4-Orono Weekiy Times, Wednesday, July 25, 1984 Twenty-three years with Curvply Probe caravan has Lake Ont. concern Toronto - Frustrated with what it sees as inadequate dlean-up programs and a lack of politicai wiil to do more to protect the Great Lakes, Pollution Probe has launched a "Save Lake Ontario Caravan" this sumnmer to build support for stronger laws to clean up the most poliuted of the Great Lakes, Lake Ontario. Travelling in an old bus which has been converted in- to a mobile Public eduication until, the Caravan embarked on July 2th for a 4-week trip encircling Lake Ontario. The Caravan will visit a different town every day in both New, York State and Ontario, set- ting up displays, distributing fact sheets, speaking to local groups and showing films. The Niagara region will be a major stopping point since hazardouis )waste dumps leak- ing into the Niagara River are a major contributor to the contamination of Lake On- tario. 1 Despite improvements in phosphate problems over the past decade "the issue in the 80's is toxics" says Julia Langer, Caravani staff mnember. The International Joint Commission (which oversees Great Lakes water quality for the two countries) reported last November that after a decade of decline, levels of toxics in Lake On- tario are once again on the rise. "We're obviously not doing enough to protect the lakes" adds Langer. Marg Denny of Newcastle Occasion with Marg when she retired from Curvply Wood was presented with apturse of Products in Oronio after be- money from theemoye ing with the firm for the past and a chair by the company. 23 years. AIl ejjped a retirement Last Frîday friends and cake following the fellow employees mnarked the ceremony. Marg Denny is shown (seated) with Toniy' Jaco, plant manager (left) and Denise Annaert, plan super- visor. Regional Reclaimers Pret fined S20-000lI Regional Reclaimers Limited have been fined a total of $20,000 by a Provin- cial Court over the operation of its Newtonville waste disposai site. The company operates a 20 acre disposai site north-west of the Haiet of Newton- ville. It was found guilty of forty violations against the provincial environment Act during a period between January 1982 and January 1983. Judge John Bark fined the privately-owned comfpany $500 on each of for- ty charges. A further 116 charges were dropped at the, request of a special pro- secutor, acting on behiaîf of the Minîstry of the Environ- ment. Charges involved accepting more than the allowable amnount of garbage on a da;iy bagis,(150 ton-per-day max- imum), provîding false infor- mation about the operation of the dump and, remaîinng open on days it should have been ciosed. Jim Halehas been reported to have said he is happy the ordeal is now over and fur- ther said 1 now h ve nothing over mny head, 'm free and clear now. Kevin Campbell, company accountant states the court action will now,-alow the company to proceed with its application to expand the ex- isting disposai site. -He said there are plans to expand the present dump with an addi- tional sixty acres. The present dump is open and continues to operate service private, commercial and industrial customers. Cobourg, childrens play hit stage in Lindsay Writer Linda Manning has two children's plays running during July and August. MERCH THE INVISIBLE WIZARD opens at the King's Playhouse Theatre in Gyeorgetown, Prince Edward Island on July 28 and runs August 4, il, 18 and 25. 1 ne next in the Merch series, THE GREAT ZANDERTHON TAKEO VER, premnieres on August 2, at the Academny Theatre, Kawartha Summier Festival, Lindsay, Ontario and runs August 9, 16, andý 23. A Manning play, "Merch the Invisible Wizard", the se- cond children's play written by the Cobourg author, premiered on the Lindsay stage in August of 1983 for a mnost successful performance. In 1981, Annick Press, Toronto, published "Won- drous Tales of Wicked Winston, a verse fantasy for children and, in 1982 Playwrites Canada published "Merch" and "Canadiani Heritage", an article on the restoration of Victoria Hall in Cobourg. proposai ta bled (Continued from page 1) night with a letter stating the Bowmanville JC's were satisfied with the agreement and ready to sign. The proposed site of the parkette is across Highway No. 2 at the Bowmanvilie Zoo with the property, being owned by the Town. The JCs had agreed to develop the parkette at no cost to the Town. Developmnent was to include a 26 car parking lot along with a few picnic tables, fire pits and children's play equipment. Counc. Hubbard started off the debate stating she felt there were som-e loose ends in the agreement and question- ed the placing of the parking lot and the lack of a site plan. David Grey, Deputy Direc- tor of Works, stated the department had investigated the parking lot proposai and as well as the avaiiabiiity of sufficient space for a sidewalk, only the south side of Highway No.2. He said the department had no objec- tion to either but did state pedes trians would have to use the vehicle bridge ov er Highway 2 unless an addition was constructed for pedestrians. Counc. Cowman stated she would like to see the proposai tabled pendin-g the submis- sion of a site plan and a state- ment as to financial reiabili- ty. On Presenting s'uch a mo- tion it wvas seconded by Counc. Woodyard. 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