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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Aug 1984, p. 9

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Classitfied Ads (Contintued1from page 1l) CAREER'TRAIN IN(G FRLEE t28 page Career Guide shows how toitrain ai home for,205 top _;aYing futt sand part ime job. Granllon Insiir 265 A. Adetaide Street We, T oronto. Catt (416) 977-3929 îoday. il/'l HELP WANTEI) PERFORMANCE PRINTFING, Smiîhs Fatts, Ontario requires exs- perieniced person for C amera and stripping deparîmeni. Must have ex- peience sripping highi quatity commerciat work for sheet fed presses. Good compensation ptan înciudiing paid dental, insurance, and pro)it sharing. 'Good hiuniing, fshing and ouldoor recreation. Conact ptant manager (613) 283-3182, Mait repties to Performance Prininig. Box t58, Smiiîhs Fatts, Ontario K7A 4T11. Attention, Ken Watts. FOR SALE MIRACLE SPAN Steet Buildings Quonse,,t and New Quonser straight sided nowý on base ptae. A ize f'or every need. Cati Toi Free 1480(-268-4942. n/c PENNY-ROLLER. Wrap pennies, nickels and dimes ansd quarters qtickîy and easily! One wraps ail. Uses free bsnk wrappers. $5.95. Send chequle, MIO. ro Penny-Rollers, PO. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont- tarjo, L2A 5>12. n/c AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Large clearance of consigniment auction Friday, August 24, 10 ai Wayne Ward Farm Equtipmnenit Highway No. 6, Wiarton., Ontario. Approx. 75 tractors, combinecs, plus a large variety of newý and uised equjipmienri. More information cati (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980. Wayn!e W'ard Farm E1quipmnenî.HihwNo. 6, Wiarton On- iario. EARN $98 on every $100l Sale! 'Selling informiation by nmail! No es- perience needed! Start ow SADP, 310-810 Ws Broadway, Van- couver, B.C. V5Z 4C9. FOR SALE MIRACLE SPAN Steel Buildings. Quionser and new Quonset traight sided. Any length and widih. Biinrg for building, we %won't be under- sold. Cati toîl free -800l-268-4942. ANTIQUES COLLECTOR'S PLAT ES -Sutper prices. 200 differeni plaies, train sertes, [hard to <mnd ne, back issues. Send for prices Pedcn Antiques. Strathiroy, R. R. 6, Onîaio N70. 3H7 (519) 247-3341. nec SWNiýMMING POOLS Shopping for a SWýIMING( POOL KIT? We are a whoteJsater wiîh top qualiîy produicîs who cani probabty save yeu money. Give us a cati and we wilit îryto lhetp. 1-(5190.53-1460. n/c MISC. $3,000,000 j.ackpoi climnbing. Sports betiors ptay C anadian Sports Pool. 81 tickets $175. (,uiaranteeud innier also quatilies for Jackpot. Certîfied deliveryý VISA i-800-663-0335. Support Caniada's Otymnpians. PERSONAL MEET YOUR MATCH. For ait ages and unaîîached. Thousands of miembers aious to mieet y1ou. Prestige Acquaintances. Cati toit free 1-800263-9103. Hotîrs: 'Noon Io 8 p.m. n/c ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE ORILLIA SQUARE Shopping Centre, Oriltia, Ontario, Augusi 23, 24, 25, Antiquesý, COtIcCtibtes, Nostalgia, Buy and Sei (416) 623-3074. n/c HELP WANTVED Weil establishred nespaper/commeircýiat prinier bas immiiediate pernia- nient poition for pre-Jpreýss sprîo. ucsfapplicant mausihave inimïumin ree years experience and ce sitted ni operaition and maintenance of graJphic arts darkroomr through i0 ptatemnaking. Send resumie or phone in confidence to Pat Scoît, pi)() lsands Psiblisher, Lîtd. 79 King St. East, Gantanoque, Ontrario K70 lES. COMINC EVEUNT1S (FARM) DISTRICT 8, O.S A. A'nnuaI Shieep ho and Sale, Saîurday.