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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1984, p. 9

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Orono Wyeekly Mintes, Wednesday, JuIy 18,1 1984-9 C'olassifie'd Ads (Continued from page M.J _______________HELP WANTIED TRUCKING CAREER. Becomne a, professional Transport Driver. Contact Merv Orr's Kingston (613) 549-3914; Toronto (416) 251-9073; Ottawa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; Norîh BaN (705) 472-2910; Thunder Bay (807) 623-8686; Sauli Ste. Mlarie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623-2430; Sudbury (705) 560-335 1; Memriber B. B. B. nt/c Experienced Web Prirting PRESS OPERATORS for Eastern Ontario plant. Harris VI5 Press. Good pay and benefits. Days only no weekends. Cal> Camn Inglis (613) 389-7400. a/ CAREER TRAINING FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to, train ai hiome for 205 top paying full and part ime jobs,. Granton Insitute 265 A. Adlaide Street West, Toronto. Cal> (416) 977-3929 îoday. n/,c FARM SUPPLIES FOR SA TRAILER BIJNK FEEDELRS, hay, chop, al-steel; square hale feeders; hecated waîerbowls; bale acks, al steel, 20 foot; Fordhamn water-bowls. Owýen Martin Mfig., R.R. 3, Wallenstein, Ontario NOB 2S0 (519) 699-4144. n/c FARM SERVICES/FARMS Ili reieing our nce member' preioustlax situations, we have found thiat they were flot taking advanî(age of ail the tas oppiortunities avalable. Ouiriimulti-ilioni dollar inmtmient in computer iechniology now mlake, it possible to take fuill advanîage of every tax opportunity. 1The Farmi Busineýss Consulîanîs priogram woýrkS for you year round. Calilltr1 ee I-800l-265-1002. AUCTIONS Saturday, July 2lst Real Estate Auctîon. Sixfarmis, two building lots. Sales bus laes MANVERS ARENA at 9:30 shiarp ai jLuýiIiuo o15 and 7A, 14 mniles south of Lnsy For poperîy listings caîl orwrte MICLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783, R.R. 2,.insa.Joîn this real estate day. \ou could in;'up un $100. FOR SALE 1LIMITED OFFER direct from ihe facîory. NManuftacttirrlba il-steel buildings at facîory direct savii.g, to you. Exampilile '401 wde \ 52 long. Regulair price $13,817, your cosi 57,999. Comiplete nic eds and hugh sliding oor. (Cal Toîl fty-ee I800-268-4942. MIiracle Span, first in steel bil1dinIgs. COLLECTOR'S PL.ATE SAL F- newý and back issues. Caîl, write for prices. Frcee magazine wýith everý1 order. Weu shîp. Pedden Antiques. Sîrathroy, R.R. fi, Ontario. N7G 3H-,. (519) 247-3341. BUSINESS OPPORTUNJTY $I0,OOO)SECOND IN( E.Be a part-timie rpernative slingL and rent ing our fline 0of igh (qualityv iI illcers for purîfyîngludrîlkinig waîer in fliehomie, officend factory.. Becinue independenî, be youir own boss in a growiLng industry. Extcellent pssbltyof ecoming fultime area distrlbutor. C ontact us tcîday for mre inforniation. Water Purity Systemsý, 537 Brant Street, Bu liingion, Otr ULR 2G6, (416) 639-0503.I____ ____ - %MACHINERY FOR SALE WOOD AND) METAL VWORK1NG NMACHINES. Qu]aliîy louIs, loeîprices, Ban-dsaws, table sawsý, Jointers, planers, rmetal/wood lathe, many mnore. Free Catalo)gue: Busy Bec Mlachiine Tools, 18 Basaitic Drie, Concord, Ontai, L4K I06. Phi. (416) 738-1292. ni c PERSONAIL MEET youir matchi. For ail ages and unattachied. ThousýaIsds Of miembers anixious tIo nmcc youi_ Prestige Acquai ntiances. Caltolfree 1-800-263-9103. ORFENTAL LADIES seek orepodnctoriensî/ur and language exchange. For informiation thie Eiendship Office. P.O.ý Box 52411, Station -A"', Cal.gary, Alberta. T2H1 X(,. FOR SALE PRIVATE SALE: 21 z-' and 23' Masîercoach tradlers, imaculate con- dition. 21 2 sleeps 7, 23' sleeps 6 includes site for season. Asking $7.500 each. Cal Ted, Bus. 1416) 844-0184, Res. (416) 270-9629; Albert (705) 435-7948; Doug at the Bears Den Camrpgrouind (705) 53-2898. n/c SWIMMING ;POOLS1 SHOPPING FOR A SWýIMIMING POOL- KITï? We are a wholesaler iîh top qualiuy produscîs who can probably save you money. Give us a caîl and wýe willtry to hielp. (519) 753-I460. n/c FOR SALE FARMEFRS: Sprayed Ureiheune ninslaion. Qualiîy work ai Western Ontarto pices. Certified applicators,Fxeiencedn agricult ural ret rofit since 1975. C'al> Warmîh iInsuiJalon, (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, Oin- tari. K7H 301. C HEAP FOR CASH - Two ali-sîcel buildinigs aaailefoirimmediate delivery, extra lenigth and doors available. Seious nl. al(416) 486-1807, Ext. 14. BARN ROOFING 8- SIDING. 