C'lassî'fied Ads <Contintied fromt page 9> $10;W0OSECOND INCOME eapr ierpcsîîtesiiî m reit ing u rt fine of high quafîh i ierýIs fOr pur 1 if i,'-rIli 1kMILîg nater i lhe homei, offtice and facforv. Bcome indepeiîdciii, b or îi bs i a gro1irig inidusiry. Excellenti possibîity of becomiiin îi limiie aiea distributor. Contact us today for more ut formatloti. WtîPaii y Systems', 537 Brant Street, Burigf ou, Ouf aio 17 R 2G,6, (416) (-39-0503 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCE D AD SALESI PERSON RIEQUIRED FOR SUC CESSFUIL (COMMUNITY PAPER IN KINGSTON. Salary plus cour isýsion cail Cami Ingits (613) 389-7400 daytiime. FOR SALE MIOTEL ,OWNERS -U1SIED MAGIC FINGER lbed vbrat ors wîh coin boxes. $2500X) per set. Lironia 36t4 Codiîîgonj, BARRIE, Ontario L-4M 1TV2 (705) 728-3862 UiRINE-ERASE _guaýrantice remoaf of Lrine (dogcai, peofle) sfaus, odors from caris. egadles tain agte. ifree rohure Reideif Chemnicafs Liited, Boxý 7500, L ondon, N5)' 4X8. SHOPPING FOR A SWIMIMING POOL1 KIT? We are a ,holesaier ih top quality produicîswho ecaui probiabîy ave you nniiey. Gîve us a cal! and wýe wiII tr tohep (519) 753-1460 - COMI"NG EVENTS Lazy Summiier and Eall Foliage Crutises.Bo passage now on board the ele.gant Caniadian Em.tpress. Spend 4 or 7 dy on flhe St. Lawrenîce River tiinte lheart of ire nmosi beautiiul scenery iii ceniraf Canada. Con- tact you1r travel p of lessional or Dîal-a-Brochiire bf -f ree I 500l-2e67 0960. Thîrd Annuaf Collectable Shiow and Sale. Duiam iiiArena Sauiudav, August 18, Su1nday1, Augustý 19. Swýap and SeiI, Bîntgo, Movies, Semninars. Show Plates available fromt sponsoring Dealers. Intorrnation (519) 369-5155. TOURIST ACCOMOflATION Housekeeping cottage,Bsjn Lake. Hf uf prier pîemlbcr, 20 percent discount Augus. (deal for seniors, f'amilies. TIe Homesîead Cottage Resort, Hwy. 35, R.R. 2, Minden, Ontario tOM 2K0. 1-705-489-2550. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PUBLISHER RETIRING. For Sale: One Weekly Newspaper, Unique Opportuniîy 10 purchase 50 percent or more of establisbed Vanicouer area weekîy newspaper. Winner of numerous publishîtîg awards. Operating inthe blaek. No debis. Make mne anrffer. l'm ired. Robson and Asociaies Consultants, (604) 463-3333 or Wýrite Box 333, Miapie Ridge, B.C. SHEEP AUCTION SHEEP AUCTION. Augus!i 6, 1984, 10130 lîead sheep, ramis and feeder lambts plus ail equtiiiment, no reserve. Filherille Sheep Station. Fisherville, Oniarlo. Details (41M) 623-5827. FOR SALEF/AGýRICULITU RAI, TRAIL.1R BUNK FEEDERS, hiay, chop, al-ieen; square baie feeders; heated water bowls; bale racks, aI-stcee, 20 foqt; Fordham nater-bowîs. Owen Marini MgR.R. 3, Wallettteiîî. Ott. NOB 2S0 (519) 699-4144 MISCELLANEOUS The search is on 10 locate and recognize the ouf taîîdiîg young pe(ipie of Ontarjo. Ifo wu ve o miatradeevîng yug person aged 6 to 18 for anr Ontario Junior Citizeni of thle Year awvard, cont act this newspaper, We are moving to larger premises Please plan to attend our Grand Opening Thursday, August 16 at our new location on the West side of Main Street just north of Hamiltons 'Insurance Opening Cash & Ca'rry Specials include " Alil Wicker 25% Off * Arc Industries * Silk- LittieUMtes 15% Off, Arrangements 20%Off 0 Tropical Plants ONT1ARIO'S EMPERGENCY HEAI TH CARF SER- VI1CE S Our eereî eaitth care services are anim lport1-ant componient Of the overali health care systemn here in Ontario. In-a province of this size, a great deal of plantning is required to ensure that emnergency health care is effi- cient and effective. tnipuri s needed not onîy at the pro- vîncial level, but at the corn- munity level as welI. The Ministry of Healthi's new, pilot paramedic program is well underway. The first 54 candidates are being trained and the program is being evaluated to establish the best method for deîîvering and ex- panding paramiedic services throughout Ontario. Our land and air ambulance net- worký are being upgraded so that more hospitals have round-the-clock access to this speedy means of transporta- tion. It is beeoming easier 'for doctors and other health care workers to exchange infor- rýaCion about cases through telephealth conferencing. The two-way radio and televi- sion link-ups facititate comn- munication among hospitals and heatth-care providers and between hospitals and am- bulances as well. Thiese and ot her f'eat ures en- sure that our emiergency health care services are among the most modem and up to date in the world. In an emnergency, iti i often the ambulance driver or at- tendant,. who is the first to see the patient. Excellence and speed of uuity care can make the critical difference. Our best casualryý teamis have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills at competitions in local, provin- cial and international arenas. This August in New Jersey, a team of four will represent ,Oshawa in the upcoming In- ternational Casualty Care Competitions. Ed McDiar- mid, ion Newmnan, David Mokedanz and Don Hawko PERSON A; MEE r vohr match. For aIl ages alîd uîîatîaclîcd. rfisusaiids oif inembers atious tfosi ncet ',o. Prestige Acqtîaiiiîaties. Cal foîl-Irec i-800-263-9103. Hours Nooi o 8 pi. FO>R SALE FARMERS: Sprayed Urethaiie tisulafion Quii ,irk aiWetr 0111,1rio prices. Crile ppiaor. pericîîLcedii gttltifctioilit siitce 975. Cail Warmflî Iîtsttlaîioiî. 