'Good Sans' corne to Orpno CAlassified Ads, (Continued from page JJ - FORTHCOMING MARIAG] Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Morton, Dikadel Farms, Kendal, Ont. are pleased to announcýe the forth marriage of their daughter, Anmy Irene, o10 Hoad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoad,1 Npýwcastle, Ont. The wedIding will îalke place p.m. on Saturday, August'I8h, 1984 in the United Church. E - R.R. 1, coming Edward R. R. 3, at 4:30 Orono 15,a.p. -THANK YOU 1 want ta thank my family Kennedy and Joyce, David and Ruth Gray for ail their kindJness to me white 1 was a patient on th floor of Osh~awa General Hospital. Special thanks to all Drs. nurses, ambulance drivers, church organizations, friends and relatives for visita, let- ters, carda, flowers and gifts. Many thanks. Mrs. Frances Suttoei 15,a.p. LOST Cabbage Patch CKd at Orom~ Park, Sunday, Asugust 5th, brown flair, *ellow outfit. Her little owner misses her very much. 983-5497. Reward a-p CAREER TRAINING FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying fuil and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265 A. Adelaide Street West Toronto. Calli (416) 877-3929 today. n/c BEJI> WANTED Currently avaitable two MANAGEMENT TRAINING3 POSITIONS in thïs area. These positions inlude company benefits and management opportunity for hose who qualify. Ask yourself "Where wîiI 1 be in 5 years if I continue doing what\1 do now?' Are you csrrently earning 520,000, $30,000, W,000 per year? Would you like to deal wit4 business and professional peoplIe where 50 percent - 75 percent of your time is in- votved in servicing established accourns in the insurance field. For those who quatify your professional career opportsunity wiIl start with 3 weeks of istenified sales training. If you are sports minded and bondable and would liketo work wih an organization thats Number One in its field, cati Jeff Neale 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. today or tomorrow (416) 922-7992. n/c REAL EFSTATE Corne Il ýe the greas life in SUNNtÇ FLORIDA. Developed t112 acre lots, with strees, electricity. $3300 U,S. Terms. Lotex, POB 727, Lehigh Actes, Fioridla 33970-0727. n/c IRAE URINE-ERASE Guarantees removal of urine (dog,i cas. people). stains, odors, fromn carpets. Regardless stain age. Frec brochure. Reidell Chemîicals Limîited, Box 7500, London, Onaro. N5Y,4X8. n/c STEEL BUILDINGS Economic curve-type fr ameless construction w idths 20 ft. to 100 ft. any length. Buy now and save. For lowest price phone collect (416) 456-1200. n /c STEEL BUILDINGS Direct Factory Clearance. Up to 40percent dis- counts widths ~30' to LZ' any lengh. Limited quansisies - Act New SAVE Cal toit free 1-800-461-7689. n/c MI5C. YOUNG PEOPLE 6 - 18 years who do outstanding gond deeds are eligible for nomination as Ontario Junior Citizens of the Yw ý-Cnsuw tlis newspapcr for details. n/c PERSONAL MEET your MATCH. For ail ages and unattached. Thousands of mnembers anxious te meet von. Prestige Acquainsances. Cal telfree 1-8ffl-263-9103. Hours: Noon to 8 p.M. Provincial parks -- yours ta enjoy! by Bob Defries Ministry of Natural Resources When it comes to a popr ularitv poul for provincial parks, eight million people can't be wýrong! That's how many visited Ontario'a pro- vincial parks last year. And it's a sure bet that a lot of them will be back this year. * Ontario's 137 provincial parka -- Mcattered through- out' the ýprovince .- have someth3ing to suit almost everybody. * There are busy parka -- with awimming, fishing, hiking, picknicking, and plenty more. There are quieter parka -- where you can read, write, sunbathie, doze or simply day dream. here are parks for canoe trippers -- with calm water for novices or whîtewater, for experts, with long routes and~ short routes. There are parks steeped in history -- with petro- glyphs and logging mua- eums. There are wilderness parks for experienced ad- venturers. *There are day use parks for family pidnics- There are parks equipped with special features for disabled campers. So whatever you are seeking, you are sure to find it in one of Ontario's provincial parks -- whether you want te learn about the wilderness or just soak up some Sun, There are a few things you should know, though, before you begin your trek to a park. Firat, plan your trip carefully. Most parka are busy, especially on weekends and holidays. So book ahead if yeu can -- espesrially if you are going to one of the more popular parks auch as Awenda, Killarney (George Lake Campground), Bon Echo, Ipperwash, Pinery, Presqu 'le, Sandbanks, Kilibear, Sibbald Point, Earl Rowe or Balsamn Lake. In the peak season (mid- June te Labour Day) the Barrie Trav.el Centre pro- vides a taped vacancy re- port on southern Ontario parka -- 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Cail (416) 963 -2992. You can reserve a camp. site by mail, in person or by calling the park office. Youir mail-in applications for a reserved site must reacli the park two weeks before your arrivaI, and campera must include the camping fee and a $2 reservation fee. The simpleat method is to cail the park directly, and pay your camping fees when you arrive. Most parka wilI accept your tele. phone caîl right up until the day you wish to camp. if you're a senior citizen, you have free day use in provincial parks -- except for camping on Fridays and Saturdays during the pe0a seaa-on -- june 15 to Labour If yotl must cancel, give park staff at Ieast 48 hours, warning .