30 gauge galvanized, $39 per square. 30 gauge prepainted $55 per msquare. Miimumiii order 30 square. Custom Farm Maierial Sales. Plione Laind McKeen (416) 779-3322. n/c FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE OFFERS WELCOME on 100 acresý witls furnlished hunm camp beside smnail river. Loeated aborut 10 iies finom Pernbroke in gon)d recreation area. Terms available. (613) 833-3150. n/c AlUCýTION McLEAN AUCTION CE-NTRE, Lîndsay. Every Thursday nîghî holusehold, antiques, itin, arm achînery, equipmIeîîïwanîcd (705) 324-2783. COMlpSfiiVEN lh NAPANEE ANTIUE SH 0W ,AND SALE. Buy atîd S... N1pance A\NTIQUE SHOW AND SALE. Lansdowýnc Ilac MlalI l'cP borough, .tuly 25, 26, 27, 28. Furniture, glass. books, \vilage cloili miiitcal inirunieni s, sîl ver, jewellery. In foirmai iotu (416) 623-30>74, SUFMMER RECREAT[ION FORTY ACRES 0Fý FAMILY FUN. Storylanid Near Reître,, tarin. Pick uip oui- hoicure ai yiiur local tiîisi information office wýrite R.R 5, Renifrewý, K7V 378, Phone (613) 432-5275. ~ M352W8P-ow 416>444-8419 BY Arlin Hackman - Federa- tion of Ontario Naturaists THE BLACK DUCK: GO- ING, GOING .. It's flot actually black, both sexes appearing in Iovely shâdes of brown, grey, green and blue, with wing patches of iridescent purpie. But the Americal black duck, the wariest of its kind and highly prized by water fowl huniers, is definitely declining across eastern North America. ;According (o U.S. data, the total population of. Rubripes had shrunkb percent in less than decades, each year' s c( since 1955 showing a dî numbers. Canadian Wi Service officiais cite higher losses for soi Ontario, losses which à ding to MNR statistics, cut the annual take hunters by more than 25 cent since, 1968. A number>of factorsv ing in deadly combina cter- such as pesticides, wetland llirg, destruction, hunting and -perhaps acid ramn, share nc much of the blame. Ail were on the rise when the dedline On- of the duck started. "e Il However, on top of this the ncspecies is now threatened by genetics. - Black ducks and mallards are so similar physi cally that flot only are the femnales mistaken by hunters but the two species interbreed with each other and produce fer- D tilie offspring. This fact has fuélled speculation that blacks and mallards are Anas recently separated species, by 60 isolated by range until we raz- three ed thse eastern forests. This ensus allowed the highly com- rop in petitive and adaptive mnalard ildlife (o push east from the even prairies, a process aided by îthern wildlife managers desiring àccor- more hiuntable birds. Unfor- b ave tUnately, mallard ýe by characteristies tend to ý5 per- dominate the hybrid young. The overaîl resuit is (bat work- mnallard populations have iation, skyrocketted at the black uuck's expense. oecause the trend is clear and our knowledge of how (o ar- rest it is imited. Whether overhunting or hybridization looms as the larger threat (the most hotly debated point) it remains that hunting pressure is the one thing we can im- rnediaely and effectively control. But to date, no government agency bas been willing to institute a moratorium and see if the black duck population stablizes, thereby clarifying thie role of hunting. So far, Ontario hunters have only beeni asked (o exer- cise voluntary restraint and develop their skills in recognizing the lighter brown body and two white lines on the upper wving, which distinguish the mallard. Many hunters have already. done so and, at least south of the border, support more decisive management action. Hopefully, we won't have to wait another three decades for it. ORONO FUEL &LUMBER CORNER 0F STATION ST. AND HWY. 115 983-9167 ANNUAL SUMMER WINDOW SALE THIS SUMMER SAVE BIG WITH ORONO FUEL AND MASON WINDOWS. WE ARE OFFERING Up TO 4%Y, OFF ON ALL MASON WINDOWS AND DOORS - INCLUDING THE ULTRAGUARD --aPINS CORE IN SASH/FRAME FOR STRENGTH AND INSULATION. NATURAL TRIM (INTERIOR) DOUBLE/TRIPLE INSUL EASY GLASS REPLACEMENT DUAL SEAL INSUL UNiTS FEWER FAILURES. WELDED SASIl/FRAME U>DUOEE NO LEAKS DA UOEE EXTRUDEO WEATI4ERSTRIP MAINTENANCE FREE EXTERIOR. NO EXPOSEOWOODO« EASY - CLEAN INSTALLATION; TOTAL EXTRUSION ASK THE PROFESSIONALS AT ORONO FUELS FOR MASON ULTRAGUARD WINDOWS. THIS SPECIAL US AVAILABLE UNTIL AUGUST 15, 1984

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