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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jul 1984, p. 9

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Classifiled. Ads- (Continued from page làU' IN MEMORIAM k.__-WIS, Tom. In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather who paseed away JuIy 29, 1978. We miss you in so many ways, We miss' things you used to say, And when old times we do recali It's then we-miss you maost of ail. Lovingly remembered by Gord, Lorna and family. NOTICE - Horticulture Members Cail in your entries for window boxes, planters and hanging baskets by July 3 1st. Cati 983-5964 or 987-5378. Remember our annual show is comning up Thursday, August l6th. -- -HELP WANTED TRUCKING CAREER. Becomne a professional Transport Driver. Contact Merv Orr's Kingston (613) 549-3914; Toronto (416) 251-9073; Ottawa (613) 523-3489; Londion (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910;, Thunder Bay (807) 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623-2430; Sudbury ('705) 560l-3351; Member B.B.B. n/c Experienced Web Printing PRESS OPERATORS for Eastern Ontario plant. Harrit V15 Press. Good pay and benefits. Days 0on1v no weekends. Cail Cam Inglis (613) 389-7400. CAREER TRAINING FREE 128 page Career Guide shows hiow to t rain at home for 205 top paying ful-and part time jobs. Giranton Institute 265 A. Adelaide Sreet West, Toronto. Caîl (416) 97 ,7-3929 today. n/, PETS FOR SALE For Sale: OId Tyme Black and Tan COONHOUND PUPS for hunting or pets, with or without registration celtificate. Mervin Howe (519i) 773-9472, Aylmer, Ontario. HELP WANTED WATKINS Quality Product Buiniess opportunity for full or part time. Highest marketing discount. in America. Write or call WATKINS INC. 2200 Marie Anne Est., Monîreat. Quebec., H2H INI, Telephone (514) 598-8630. HELP WANTED ADVERTSING SALES - Scesu applicant wilI be manager salesper-- son, have newspaper experience and auxinu, to prove her/himself. Write. Box "S", OCNA Box 451, Oak,,iîle, Ontario L6J 5A8., FOR SA LE FARMERS: Sprayed trehane insulation. Quality work at Western On- tarno prices. Certified applicators. experienced in agriculLural retrofit since 1975. Cali Warmth Insulatio, (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, On- When in the Southern Georgian Bay district recent- ly, 1 dropped in to meet a Katimavik group in Penetanguishene. The group had just arrived from British Columbia. That word "Katimavik" by the way, means "meeting place" in the Inuit language. And the 400 odd Katimavik groups scattered around the country are made up of young people from various parts of Canada who work at community projects wherever they happen ta be. t's a program sponsored by the government and the idea is to give young men and women in the 18-21 age bracket a chance ta combine useful volunteer service with personal development and discovery., The graups, usually made up of 12 members, live and work in 3 areas of the country for a total of 9 months. They stay in each area for three months. They get room and board and a dollar a, day. If they stay with it for the fine month duration, they get an honorarium .of a thousand dollars. There's plenty for them to do around the Midland- Përtetag area. Currently, the grounds around the Mar- tyr's Shrine are being prepared for the Pope's visit in September. Some of the group were over at Ste Marie Amang the Hurons, just across the raad from the Shrine. Two athers were working at the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre. I asked 18-year aid Doug Holmes of Caledon how he liked Katîmavik. He said he was experiencing a lot of different things. He trîed climbing a mountain in British Columbia and helped build abridge. t's a bilingual program, and he had picked up a smat- tering of French f rom the twa boys and twa girls in his group whose homes are in Quebec. The house where the group is living in Penetanguishene is government owned - a big white old frame structure that is part of the Naval and Military Establishments, an historic site on Penetang Bay. Twa of the group, one from a reserve in Aberta and one from Montreal, were doing the cooking and housekeeping for a week. The program has been in operatian for 7 years and 11,000 young Canadians have met to live and work together. 