ý Sepefiebr , NapanueeFairgounds. Show 9:00 asm. ,Sale12 :001 nooîî. Purebreds ard!Commfierciats. C atalogue. B. fioltands (613 5 43 i-' LIVEST11OCK JFOR SALE PO(LLELD HERFORD)S -10 yosng ow;caives; yeariing,; and ose 2 year otd hulit.Freelisisedlherd. lPhone (61 ) 989_901. n/e PETS FOR ALE GRPEAT DANE PUPS. rînidie and 1Fawn. C.K.C. Regsiered. Born mînd Jonc, Iti shots. $300. Crop ingeta. (613) 267-5826 betore 9:310 pm. Aiso seeking back mraIe fr reedinig. n/c BUILDINGS FOR SAt F $SAVE DIOLLARS$. Mai i eossxsail teet quonset ldns neyer been ercîted, one s, 40 \ 60. Set touinqu1Jiiesýoiy. C ati (416>ý 663-323. ni. REC'REATION NOTIC1(E Vîit BONNECHE1RE C AVES, Eganvite. Ontarios Natutal Undercground W \onder. Gidud Tours Da),ity9:30 ib 5 pmi.îPiens. Tables. rcteehmnent oohDont fgto otir i1camlera. HELP WANTED). CAREER IN TRUCKIN(, Driers needed. \,),,i, ithe tinýlte1rais for your Ciass A.For itriw ontactrs Oi, rr, Toronto (416) 25l-9073. Oitawýa (613) 523-3489. FOR SA,ýLL FARMERPS Sprayed Ureilhene nisutaion, Qutatîîy wornk ai Western Onlario pICeC (er1tird apiatr.mxeincdsagricultîral retrofl s1InCe 1975. (Cali Wýarnsîtî insutat1ýïion. (613) 267-(-1 1, Box 460, Perth. On- îario. K711 3Gt Fruit Fresh For Freezi 'llte\ibranit colours ofSuin- ripened fruit can ibe cap- tured wheicfýuits are frozýen at hm.The seCct ,is o when preparinjg fresh fruit for freeZer toag You cao prevenCit the 'Cut sur-faces of fruit ike echs pears, ariotInd ppe frorn darkening by ct Ilhe fruitinto a Fruit-] solution (45 miL (3 FutFehdissolved i (8cus atr or by si priklin Frit-Fresh "pr inlktesait on \vegetabi reezing ý i qulice ment justspac imia fo Ltting Fresh tbsp) n 2 L iimpl: h on soul couin- by Jo el Bagg,, Farm Managemient Specialist LO0CA L AGRICULTURAL FAIRS: Agricultural fairs attract both rural and urban people to a wýide range of activities. This, year, the ftairs will join the rest of the province in celebrating On ta r io's Bicentennial. There are several local fait fairs which wilI take place in the next couple of months. They in- clude: Canadian National E xhi bi ti on -A ug usit I 5-September 3 Blackstock-August 24,25 Port Perry-September 1-3 Durham (Central) Orono- September 6-9 Port- Hope-Septem ber 14-16 Lijidsay-September 19-23 Royal Winter Fair-November 8-17 Why not plan on attending one or more of these fairs ? FERTILIZE VOUR HAY FIELDS: Now is the time you should be fertiîizing your hay fields. For top yields next year and good winter sur- vival, a fertilizer application of phosphorus and potassium should be made immediately after the last harvest, usually i n August o r early September. Potassium plays, an impor- tant role in the storage of' food root reserves niecessaryfor winter survival of alfalfa. Farmers sýhould subit a soil sample for analysis to obtain the correct fertilizer rate. A general recommendlation for- an established stand is, to broadcast 150 lbs/ac of 0-20-20 This is also a good timie to check our alfalfa f'or boron deficiencyi. Boron deficiency is recognlizable by a yellowinig or reddening of the leaves on the upper part of the plant. If you suspect boron deficien.Icy, boron can be applied with the potash and phosphorus. Most fertilizer companies will mix boron with other fer- tilizer on a special order. WEATHER INFORMA- TION: Farmers often require up-to-date weather forecast information. A good source of this information is the At- mospheric Environment Ser- vice located in Toronto. To consult personally with a weather forecaster, farmers can cal 676-4567. Taped messages of farm weather forecasts are available 24 hours a day and are updated at 6:00, 11:30 -and 17:00 hours. The number to caîl is 676-3066.