8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 25, 1984 the RKeg;ion> by Chris Hooper Russ Pak, Com- munist IPmrty Russ Pak will be makmng his fifth bid for a seat in the House of Commons this fal as the candidate for the Com- munist party of Canada in the Oshawa riding. 11e doesn't expect to defeat NDP candid4te Ed Broadbent, but hopes his policies will have some effect on those of the other parties. The issues hie and his party are stressing are unemploy- ment. and world peace. 11e would like to see a na- tionalization of ail Canadian banks and financial institu- tions. H1e would also like to see other candidates take a stand on the isssue of nuclear disarmansent and peace. Trumpeter Swans At the begiïnïnn-o-f June, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources placed 12 trumpeter swan eggs into the nest of mute swans at Cranberry Marsh, e Whitby. Ten trumpeter eggs cane fromn Alberta and at this time only two of the cygnets are surviving. The other two eggs were imported from Saginaw, Michigan but the cygnets died after being attacked by the mute swans. The project will continue until sometime ini mid- September when the birds fly. Whitl»r Junior "B" It was inally announced on Thursday that Whitby is defmnitely getting a Tier Il club in the Ontario Junior Hockey League. During the past few weeks it was thought that the teain would be forced to fold because a__sponsor couil flot be found. A sponsor has still not beeni found but Greg Simnerson, former owner- general manager of Picker- ing's Junior "B" Panther's says negotiations are continu- ing wvith a major corporation. Meanwhile club president- executive director Murray Stroud has teamned up with other hockey acquaintances to organize the teamr. Victoria College Cordon Sroowart, chief negotiator for the provincial goverrnment's real estate divi- sion, has said that nlt one bid was submitted on the l9th oentury building known as Victoria College in Cobourg. He believes that a combina- tion of hîgh interest rates and uncertain development con- ditions have scared off developers. Government stipulation which include a signed agree- ment with the town coundil, the Ontario Heritage Fouir- dation and the local architec- tural conservation advisory committee stating exactly what could be clone to the building and grounds aso has developers worried. Victoria College is con- sidered historically valuable because it was first opened in 1836 by the founder of On- tario's public education system, Egerton Ryersors. Pope's Visit Final preparations tor tlYe Pope's visit being Wednesday with a training session for members of the Holy Family Parish in Whitby. There will be three sessions in all and 'al 81 volunteers who will be working at the papal mass September 15 at Downsview Airport must attend at least one session. A group from St. John the Evangelîst Parish must also attend at least one of their three scheduled *ses- sions. Both groups will be working on crowd control during the mass. Apartment Shortage in Oshawa City planner, R.G. Mad- ziya, says apartment shor- tages inOshawa could con- tinue at least until next year. At the present time the vacancy rate is 0.2 percent ac- cording to the most recent Canada Mortgage and Hous- ing Corporation survey. A three percent vacancy rate has been set as the ideal by the CMHC. Madzîya says that hecause of provincial legisiation restricting rent increases, the economic return is not high enough to make it profitable for builders. H1e says hie is flot aware of any new projects in the works for next year but 1986 may show some im- provement. Rolph Posma, Liber- tarian Candidate In this fall election, 43 year old General Motors employee Rolph Posma, will be runn- ing as a Libertarian party candidate in the Oshawa riding. H1e wants to give the people more than three major parties to choose from although hie doesn't have great hopes of beating the NDP candidate, Ed. Broad- bent. The Libertarian plat- form is based on decreasing taxes so people have more mnoney to spend. Posma believes that the government should allow iindividual and corporations to save money and create jobs through in- vestmnefPt.. £_5.earc. anLd ,developmeflt. BREAK OF F NEGOTIATIONS The Northumberland and Newcaste Board of Educa- tion and Secondary Teachýrs have broken off negotiations over their new contract until the -end of August. Thle break was taken as a number of those involved would be on holidays during the period. 