1 had neyer heard of Katimavik. Somehow l' d missed it along the line. But it seems like a good way for kids to get a first-hand look-at this vast country and do --ne worthwhile work along the way. COMING EVENTS ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE. Lansdowne Place Mail, Peierboroughý, July 25.,26, 27, 28. Furniture, glasa, books, svintage clothing, musical in- strumnents, silver, Jewellery. Information (416) 623-3074. SUMMER RECREATION FORTY ACESOF FAMII Y FUN. Siryland near Renfrew, Ontario. Pick up our brochure ai your local tourisi information office or write RR 5, Renfrew, Ontario K7V 3Z8. Telephone (613) 432-5275. CAREER TRAINING EASTERN ONTARIO SCHOOL 0F TRUCKING Tractor traiter and dump truck trainig. Cal or Write Box 460, Almonte, Ontario KOA IAO, (613) 256-2693. BUSINESS OPI'OiTUNITY TRANS-CANADA PEDICAB INC. We build pedicabs for sale. Uni- que Business Opportunity. Colour co-ordînated.. Fiberglass Body on stëee frame. 6 speed, Disc Brakea, lights, nlashers, am/lm cassette, canopy and rain shield. Available immediately. Repair service and parts. 628 East th Street, North Vancouver, B.C. V7L 1M7, 1-(604)-984-9635. n/c FOR SALE BUILDINGS must clear out about haîf dozen buildings. Inventory surplus at give-away prices. Can be mixed and matched to meet different sizes. Phone now collect to Ferma Buildings (416) 676-1343. n/c FARM SERVICES It is impossible for onue man or a small firm to know al of the tax laws. This is why Farm Business Consultants specializes in FARMS. Our multi-million dollar învestment in computer technology makes us the leader in farm tas preparation and tax consultation. We can insure that you do nos pay onue nickel more than your fair share in taxes. Cal F. B.C. Tollfree I-800-265-1002. 'n/c PERSONAL MEET YOUR MATCH. For aIl ages anà1 unattached. Thousands of members auxious 10, meet you. Prestige Aquaintances. Cal Tollfree 1-800-263-9103. Hours: Noon to 8 p.m. n/c STOP BEDWETrING. United Emuretic bas corrected over 20,000 cases. Bedwetting frustrates. embarrasses, and sometimes weakens school abilities. Get confidiental information frutt U.E.S.C. Box 3311, Cambridge, N3H T3 stating age and pihone number. o/c AUCTION Ontarmo's largest FARM MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT SALE, Nor- wich, Ontario. Friday, August 10, 1984 at 10 a.m. (Sale conducted se- coud Friday each month). Approx. 150 - 175 tractors plus ail types of farm equipment. Consiguments welcome. For more information cal (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors, K. S. Hamnulecki & Sons. AUCTION Special COMBINE AUCTION Friday, July 27, 10 a.m. sharp. Plus our rreglar gigantic mnonthly consiguiment auction sale held fourth Fiday each mionth. New and used equipment including approx. 25 late mode] self-propelled combines, 60 - 100 tractors, skid sîcer loaders, cars and trucks plus over 300 pieces of ail types of farm equipmenî. Special Note: If you need a combine don't miss this auction. Combines selI ai approx. 1 p.m. Terms cash or good cheqsue day of sale. Not responsible for ac- cidents on property. Auctioneers, Cliff Glbert and Alex Parr, Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Highway 6, Wiarton, Ontarics.. Phone (519) 534-1638. FOR SALE YOU. A COOL DRINK, AND A H4AMMOCK. Enoy summner lu onT luxury hammock and hand made casual furniture. Waterproof, fully guaranteed. Siting Preîîy, R.R. 4 Lanark, Ontario KOG IHO (613) 259-3033. Hot days are coming.1 n/c STEEL BUILDINGS. Economic curve-iype frameless construction. Widths 20 ft. to 100 ft. any ength. Buy now and save. For lowest price phonie collect (416)>456-1200. n/c STEEL BUILDINGS Direct Factory Clearance. Up to 40 percent dis- courus. Widths 20' to 120' any length. Limited quantities - Act Now Save. Cal toîl free I-800-461-7689. n/c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AUTHORIZED DEALERS WANTED. Buildings Sales Company seeks building contractors to selI and erect buildings as auihorized dealers. Serious responses onîy. Not for one building arrangement. Cal (416) 676-1343'or write to FERMA BUILDINGS, 1109 Britannia Rd. E. Mississauga, Ontario L4W 3X1 n/c 0 0 àe Th e quet ann*îlexaionl part of the-,Toâw n of ENewcastle Although there was heated debates back in 1973-74 over the possibili- ty of Oshawa takeing over the West ten lots of the for-mer Township of Darl- ington an-d adding them 10o the City of Oshawva il had always appeared that such a bid was not successful and thai ýthe ten lots re- miainded with the former Township 10 become part of the Town of Newcastle. Withi discussion at the Town of Newcastle coun- cil meeting on Monday nighit and the verbal report subitted by MIayor Rick 'ard there mnay be somie doubt ovecr the jurîsdiction of a, certain Portion of thie western airea of thie Town and especially thaI area in which îhe Da-rlinigtorsPro- viîicial Park is located. 