613)267-6711, Bos 46(10, tfO tarlo K7H 3G1l SUMMER RECREATION jFort y Acres ofl famîly ftiti. St ory\laiid leur Reit fi cii, âni urto. Ps. k Up Mttr brochiure ai yoîtr local t iris oriat it ,offitc 'tnfilte R. R. 5, Renlew K7V 3Z8. Phîîîîe 613-432-5275. iCARItER TRAINING EASTERN ONTARIO> SCIHOOL 0F rRUCKIN( liaciot Itadie anid duuîp fic ie raîtît up. (affor wrife Box 460f. Alitîuic. IOiiiarioti. KOA IAO. (61)>256-2693, ('<MING EVEN [S Cenffral Cantada FIDI IN(i AND STEPDANCI (OMPI 1IIMONS ARE'BEING HELD AI PE RM1H OMMUNI IY ([NI Ri. U(, S l7 aiid 18, Conîiact Watlî i Peckelt .33 Mcl cati BMis . Pui rt 7 L-12Z2. Summer Computer' Camp' Durham College Durham Coîlege is conduc- ting a summer computer Camp for youngsters from 12 to 16 years. The initial class began on July 9 and there wil bc six one-week sessions run- ing until the Labour Day weekend. The students are given an intoduction to microcom- pUters, learn to operate an IBM PC, and are given demonstrations on the Col- lege Computer Graphics Cen- tre and CAD/CAM facility. The. instructor, /Sheiîa Campbell, is a graduate of the College's, three-year Business Administration Pro- gram (Data Processing Op- tion). Sheila says these young students are eager to Iearn, and are doing very welI in the course. Originally scheduled for three weeks, the Computer Camp was extendied to six weeks due to heavy demnand for the course. Ail classes are filed to capacity. Contact Jim Kir-kconinell, Community Re lat io ns, Durham College, Box 385, Oshawa, Ontario 576-0210, Ext. 27 1. 25% Off $2.29 0 And much more! A Free -Rose for the- First 100 People In Attendance We apologize for the inconvenience., but in order to accoTMmodate our move we must close Monday, August 13 to Wednesday,- August But we wilI cheerfully accept Telephonep Orders during this priod. Please do not hesitate to cal) Orono 983-5291 Sam at a.0. Queen's Park Orono Weekly Tirn have already succeeded im wniglocal and provincial chiampiionips l).over the pasl two years. The Initernational Com- petition is rigourous. Teams are allowed 20 minutes to assoss an emergzncy situa- tion, treat the inhi4,red, get clear of thec danger Rirea and make out a fuli report. Teams are judged in three different situations. Thle Oshawýa team hlas an excellent chance of coming ont on top of' the Canadian and Amierican teamns. I wvish themn and thec other Ontario teamns ail the best at thec com- pet ition. As m-any of you know, On- taj simpiornnting a phol- drvrlicenice sytem ITh system wmilI prevenIt suspend- ed driv-ers fromi borrowing or stealing licences to get back on the road and ir will protect responsible drivers who lose or have their licences stolen. As well as providing the police with proper identifica- tion, the introduction of photo-driver licences will mnake our roads safer. The system wiIl corne inro effect starting January 1, 1986. Congratulations f0 Donna Love and Ginette Morin on thie opening of their new store SHADES PLUS. ORONO MINOR Hockey Regfistration ORONO ARENA LOBBY Wednesday, August 22& Wednesday, Aug ust 29 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. TYKE, NOVICE, ATOM, PEEWEE, BANTAM $1 05.00 MIDGET and JUVENILE $120.0 Registration Fee covers 10 tiaurs of power skating plus a famifly pass until Feb. t, '85 No post-dated cheques. No rebale on registratbo-n after December 1, 1984 except due to) injury urnoving out of the area. No rebate as of Jan. 1, 1985 for an y rea son Hockey Registration Fee must' be paid befoDre any player will be allowýedl on the ice. Alil hockey pIayerjý must register4 on above dates. Any hockey player not available on the above dates must register'-before at the Arena. Failure to do so may forfeit their chance to play this season. Ho)ckey c-oaches and managers interested in teains please contact the Ororjoü Amateur Aithletic Association' un or bef-ore the above Orono.4 mateur Athletic Association *Fresh Flower Bouquets B icentennia l'Coi ns The Town of Newcastle Bicentennial Com- mîttee wu)uld like to annouce that the Trade dollars c'fîTinmeirnorating the Pro)vinces 2001h and the Town'ýs lOth anniver'ýaiy wmil be redeemnable, at pdîtfclpating utfe.and banks .until Friday, December 28th, 1984. We urge yo.u to [tut ctase these Tîade D'ulars t, ihel p ;elebrate is f estive year. Trade Do)llars mtay be purchased t.r$1.00 and are available throug hout the Town of Newcastle at participating outlets. If you re- qiefurther information please contact: Mr. Douglas Jackman 52 Carlisle Avenue Bowmuanville, Ontarîo LIC 1W5 Phone (416) 623-3785) Herb Tink. Chairman V V Bîcentennîal C'iriuiîttee Date of Publication 4s*2~y Auqusi 1. 1984 P.O.No. Al133 ý:z - ýý 1 "" 7- 1- - - - - 7 , . , , 1 , ffl, --«wwk-