1It has been hoped that con- tract talks would have been completed by the end of July. The present contact expires in September. MORRISH CHURCH BEING DEMOLISHED Morrish United Church on Highway No. 2 east of Newtonville is being demolished and al is ex- BABY basket, Hof's original, made1 in taiy, cotton Paid fit ed matressE & homo. $35. 481 3551. BABY cîb, carriag car-bed,1 swing-et. udr5522ý-59W. BABY crib with cano >y & covers, $99. 241-4697 or 88 1 -60l6. BABY crib $50. Dresser $90. Drapes S30. Cal 495-2683 BABY dresser, 6 drawer, Plus2 hulcti. yetow, $99. Metchino cribr $30. Picypens $15 encti. 2 lames wilhc whte le od fiigree & white shadas, S35 Pair. 224-0259 BASE board heafer. Bfi. electric, good cn,10ap 1250 watts, new 11 w 511W5.244-1963. Brass bed. Double. SReosonoble. After six. DRAL O ,h3ard twis, calet gren x 155942-07k CALCULATOR, eiect onic.S40. dictacfiomnmachine 140Pstale $75, adder el). Cal 923- 57s. CAPT '12, brown & 'white CAlfRn SUn ew 8. 967-3387. 1!r.ýCELINGta, 48"sweep, 4biades, 199.Waranty, ew.Calit842-4742 CHAIR sivel rckrColonial rtyfe? 06 od. $-75,abe te2 CH4ESTERFIELD & car 50 k Itchen table, white, 50;27429 pected to be gone by 1985. At the'present time only the stee- ple section and its support ap- pears on the property. The church has been a landmnark over the past 120 years or so. It was closed in 1967 when the congregation became part of the Welcome pastoral charge. UNVEILS NO. 2_ RECONSTRUC- TION, The Mlinistry of Transpor- tation and Communication has unveiled plans for the reconstruction of Highway No. 2 between Welcome and Port Hope. The work is ex- pected to get underway sometirne in 1985. Hope Township council has questioned some aspects of the proposed project at the .Welcome intersection. Paper Pirates The Durham Recycling Cebtre's major source o revenue, papers left on the curb for pickup in Oshawa, 4are being 'pirated". An agreement with the City of Oshawa to pick up these papers makes it illegal for anyone else to do so, says Glenda Gus, manager of the recycling centre. Over a four month period, the loss of revenue has been about $600. Liberal Nominations It appears' that Ontario ISHWASHER, Vikng'partbie, excellent cod. $99,494-8835 aler 27 DRESSER, Yolles,' 3 drawer 4 ier, $99, Desk ti pedesf ai, Sn51 Corner boakshetf, $15. 766-6234 DRYER, eiectric whilc, gn cond., $50., 767-974. EXERCISE bike, Sears' $45. Polar- oid 210 Land camera wih flash, $45. 22 calibre Stevens semi aulomafic rifle wilh scape. $65. Wedding dress, size 11,590. Cal 221-6743. FIRESCREEN & Wood haider brass $25, rattan chair $15 278-6429. FUR, brawn lamis & suede bomber iackel, 7-9. AI cond. S85.261-3506 FUR coacl ladies 'fun' sfic 15 $5, men's coat, sze 44, W4., 493-" 46 FURNITrU11, T.V., tape record- ers, music equpment bike etc AU under $99. Bargains. 66-M3 GARAGE cdl healer and tau, 5M 249-3813. ,HEATER, Elecîrohome bas board,1 $12; Wringer wasiier 56$;% White ripledresser, 535. 225-1-40S. LEATHER Bomber Jacket, new, b,'awn, lined, men 42,S89,23791 MEN'S lealher cocl brown. siza 42, like new. 599. 494-92f1. 0WD floor radio,'5M5.Old cdock 565, bencli & weights sel 535.79M-1226 PERSIAN i4vbrid kMiens & ima- avan maie cal, $0 each, 884-43331 SANTA on sWcgh, 6 reindeers. 2 santries. file s' xc mouided Plastic, lighîs inluded, Oblrm. 781-1910& SKATES., Bouem* - riding Liberals will only have two candidates to choose ffom when they meet on Wednesday night in Ajax to choose their candidate for the September 4th election. The filing deadline for the nomination was Sunday night with Gary Herrema, Durham Region Chairmnan, and Gwen Mowbray, executive vice- president- of the rîding association, declaring their intentions. The party's candidate in 1980, Doug Dickerson hbas decided flot to seek the nomination due to the pressures of running his own business, but says he will give his support to Herremna. Good Corn Crops Farmners in Durham Region are happy as their corn crops are growing twice 'as high as last year. Last sumnmer we had a Iengthy dry speli which hurt corn growth but this summer, optomnistic forecasts are being made due to the hot, wet weather. Recause of the higher yield projections however, corn prices have dropped, from $160 a tonne to $125 per tonne. Hope Township Fire Truck Hope Township is almost ready to buy the new fire tru- ck needed for its Welcome brigade. The townshLn h ai budgeted $30,000 for a used truck but Hope fire chief SNOWBLOWER, Sunbeam elcric 22", good as new, $85. 