ff~,~ç,gg~uY.rIzOrono Weekly Times, Wednesday', JuIy 18, r V)rIffD k~Classified Advertising $1-50 FOR 25 WORDS OR LESS BLOCK ADS - $1.50 COLUMN INCH Woodatl Carpentry Fui/y Licenced 10 Years Experienice speciaizing in CUSTOM BUILDING- RENOVATIONS - CABINETS, etc. 983-9759 Phone for appointment. Anniversary, Wedding and Family Portraits in our Studio, your Homne, or ont Lo cation. 78 Kng St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono cali 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buyîng or selling and for the Ilargest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST [ van S UQ4KIngttL Cait for a.no obligation evaluation of your home, acreage or farm or for information on properties in the area. 987-4733 623-4445 Chris Stapleton Sales Representative 983-5093 NOTICES If you hiave questions, or conicernsý about your mnunicipalîîy, lease feel free b ecall nie ai eithe, 983-5505 or 987-5039. Diane Hamire Cournc. Ward -3 T-owni of Newcastle -The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education CUSTODIAL, CONTRACT STIPULATED SUM Specifications are available from ahe Board Office, 834 D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, settîng out Custodial Housekeeping and Maintenance requirements for the Ontario Street PublicSchool, Bowmnanville. The selection of the Contractor will be made on the basis of established work record, knowledge of building custodial and maintenance services and the extent of, related ex.perience. Reply in writing stating ait related experience, character and work experiences tog-ether with an auithorized state- mient of ability to bond. CLOSINO DATE July 23, 1984. ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: J.A. Bird, Business Adm-inistrator and Treasurer The NorthumIlber-land and Newcastle Board of' Education 834 D'Arcy Street, North Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4L2 -COMING EVENTS KIRBY SCHOOLHOUSE EXHIBIT GALLERY See artifacts and photographs of the Rosebank House (1836-1983) at the Kirby Schoolhouse Exhibit Gallery, Highway 35/115 at Kirby. The Exhibition runs from July 7th to 29th, Tuesdays through. Saturdays 10 - 4; and Sundays 2 - 5. Free admission. PICNIC AREA. 4,11,18,25, a.c. PAPER DRIVE Orono and Area Saturday, July 21, 1984. Pickup to begîn at 9:00 a.m. Please bundie and tie paper. For in- formation and special pickup, caîl before above date 983-5840 or 983-5858. Orono Amateur Athletic Associa- tion. 11, 18, a.c. - FOR SALE STRAWBERRJES'., Pick your own or picked. (Brii!i.ur own-con- tainer). 4th line west of Highway'115. Kents' Berry Farms. Phone 983-9290 or 983-5706. 27,4,11,18, pd. Honda 1979 XL 125. Good condition $450.00 or best offer. Caîl Brian 983-5628. 18, a. c. Used Kenmore Washer and Dryer. Good working condition. $150.00 for set. Caîl 987-4237 after 4.. I 8,a.c. ---- FOR RENT 1 Bedroomn Apt., available August 1, 1984, call after 5 p.m. 983-5293. 11,18,25, ac CUSTOM 1COMBINING 660 J-D Combine wit><shredder attachments if required Ownrer operated, 'D. Morton, 983-5682. 20,27,11,18,25,1,8,15 a.c. -AUCTIONS LINDSAY FLEA & FARMERS MARKET on Little Britaini Rd. beside McLeani Auction Barn NOW OPEN rEVERY FRIDAY 2 to 9 & SATURDAY 9 a.mn. to 5, new and uised flea itemis, farmi produce, yard sales, new mattress discounit centre, sport clothes and shoes, dress shoes, crafts, DELI MEATS, lunch and chip bar, FREE DRAW. VENDORS WANTED 324-2783 Lindsay or corne thîs weekend. 27,11,18,25, 1, a. c. THANK YOU 1I s o thank ail those who sent mne cards of symn- pathyv in thre loss of a dear friend. Clare Martin 18,a.c. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT- Teriil - Jay and Lindla are happy Io announice the ar- rival of their first chitd, Cavan Joel, bon a the Univer- sity of Alberta Hosp)itaýl, Edmnonton on Friday, June 15, 1984, wýeighing 6 lbs. 3 ozs. Special thanks to our friend Kimi Roberts. Proud grandiparents are Mr. & Mrs. Clif- fodTernîtl, Newvcastte and Mr. & Mrs. Gerrit de Jonge, Orono. 18, a. p. IN MEMORIAM COCHRANE - lin loving miemory of a dear son, C. Reid who was taken suddenly on July 24, 1979. As ime unfolds aniother year Memiories keep you ever near Silent thoughts of timies together Hold niemrories thiat will last forever. Lovingly remnemibered and sadly mnissed by' Mother (Continued page 9) o Orono Showcase Co*o OPEN SATURDAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAY MONDAYS 983-5832Z Corne to 'can sell your house. Please give me a cail for an appointment. lIl be happy to show you any property at your convenience. Offices Lines: pat lirwin Iycett brokerlowner Res. 983-9475 or 983-9605 Orono 983-9300 Bowmanville -623-6000 J'Me Fashions Main St-, Orono -The liest infaàshionisfor al limsudales 983-9341 Real L'st(lte,ý.,