Oronlo VL veckly limes, Wt ........... dm *ww Classified Advertising $150 FOR 25 WORDS OR LESS BLOCK ADS - $1.50 COLUMN INCH "Hair with Flair" LADIES AND GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Woodall Carpentry Fui/yv Licenced 10 Years Experience specializng inl CUJSTOM BUILDING - RENOVATIONS - CABINETS, etc. 983-9759 Phone for appointment. Anniversary, Wedding and Family Portraits in our Studio, your Home, or on Location. 78 King St. W., Bowmanviffe 62ý2404 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono cail 983-9547 For prompt, courreouIs efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST m NOTICES Il -you iave (questions or concerns about your nunicipality, please feci fre b eall' ne a' W k 983-5505 or 987-50Y39. Dian,é Hamre CouW, Wart 3- Town i* Newcastle COMING EVENTS KIRBY SCHOOLHOUSE EXHIBIT GALLERY See artifacts and photographs of the Rosebank House (1836-1983) at the Kirby Schoolhouse Exhibit Gallery, Highway 35/115 at Kirby. The Exhibition runs from July 7th to 29th, Tuesdays through Saturdays 10 - 4; and Sundays 2 - 5. Free admission. PICNIC AREA. 4,11,18,25, a.c. ORONO BEEF BARBECUE The- Orono Beef Barbecue sponsored by the Orono Arena Improvement and Project Committee is heing held in the Orono Park on the eveniiing ofWednesý- day, August lSth. Serving delicious beef ith al the trimMings from five to seven p.rn. AdIuîts $7.00, chiîdren 6 to 12, $3.00, under six Free. Tickets avaîlable Mom's litchen or 983-5840, 983-5608 or 983-5858. 25. 1, 8, 15a-c FOR SALE 1 Van Cap. Best Offer. Phone 983-966 and ask for Bill or Linda. 25, a.c. Baled hay for sale, delivered or picked up in field. Carscadden Farms, 983-5422, evenings. 25, 1, a. c. -FOR RENT 1 Bedroom Apt., available August 1, 1984, calafter 5 p.m. 983-5293. 11,18,25, a. c. - CUSTOM COMBINING 660 J-D Combine with shredder attachments if requir#-d Owner operated, R. D. Morton, 983-5682. I 20,27,11,18,25,1,8,15 a.c. AUCTIONS LINDSAY FLEA & FARMERS MARKET on Litle Britain Rd. beside McLean Auci ion Barn NOW OPEN EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 9 & SATURDAY 9 a.rn. o 5, new and used lea itemsý, larin produce, yard sales,, new maîîress discount centre, sport clothes anidshoes, dress shoes, crafts, DELI MEATS, lunch and chip bar, FREE DRAW. VENDORS WANTE LD 324-2783 1Lindsay or corne this weekend. 2 7,11,18,2 5, 1, a. c. THURS, JULY 26- 6:30 p.m. at ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE - LINDSAY property of Mrs. VERA MAGEE, Omemee and Mr. & Mrs. STEWART ENDICOTI, Lindsay, furniture, appliances some anti- que tooLs, antique beds, dressers, quilt boxes, antique chairs, pressback chairs, wvashstand, antique ktutting mnachine, Singer thireadle sewing machine, drop Front desk, chesterfied, parlour tables, antique gramiaphone and records, antique rocker, quilts, bedding, picture frames, Goodcheer parlons stove, sideboard, dining table, Imuperia 1 Hensor cupboard, 2 refrigerators, wr- inger washer, antique clock, old cupboard, 30" electric stove, bronzeton 7 pc. dinette set, console color televt- sion, lamps, roll away, waterfall bedroom suite, bar and stools,,copper boiler, heavy duty dryer-, good wringer washer,electrolux with powerhead, old dishes, collec- tables, roto-tiller, 50 h.p. Mercury motor, 15 ft. boat, power mower, 76 Hornet wagon, bicycles, 6:30 sharp. BARRY & DALE MeLEAN Au ctioneers - 324-2783 L-indsay. 2,a.c. 'l can sell your house. Plea se give me a cail for an appointment. l'Il be happy ta show you any property at your convenience. pat irwin lyce- brokerowner Ras. 983-9475 or 983-9605 Offices Lines: Oronc,983-93C Bowmanvii le 623-6000 DU LOST Lost or strayed off Lot 18, Con. 7 one 11/2 year old red hieifer with aluminum tag in left ear. Cali 983-5772. 25, a.c. FORTHCOMJNG MARRIAGE Mr. & Mrs. George Clark are pleased to announce the forthicomingmarriage of their daughiter, Vicki Lorraine to Mr. Craig Barton of Toronto. Wedding to take place at St. George's Anglician Church, Ne\wcastle, August 18, 1984 at 3:30 p. m. 25, a.c. THANK YOU 1 wish to thank my family, friends and neighbours for flowers and cards sent to me during my recent stay in the hospital. Also special thanks to those making it possible for Girlie to visit me each day. The kindness shown me by the staff and Dr. Angi is very much appreciated. Harold Dean 25, a.p. The family of the late Violet Sutcliffe wish to express their thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for floral tributes, acts of kindness, thoughts and contribu- tions to the Cancer Society during our recent loss of our dear mother. Special thanks to Dr. Angl, Dr. Coffee and nursing staff of Bowmanville Memiorial Hospital, Morris Funeral Chapel, Heather Rebecca Lodge 334 and Rev. Keith Henderson for his kind words. Thiank you. The Suteliffe Family 25 a.c. (Conltinlued page 9) S Orono -p c howcase Co-o OPEN SATURDAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAY MONDAYS 983-58032 corne to FREDS for 'HOME GR'OWN VEGETABLES SWEET CORN, BEANS TOMATOFS POTATOES Raspberries FRUIT MARKET HWY. 35 SOUTH 0F ORONÔ 98C.3 -5 628 J'Me Fashions Main St-, Orono "The fa/est infaishionisfor a/f tùnesc, and a/I needs" 983-9341 I advanO Cali for a no obligation evaluation of your home, acrçage or farm or for information on properties in the 'area. 987-4733 Chris Stapleton Sales Representative 623-4445. 983-5093 ~eLICda,1V, lll 25, 1984-Il1 Real 1--'state,,., »-M.- 1 --Mii M