483-8861. SOFA-tid out bcd, good cand., $99. Rocker arm chair. $25. 24-1963. STOVE. beautitut dlec., push but- fans fast heaftng elemenîs. Warm- ing à bakingoaven 599.481-Of59. STOVE eectric 30 inchi, Mollet, goad cond., $75. 93-9459 cali aller 5 TELEPIiONE answcring machine. takes messages, records conversa- fions, screens catis. $99,842-4742. TIRE, 1 new Goodycar steel betled Radiai FR7815, US. 752-3204. TIRES radiais (4) GR 78liSn,9 ciao (4) ER 78x14, S",292-114. TIRES, usedj,radiais and mear, masf lvsummer.535 Pr.53-1297., TIRES (3) 7001138 (1) 8M-13 alf on rim, W/WaIl54. Aisa wre wheel rizc for 979Lincoln Versaires. Never used, M6.787-0454. TIRES, 2 Cdn. Tire P155-M013 radiais & rima for 78 Dodge OnsIl, 5,OOO11mi .590. 31-5220fter & j Brass bed. Double. IMovng, must sl WAS8IER & Dry.' 599 pair. 5mag 'appiancas, under S49. m-i7. WATUR acler eeclric 40 gallons. ~goodcofid <n C 4-E l Lloyd Kellogg told township counicil members that he had encountered quste a Rfëwo- blemis finding a used truck in good condition. But while in Belleville he found a new truck which ciould be pur- chased for $3 5,000 and would be a good deal for the township. Counicil members agreed that the difference could be made up in the 1985 budget and they will discuss it further at the next meeting. Day care Day care operators have been waiting for more than a month for a decision which concerns taking in non- subsidized children. Oshawa councillor, Doug Wilson wants the region to act on this matter as soon as possible. Social services chairman, Diane Hamre, has met with the operators and is waiting to present a report to the counicil. Regional chairmap Gary Herrema said that a meeting scheduled for July 26 was cancelled because the. Social Services commissioner ýyas on holidays and Herrema will not say if counicil plans to discuss the issue before their summer recess. Lawrence speaks out against radioactive waste MP- for Durham- Northumberland, Alan Lawrence, has come out CRESTAURANT, slave, Irver, tridge. freezer, hot and cold table, sink, mier, Pizza aven, Micro- wave. 36 Kng St. W. RIFLE, FN-FAL, parkerized, ail wood turnifure, wood & perfarated mnetai, fore end inctuded. Excalient aver ail. $1,150.483-1330. rRING diamaond, solitaire. a,seid value Oct. 52,250. Must self i 1000 Negotiabie. Call 624-6249, RUG, genuine Parsian carpel, must be sae, reasonabte. 886-0352. RUGf Inen ao i &gcid, 9 12, fn Mon .à110 1 A RUOS iwoiIdannwaIer tow priceýs. Cali 22l6-0O2i"7. e vt RUG& Indien hndknotted MoOI. Buy direct trom Irmwcifr. 497-2073. RUGs-Why pcv More? 9012,sa; 12'x12' 9 ;1'15'19 12 xlV. $139. 1~6Dids St. fii3-44B1. RUSSIAN Ermnine fur cccl, ful =engl se 16 exllent cond., let SALEof coentents: lurnllure, laies accordion 120 bsa plantls, Nul rîmax Ju;oce iede, bocks and mach moral 9M72. SAUNiA buter, new 6 M00wau# on sale S185 r re. e'5is0. 8-Ruie sore,29 OudèsW. 7670013. - WMACHSUS WAUW TO caimoaes & modela of sewlnm machin". * sse»Mv kWHERE DO BUYERS THEPERFE& IDA? Every day, thlousands of Canadians meet through a speclal message service that lets them know who has the best deal around. FURYOURMFOMTON rr 'SADVERTISINGi 7 Fz é 1: quite strongly against the presence of radioactive waste in Port Hope and Hope township. He criticized the federal government for think- ing that the radioactive waste problems of the area *W "die quietly". He said buiIdin,i, nuclear waste disposal site r Hope Township_ or Port Granby wilI only add to the problems. Lawrence believes the waste should be shipped to a loc ation away from any populated area and that it would be ridiculous to locate such an operator close to an important body of water like Lake Ontario. TaIl ships in Cobourg For two days this week, three tali ships from Poland and a giant schooner from the U.S. will be visiting Cobourg to help residents celebrate Ontarîo's bicenten- niai. The ships will arrive in Cobourg on Tuesday, July 24 and will remain in portuntil Thursday, July 26. Job Printing Cali Orono Times Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5301