Deb 's Fashions and Fabrics relocate Deb's Fabrics and Fashions who have relocated to the east side of Orono Main Street in the business j 0t:oPu section held the officiai open- ing on Friday afternoon of last weejk.. Sylvia VanderSchee (left) and Debbie Davies (right) assist Diane Hamre with the ribbon cutting. The* new location with greater floor space provides the opportunity for better display and new ines to be added later this summner. A request to the Town of Newcastle for a school cross- ing guard on Mill Street north was referred back to the ccerk's office by council on Monday morning. The refer- raI foîlow%ýed a delegation on Monday of a numnber of parents fromn the Orono Estates headed by Peggy Powell. Duringl the course of discussion it was realized that although the Town bas received two requests for a school crossing guard in the particular area they were not for the same location. tin October 1983 a request was received by council for a crossing guard at Milison Hill Drive and Mill Street. At the timie the Region Police surveyed vehicle and school traffic determining there was flot sufficient traffic in the particular area to warrant a cross guard. In June. 1984 the Town received another request for a crossing guard on Mill Street wîth no specific location- bc- ing mentioned other than the corresponded did state a similar request had been lodged sometime in the past for such a guard. In discussion with Peggy Powell on Monday it was pointed out that the mnost re- cent request wýas for a cross- ing guard at Mill St and Pigott Drive in the north of the Village. olongthe June 1984, request the police again surveyed traffic at the intersection and ýagain1 reported the need for a guard did not meet their criteria.. Since the latest police suLrvey was not in the area of concern of the June request the mnatter bas been returned to the clerk for a further report. In.discussion Mrs. Powell. pointed out there were no fines for a crossing at Pigott and that igning was as well inadequate. She stated that Johin Reid, principal at the Orono School had said that a 10 year old could not be held responsible for the younger students. She also said cross- ing gunard were not always there. Commients was also made of the problem in the winter and as well the group wanted to have an adult crossing guard. Counc. Cowmran said there appeared to be a general con- cern of a number of issues in- £luding flot onfly the crossing guiard but also signing anxd sidewalks. She said it could be a multi-dollar project. "I( would favour tais being refer- red back to staff", she said. On motion of Taylor and Woodyard the matter is being referred back to the clerk's departmnent with involvement in a further report încluding the Public works department and the Regional Police. The delegation is to be informed of the report prior to comning to council. F ~,a~ppeuing~... viiîin Me 'ieaporfrn Tanc tlM no iE o I niEED J( SEEKING ORANGE PARADE IN BOWMAN VILLE Counc. Hlobbs of the Town of Newcstle gained support from his fellow council associates in that council will make a request to have the Ornage Lodge hold their annual parade in 1985 ini the Town of Bowmanville. COWMAN EXP RESSED CONCERN OVER GRANT LOSS Cone. Cowman at Monday's meeting expressed con- cern over the possibility of the Town of Newcastle lossing pro- vincial granmt monies due to a change in the provincial pro- gram. She spoke of a possible loss of $200,000. Mayor Rickard said there is no indication as yet as to what will happen but did state 350 municipalities will see an increase in grant monies. Cowmnan stated the Town was in fact, in the other 450 facing decreases. PASSES UP CHICAGO MARATHON Sylvia Ruegger is now in full training for theSummer Olymipics beinig held in Los Angeles and will leave on July 22nd for the major event of her life. Sylvia, on the advice of her coach, by-passed the Chicago 20 kilometer Marathon which was held last Friday. Sylvia is training in Toronto on Tuesdays and Thrusdays along with S taurday training at home. NOMINATIONS SET FOR DURHAM NORTHUMBERLAND Within a few hours of the announcement of the September 4th election both the liberals and conserv.atives in the riding of Durham Northumberland announced, their nomination meetings. The liberîs will hold their meeting in the Port Hope High schoôl on Wednesday, July i Sth with at least one declared candidate, Darce Campbell of Port Hope. There is speculation that Ed Schamerhorn of Bowmanville, who ran in the last federal election, will also be a candidate. The conservative will be holding their nomination meeting in the Clarke High School on Wednesday, July 25th. Here it is expected that Allan Lawrence, M.P.,wîll receive the nomination being unopposed. The NDP have already have held their nomination meeting with Roy Grierson of Port Perry being sel ected. In the 1980 election Lawrence, P.C., won the riding with a vote of 17,126, Schamerhorn, Liberal, 11,326 and NDP McLaug-hlin with 9,304 votes. Allan Lawrence bas held the riding since 1972. YOUNG PEOPLE NEEDED TO PLAY BAGPIPES Bowmanville Leg-ion are looking for youing men and young womnen to learn to play the bagpipes. Classes A1i11 be hield 1 ues- day evenjings al 7 p.mi,. atih Lgo Hall. Caýl 623-9032 for further inform1ation. The two Ward Three counicillors on Monday held a brief 'Tif in 'the Teapot' over comments published last week in the press which were attributed to Counc. Hamre and related, to an erosion program being undertaken along the creek in the Orono Park. Couac. Hamre had said she feit the Ganaraska Authority should meet some of the costs of the project which is related to conser- vation and especially since the Authority does grass cutting in other municipalities. Counc. Woodyard, who is a member of the executive of the Authority said Authority members were som ewhat upset over' the comment which iadicated that the Authority was showiag favouritismi to other muaicipalities over that of the Town of Newcastle. He said he did flot want it to appear that the Town was uasatisfied with the Authority. Woodyard said a lot of money comes back to Newcastle and that taxes paid to the Town from the Authority-amouat to some $61,387 and that in the past the Authority has undertaken wvork ia the park. Followiag Woodyard's comments Counc. Hamre said it was unfortunate that one would make such statements when they had flot been in attendanýe at the council meeting. Hamre pointed out that. the Authority spends an unsub- sidized S20,000 in parks which is flot conservation work. She said the $20,"0 should be spentin aconser- vation work--where the amount of funds would in- crease due to provincial subsidy. Counc. Taylor, a member of Central Lake Ontario Authority said the project in the Orono Park should be subject to Ministry funding. The Town of Newcastle is paying the full cost of the work in the Orono Park without subsidy. New lottery ter, playing tournaments The Orono Tennis club held their first tournament of the year, on July 4th being a social doubles tournament. Don Staples was the maie whiner with Rhonda Parker the femnale winner. On Wednesday, July llth the club will be 'holding its men's doubles tournament with the first baIl being serv- ed at 7:00 p.m. Comne out and enjoy, the tennis play by the men's dou- ble teamns. Momn's Kitchen bas moved Lottario and 649 tickets. the communlity along with the into a new era in the sale of Mat Snelder has been sale of other lottery tickets lottery tickets wvith the recent endeavouring for quite somne over the counter. installation of a ter-minal for- time to provide this service in M/at Snelderi s showin above with the new terminal. *eetlp ms ublished Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, Wed-nesday, JuIy 11, 1984 % £rz.,,-0 e ! -,£i-- rr - - - -ý %.OF 1 qi a 2 %.P y IWNÊEREO