1Mayor Rickard reports he had visited the park on Sunday finding souvenir cups and T-shirts selling With the wording, Dar]- ington Provincial Park, Oshawa. Not only has the T-shirt identified the park Wth the City but al informa- tion including ro)ad maps do very little in identifying the Town of Newcastle in Which the Darlington Pro- vincial Park is located. The Mayor was also in for other surprises Which he reported on Mond*ay. He referred to a log cabin which the former Township of Darlington had donated 10 the Pro- vincial Park in 1967, Canada's centeîinial year. The cabin, was broughî Ifs the Park l'rom the Peler- borough area and stpas, Oronto Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 25, 1984-9 a museum complete wîun general public t'or which artifacts of pioneer days they had been placed in relatîng t0 the area. the building in the first He found the log cabin place. being9 used as an office With ail the 'surprises complete with tourist in for the Mayor he did 'Say formation, needless 10tot1he park was a beautiful say, very little relatinig to park and if members of the Town of Newcastle. oni aotvs'eth The Mayor did state that councîlhavsd o sitd h mototeinformation pakheshudoso most rof igra the r The matter of concern was romhin ares oher expressed by the Mayor is than the Town. to' be ta ken up with the As to the artifacts he Ministry of Nutural founid themn stored in the Resources. attic of the log cabin far fromn the view of the Can I 'Pat' (hem on! Courte. Hobbs on Monday night added a-bit of humour to the meeting and just may have'been taking a dig at John Turner, Prime Minister. At the time Mayor Rickard was displaying the neW Wearable decals depicting a red apple with the name Newcastle across the bottom of the circular item. The Mayor informed counceil members there were 200 decals for each member of counicil t0 disfrihute as they saw fit. the decals have an adhesive back Which stick tb clothing and Counte. Hobbs Wanted 10 know if he WouJd' have permission 10 "Pat themn On". Whitby's Bicentennial Celebration Parks and Recreati on Director, Wayne De Ueau, says Whitby citizens, have made their bicentennial celebrations a success. Special events included in the celebration were a mi,sed events programme at Rotary- Centennial Park, a show presented by the Ontario tourism and recreation miistry and the tourist train which takes visitors for a- scenie tour. Newcastle Fitness Centre NOTICE 0F SWIM CANCELLATION On Sunday, JuIy 29th, 1984 OnIy the FamilySwim (1:00- 2:30 p.m.) and the Public S w im 3:00 - 5:00 p. m.) wilI be cancelled due 10 the Annual Bowmanville Swim Meet. The public are encouraged to corne out and sup- port our local summer swim teamn as they compete against teams from Port Hope, Cobourg, Camp- belîford, Napanee and CampSamac. - - P.O. No. A 1053 Date cf Publication July 25, 1984 Plan to attend "Novice Notions" WVH EN: Sat urday, J ul1y 28, 1984 -9:00 a. m. to 11:30 WVHERE: Town of Newcastle Fitness Centre, Liber- ty §t., Bowmanville. COST: $2.00 per person. WVHAT IS IT? -' In honour, of Synchronized Swimmring being in- troduced into the Olympics this year, a mobile team from Synchro Ontario are coming here to inl- troduce our community to this fascinating sport. Through films, talks, demnonstrations and active participation, you can find out more about this great water activity. Bring the whole family for an enteitaining and informative morning! Caîl 623-3392 for further information. P. No A 1052 Date c f Pulicatio)n JtuIy 25. 1984 ........... . .... . ..... ...... .... ... . .. . .... IMM.

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