> Weather information is also available on the OMIAF code-a-phone at 623-4944. A taped- message is updated each week day, by 9:30 a.mi. and updated again wh0en con- ditions change ignLificantly. Hay Ifever take the. fun out of summer Summertime has finally arrived--we've waited so long to get out-of -doors; to feel the warm sunshine; to smell the fragrance of the garden flowers in full bloom. But for hayfever sufferer, t his beautiful time of the year cani cause the misery of sneezing, wheezing, red itchy eyes and a runny nose. One person in t wenty suffers from the debilitating effects of hayfever, and as such, numerous school and work- ing days are lost each year. But whiat exýactly is hayfeverl? Ini gen1eralterMS the Duirhiam Region Ln Association dfnshayfcee as "a seasonial irritation of, the eyes, nose, throat an1rd lunigs ,caused by ant over response by the body to0 cer- tain Iightweight, winid carried pollens." In early spring the pollens causing hayfever come fromi trees such as ash, beech, oak and poplar. In June and July, the grass pollens are (the výillians while lin tltesummier and f'ail, weeds, particularly% ragweed trigger the response. During pollen season, Sioiaîl batches cani be " put away- as fruits \corne into season. It is important to g work quickly and prepare just a fexs containers at a tne. They freeze faster than ig hvOen a lar-ge umber are put ;h into a freezer at .roetine. Pack in ma-ieportions sîýncet- e fruits do not hold xx,(A1. À1l fruits are best if' ltey canM be ,,erved xxhen there are ,,tif! a fexx ice crystal.s and id the.v arce flot complereîy p- thawecd. hayfever sufferers should avoid the woods and fields. And this may be good news for some -- don't mow the lawn. An air-conditioned home also helps to relieve hayfever symptoms. If you want to enjoy a holidlay free of sneezes, and a runny nose, head west hecause there is no ragweed west of the Rockies. You are as safe north oif Lake Huron and Superior. Irritation can be reduced with suitable medicýation, Most effective for miilk hayfever i is te an- tihstam1inesý. It nmay also be advisale o decrease s\Nti t ithI allergy shots. For th1ose who have longer and ime coin- pIex allergy seasonsý, it miay be worthwhile to go through t he effect of g-etting imn- munization injections for several years. Durhamn Region Luing Association has additional in- formation for hayfever suf- ferers. Çall 723-3151 fo r "Hayfever - The Facis". Rernemnber, Your Lung-s are for Life. There are three miet hods to, pack fruits: syrup pack sugar pack and unsweetenied pack. For more freezinig, canî,- ig.drying and fresh fruit- recies wite or the re leaflet -Preservingth Best" toFriFrsBri Canada, 5600 Trans Canadaý Highssýa. , Pointe Cý,la ir, Quebet l-19R 186ii -1-P. Orono Weekly Times,, Wednesday, Ausust I. .14-9 Agri-News The Iawest at any tender nat necessarily ac- Mr. D.M. Hameniuk, P.P. Puîchainq dcnd Supply Agent I elephotie.ý (4 16) 623-3379 Ext. 67 Dar ff Pubiicaliorl Auqust22. 1984 P.O. No A 1105 Durham East ORONO FAIR Bicenten nilPâade Siýturday, Septemboe ath Assemble at 11:*00 a.m. sharp, Mill Street North at the fountain Parade beglns at 12S0 noon Featurlng: O.P.P. PIPE BAND Last date for entering September lst For information cal :' Carol BaiIey 983.5M5 Tom Barde 623-OM3 ORONO FAIR Wood Cutting Contest Sat., Sept. 8- 6:00 p.m. - Three ta a team -1 Chain Saw Running per teamn at ane lrne (Extra saws and axes may be an hand) -Wood ta be cut in 12"' lengths -$10.00 entry fee. -Prizes: îs t - $50.00 2nd -30.00 3rd -20.00 -Woad ta be auctioned off aller culttng -First five team accepted -Ta enter cali Aleck Maffat, 983-5358 TEN DER SEALED TENDERS. clearly marked as ta contets. t the ,ýfallawng rqquirements (sItrl baw dd esedta the Carparatian af tnle Tovv f Newý(ý,,castle,,Office af the Clerk, 40 î:eac Si.,Bawmanville, Ontaria, LIC 3A6 wî bE ce ved in the envelope pra- Vlîded unVtli the pecified clasing tîire and daïte. Te dodcumnents can be abtained ha'! th&' Purchainq Office at the abave ad- Tender Na. T84-17 - Gravel Crushing & Hauling (Approximmately 80,000 tonnes) Clasing Tinte & Date. 12:00 noan, (Loala Tir-e), Tuesday, August 28, 1984. A Bid Depasît -in the amaunt specified in the tender documeent,, must accompany each

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