6-E runo W4eekly t imes ees sd . Aîu I t 18 From Around the Region by Cluris Houper TalilShips Almosi 100,000 people had a look ai (lie taîl slips in the Oshawa harbour lasi weeký. Visit organizer Brian Suter say3 il was definitely a major success especially wlien one consîders the short lenglh of time ini which the visit was prepared. Ship captains were very impressed by the hospitality offered and plan to return on informai visits. Free Park Admission The Minîstry of Natural Résources is spending an undetermined amoun:t of M0ocY o give the public a treat on the August 6 Civic Holiday. Visitons to DarI- ingtoui Provincial Park, as well as Ontaio's 136 other natural resources areas, wilI get free park admission although camping fees will stili be in effeet. Most parks are organizing special events but Darlîngton will carry on with their regular jark educa- tion programmes. Preserve Clarke Township in Photographs Preserve Clarke Township in Photograplis is the therne of the photography contest sponsoretl by tle Clarke Museum and Archives with funds from the Departmnent of the Secretary of State of Canada to mark Ontario's Bicentennial. The contest is for amateurs only and ent ries must be received by October 31, 1984. Thse photograplis must lie taken in the Clarke Township area and refleet t he hisîory of (lie pasi 188 years. For further information cal the Clarke Public Library. G.M. nul equipped lu buil1, smpl cars. Alfred Warren, General MI-tors Corp. chef labor negotiations bargainer said that the company had taken a look ai the imports and the sales strength 0f those imports. The-company says il is not equipped t( build smiaîl cars in, the United Sates on a large scale. UAW Strike vote schedied for Aug. 26 On1 Augusýt 26, more than 450,000 auto workers., in Canada and(- the Unîited States, wili vote to ive the UAI W the authority to cî tie h union's 2 yearcnratwt General Motors and dFor-d Motor Co. cxpires on1 September 1!4 and after llta date thle tunion wiI i eiche have anewcv ntr (),o workers at one of the palInts will be on thec picket une. NM;- jor issules n the onîra nlegotiattions ýare emadS or better wags, ensons aa shoter wr ek Police obtain. new contract The 370-miembher Dunhlaîn- Regional Police Assýociali io lias ncgot iai ed a îcx coîui aci which gives them just under a fise percent increasýe ini salaries,. Talks beiween ihe association and i11w police commission have been yeoing on since December and the contraci i% retroactive Io Janluary t of ihis year. Head of' Ille commission, Bob Ai- tersley caîls the seutlement "fair and equitaNle" ta ail in- volved. Non-smoking trend continues A Gallup PoilI published this week shows only 39 per- cent of Canadians arc smokers as comnpared Io 52 percent ten years ago. Cana- dians are becoming healthier 'ýJuîth(le tobacco industry is going in the opposite direc- tion. Ontario Agricultural Minister Dennis Timbreil now wants to spend $1.5 millions to lielp them i rough the year. If the non-smoking trend continues then tbis could become a never-ending practice. Arrest in Orono Co- op Paul Lloyd Garret, 19 of Whitby, Frederick Deanl Ward, 20 of Oshawa and Lester Farrow, 17 of R.R. 2, Newcastle have been charged with breaking and entering with intent in connection witlt a break-in at the Fanîpers' Co-op building on Taunton Road at Highway 115. The îhree meni were ar- rested. inside the building about 1:30 a.m. recently. Fish Contamination Alarms Sportsmen The Ganaraska Sportsmen's Association_ Port Hope were assisting Pollution Probe -Save Lake Ontario Caravan" last week with the circulation of theïr own information. Thse Sportmens were asking if the levels of industrial waste in the water of' Lake Ontario were makîng fish from the lake unfit for comn- suimption, thenwh are On- tario residentdrinking and~ cookmng wjth wvater from thse saisie source. A Ministry of thec Eirion- ment report in, 1983 tates that langer fishi front the lake should onfly bc eonsumied iin limiited quanities. The repo(rt did, how.ever, show a ih drop n conItamninanlýts found tn fish iat[tie (Ganlara Riveri. Commonwealth 4Party iii Oshawa riding 1Liulle Biof tthe ar lor a C'ommonweýmalth ot Caniada lias saIdIshue xviii be the !tourtiî deciared canldidate Brloadbentii Ii [the Sepmeinberm 4th feerl-etion. Slie s onie ol 70 party mlelifbers run1- i ii il *rn i d Iings acrIos Caniada. Boikolf's part y wudlike to see tlid exe nient ol, a electroîic hý eai dIeletîkce eapon io protect Caliada. Sl1e sayS that C'anadai has a rsoiiii (t) o ol Ronald Raas' leild in Ied pe ntoîf beani chooy 1-errema wins Liberal nomination Durhami Regional chair- niai, Gary Herremia lias wori the Liberal nomination for Ontario riding. According Io pari y officials, Herrema woni by less than 1010 voies oser Giwen Mowbray. Herrcma hopes to capture the riding from Scot Fennell who hias beeni the MP for five years. Two of -Herremia's main priorities are the clcanup of Whutliy harbour and trans.,portai ion routes. Review Group Homnes Oshawa resîdents have been complaining about thle location of threc group homes scheduled to be open-ý ed within ihe area this laul. The provincial governimenîi hias agreed t0 review the deci- sion and residenis' spokesman Jim Parson says he is pleased with the out- comne of a recenm meeting bet- ween Samn Cureatz, Minister of Commnunity and Social Services, Frank Drea, Mayor Allan Pilkey and Social Ser- vices Chairman, Diane Hamre. Thie review will decide wvhere the homets should go and if they should remnain in thie city. jDestiny Manior receives Fundingç Destiny Manor, an Oshýawa drug and aLcohoxl Ireainmenit centre for womnen, has receiv- ed an additional $26,500* fromin he rcgioi, whichi guaranîces that ils doors w %il remnain open uni il tie end of' 1984. Thcy hav.e been p-rmis,-- cd temporary funding uniil, fic~ end of -ihis year by the Ministry of Çommunily and Social Services and permna- nent funding beginning nexi year. Director Cynthia Myer.