcha sing and Supply Agent (416) 623-3379 Ext. 67 Date f Publcaiun. June 27, 1984 and Julv 4. 1984. Purchase Order N. A 1017 Orono Atoms i I Orono Weekly T'imes, Wednesday, Juiy 4. 1984-7 1%.ff v lqw, AL ý 1%.ý ý»L 1%.4w ý n 1%ýw w -