- no refund will be made if you. fail to cancel. During the fail, reserv- ations aren't needed. In fact, many northeru Ont- ario parka don't require àt any time. So, you have your camp. site lined up, now what should you pack? Well, thja dependa on the park. Some SWIMMING POOLS SHOPPING FOR A SWIMMING POOL KIT? We are a whoîesaler with top quality products who cani probabîy save you money. Give us a cal and we wil iry tu help. (519) 753-1460 n/c HELP WANTED CARÉER ni Trucking, Drivers Needed. Now is the timne to train for your Class "A". For interviews contact Merv Orr. Torono (416) 251-9073. n1/c FOR SALE FARMERS. Sprayed Urethene insulation. Quality work as Western Ontario prices. Certified applicators. Experienced in agriculsural retrofit since 1975. Caîl Warmth Insuilation, (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, On- tario. K7i- 3G1. COMING EVENTS ANTIQUES and COLLECTIBLES as the 7h Annual Quinte Mal Antique Show and Sale, Belleville. August 16, 17, 18. The area's lairgess and finest selection., n/c COMING EVENTS Central Canada FIDDLING AND STEPDANCE Competitions are being held as Perth Communisy Centre, Augusfs i7 and 18. Contact Walter Peckett, 33 McLean Blvd. Perth K7H 2Z2. n/c SUMMER RECREATION Forsy Acres of Family Fun. STORYLAND near Renfrew, Ontario. Pick up our Brochure as your local tourist information office*or write R.R. 5, Renfrew K7V 3Z8. Phone (613) 432-5275. n/c ANTIQUE MARKET SALE 33 ANTIQUE MARK<ET Sundays. Carrying Place, South of Trenton, 4 Kilometers South of 401 Exit Wnooer Rd. South to No. 33, South of Murray Canal. parks like Sibbald Point and Awenda have ail the com- forts of homne -- by al means bring vour hairdryer and electric razor. Others, lîke Darlington or Holiday Beach, are next, to major comnmunities -se you can include a night on the town as part of your holiday. But if you plan to head into the wilderness -- te Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater in Temagami or Missinaibi Lake north of Chapleau -- go prepared. Once you're out there, vou're on your own, so if you are not acc- ustomed te roughing it, ask pa rka staff for advice or read about winderness camping or canoeing. General information can also be ohtained from the Ministry of Natural Re- sources at (416) 965-3081, or drop by their office on the thîrd floor of the Whit- ney Block, 99 Wellesley Street West, Toronto. For mrore information: Care Mahoney Outdoor Recreation Inquiries Toronto (416) 965-3081 LIBERAL BARBECUE TONIGHT, WEDNESDAY The Durham Northumberland Liberal Association are holding their annual beef barbecue tonight, Wednesday, at the Mac Ransberry farm, north of Kirby, off highway 115-35. Barbecue dinner served from 5:00 to 7:00., Country and wýestern bani4 and pony rides. David Smith, Minister of Tourism and Small Business will be . the guest speaker. Darc Campbell, Durham Nor-, thumberland liberal candidate will be present to greet those in attendance. Activities do start at 3:00 p.m. at the farm. Orono Figure Skating Club Registration August 22 & 29 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Orono Arena Lobby Fees: CAN SKATE Juniors) $75.00 CAN FIGURE SKATE and INTERMEDIATES $110.00 SENIORS $1 25.00 <includes C.F.S.A. Fee) PariliMembership available to former Senior Club members. For information cai Gail McKenzie 983-9542 ORONO MINOR Hockey egistration ORONO ARENA LOBBY Wednesday, August 22& Wednesday, -August 29 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. TYKE, NOVICE, ATOM, PEEWEE, BANTAM $105.00 MIDGET and JUVENILE $1»2.90 Registration Fee covers 10 hours of power skating plus a famity pass until Fbêb. 1, '85 No post-dated cheques. No rebate on registration after- December 1, 19$4 except due to injury or moving out of thé' area. No rebate as of Jan. 1, 1985 foiany reason Hockey Registration Fee must be paid before any player wiII be allowed u-- the ice. Ail hockey players must register on du :v dates. Any iv)ckey player not available on tiie above datesý must register before at the Arena. Failure to do so may forfeit their chance to'play this season. Hockey coaches and managers interested ini teams please contact the Orono Amateur Athletic Association on or before the above dates. Orono Amateur A thletic Association ... ...... .....