% says she is particularily- grateful wo social services c hairmian Diane 1-anir. -Counicillor Hanire assured Ois ihat under 1no cir- cumistanices would w od ,he said. Darlington Sunimer programs Park plans Hikes and events The Centiral Lake Ont aio Conservatioin A ut horily's stimmiier schiedule of events continues ithrough the LaNsur Day weekcnd. <iuided nature watks, otf betwcn one aîd Iwo hours duration. witl bc hcld every Sunday afternoon ai 1:00 p.mn. and cery Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. Par- ticipants arc asked to mnect ai the C.L.O.C.A. office (100 Whiing Avenue, Oshawa - ohf Simicoe Sreet Southi, insu souîhi of Bloor Sîreet) from which they will travel to one of C.L.O.C.A.'s lwelve con- servation areas. Those who wish to mecitihe group ai the conservation area are asked to caîl 579-0411 i0 make ar- rangements. Walks will go ramn or shi pe so dress ap- propriatel y. Binoculars, cameras, field guides and hug repellants m nay increase your enjoyment of the event but arecflot essential. Evenung programns consisi of a slide show and filmns with a conservation themne. These will bc lield every Saîurday and Tue.sday niglhts ai 9:00 p.m. ai thie Heber DowNn Conservation Area campsite. The ýamnpsiie is located on Coronation Road southi of Highway 7 iii Witby. Waichi fir igns. dmsio oal eeis iSfrece tJPCOMI4NC. EVENTS: T hursday, Augi t2 Nature' Walk: "Oshlawa's \'l'yan -TIhe frsi public ltur of C....A'iewest acqiiionýi, a 135-acre %trip of the Osh,1awa Creek vaîîey bhlind our nwof -ice. Saurday Auusi4 - Even- ing 'Prog'rani: "Birds and - Birds, play a \ital role in the local çcology and benef'it uis iii nmiumays ai the ,aine li ne. SuncJy Auusi.5 - Naiture Comne and explore the wilds of StCplicn'ýs (ulch Conser- vation Area, a large natural area on) the Saper Creek. Tucsday, August 7 - Even- ing Program: "Eîîdangered* Species" -Thiri cci O<ntario pecics arc ihricaîcietwith exiiucion. "To find oui whîeh they are, and why, plan to ai- tend Ihis program-. Thursday, Augusi 9 - Nature WaIk: "Lite of ihe Fores" - a walk through some of Oshawa's oldest woodlands, ai Harmony Valley Conservation Area. Saturday, Augustiil - Evening Program: -Wetdands- - The nsany im- portant fdnc.tions of marshes atnd swamps include cleansing and storing f'resli waîer and providing habitat for a houni- îy of' wildlife. Sunday, August 12 - Nature Walk: ".Man's In- fluce on Nature" - The site of Heber Down Conservation Area hias been changed drasiically.,since pioneer days. On t his walk, we will examine how fie.se changes.have in- K( lIli lilouc(l 11rq )w lpage ) facilit ies ha,,enuouragcd itie Ministry to- consider such a facility in the ihird mnarsh with possible dredging allow access inoL.ake Ontari& Under the plan, manage- ment i% to encourage ofi.%hore sports fishing along with the protection of %ignificant species of vcgciation and to mnake imiprovements to wildlîfe habitai witii the Park. No dollar value lias been setl'for the improvemnents. lt lias been estimated thai thie park generates a total of $2.5 million annually to ihe pro- vincial economny. creased tie population of somne' animais and reduced others. Tuesday, August 14 -Evening Program: "Acid Ramn Alert" - The mnosi serious environmenial issue of the '80s continues as the problemn worsens and damnage increases. Fo~r a review of the problemr and an update, bc here. For more information, cal the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority ai (416) 579-0411. E scape thse swelter of summer hecit. Kee.p your home cool with on electric heat pu-mp.' Yoiu con choose o heat pump thut con do cil! your cooling orîd winter heoting. Or cine Ibot wvill do the hecîting with some help frdm your existing furnoce .There's o cleon, ecisy-to-instcil he n purnp just right for your home. And ofter o; long cool sumrmer, you Il oppre- ciote thse (conomy of thse heot pump in winter. Phone todoy ciout econornic3l yeair round comfori. Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission 19 King Street, West, Bowm-anville. Onttario LlC 1R2 Tel: 623-4451-52 Orono,, 987-4073 Orono Figure Skating Club Registration August 22 & 29ý 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Orono Arena Lobby Fees: CAN SKATE (Juniors) $75.00 CAN FIGURE SKATE 4nd INTERMEDIATES $110.00 SENIORS $125.00 (ncudes C.F.S.A. Fee) Partial Mernbership available lu lormer 1ý ~Senio)r CJub membersý. F'ýr mifurrnation cali Gail McKeniie 983-9542 F~®B E1®R T HE HEAT PUMP DOES ITALL