Oromo Weektv l1imes, Wednesday, .Aýugust 22, 1984-3 At the liberal barbecue Darce Campbell, liberal presses thanks to Mac and Durham Northumberland held last wednesday evening candidate for Durham Nor- Norma Ransberry (left) on liberal beef barbecue was with some 200 in attendance. thumberland, (centre) ex- whose farm the affluai REPORT 0F THE PUBLIC COMPLAINTS COMMIS- SIONER An effective public comi- plaint system is essential ru maintaining respect for the police. As w'eli as fosterinig public trust, an effective complaint system encourages co-operation between citizens and police. A complaint systemi is also a valuable management tool. Through an effective coin- plaint system, police can identify areas in which moré training or direction is necessary. In addition, it can help identify and correct unclear or inappropriate police procedures. The office of the Public Complaints Commissioner provides civil investigation, monitoring and review of police complaints. It is a three-year pilot projeet for the Metropolitan Toronto area designed to improve relations between the police force and the community. The office was set up to en- sure that complaints against the police are deait with fairly and openly. The second annuai report of the Public Complaints Commiissioner indicates that more people are using the of- fice. 24.8 per cent of ail com- plaints last year were lodged directly with Commissioner Linden's office. This is an increase of 5 per cent over the previous year. The figures for the first quarter of 1984 confirm this upward trend: 40 per cent of complaints have been filed with the PCC. During the 1983, 758 com- plaints were received by the P'ublic Complaints Commis- sioner. The total caseload for that year was 1.039 and, of these, 757 were closed. The closed cases contained 1,507 allegations or an average of 2 per for each case. Anaylsis of the closedi cases shows that the two most com- mon types of allegation ar,,e Assault and Verbal Abuse or Incivility. The three most common factors precipitating compiaint incidents are criminal investigation, traffic or parking violations, and ar- rests. The number of compiaints who requested a r eview of their case by the Public Com- plaints Commissioner is also up from the previous year. During the year, there were 74 such requests compared to 45 the year before. This in- crease is an indication of a greater awareness of the new system and a willingness to use it. 69 review were closed within the year. The office of -the Public Complaints Commissioner was established as a pilot pro- ject to work out problems and to improve upon and refine the system of public complaints on an ongoing basis. The project hias been highly successful to date: it is a step forward to a public complaints system that is fair, equitable and trusted by, both the cormmnty and the police force. Congratulations to Silvia Ruegger of Newcastle who did so weil at the Summer Olympics in the W\omen's Marathon race. Gond lick in the future Silv ia! Fruit Recipes Freezer Applesýauc(e 1 kg [ 2.2 Ibsý1 lirm, ripe ia1Pples Frit-Fresýh ascorbic, acid colour keeper('t Grunullated msugar, optional Pecore a nd slice apples., (Leave the skin on for ma.1x imuitm nu tr i tio n. Sprinkle imrnediately w;il Fruit-Fresh. Steami about 2 minutes then cool. Puree in a' biender or food processor wîth 15 mL (1 tbsp) Fruit- Fresh. -Sweeten ro taste, if desired. Spoon into freezer containers leaving 1 cm (1/2 inch) headspace or into freezer bags. Seal and label indicating whether sweetened or flot. Freeze immediately and use within 6 months. Makes about 500 mL (2 cups). Frozen Bananas This is a wonderful way of savin]g ripe bananas for the making of baniana bread or cake. 6 ripe banlanas 10 mnL [2 rsp] Fritit-Fresh aiscorbic acid colour keeper 150 înL [2/3 cupj granulated sulgar, optional Quality Foods at',the Right Price Cut fromn Grade A Beef Blade Steakkg3,28 ILb1,49 Cut from Grade A' Beef CHUCK SHORT RIB Rib Roast kg,3-2 1..49 Canadian Queen Cooked Ham 17.5,,pkg..49 Produot of U.S.A. Necta'rines kg. 1,961 ILb89 Produot of U.S.A. Bartlett Pears kg 1.391 lb. .59 Produot of Canadla Celery Stalks Mc Cain's L em on aidg 12.5 oz. tin, Frozen .66 CORNISH'S Phone 983-5201 Sam at...0 Queen's Park ORONO WEED CONTROL GOVERNMENT fA.ENSEO LAWN SPRAYINQP WEEOS INSECTS - FERTIL0ZNG (CIL) DRI VEWAY StALING Work Completed Bý Lic*4e lProfessionat FREE ESTI MATES POEBoo 983-526T B3OX 27«1, oROIIO You are Invted.. Annual Allan Lawrence. Bar BQ 0 Devil's Elbow Ski Club Bet h any 0 August 29, 1984 * 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Music Special Ouests Refreshments Ail Constituents Welcome Sponsored by Durham Northiumberland PC Assoc'n 1Peel and nuash or puree Fit Fre and sugar, if deic.Package as quickly ~ osbein amiounts called for in your favorite recipe, leaving a 1 cm ( 1/2 inch) headspace. Seal. Label indicating both the amount of purce and the amount of sugar if any was added. Freeze and use, within 3 mionths. Makes 500 mL (2 cups). Use bananas pureed with or without sugar for bread, cakes and cookies; without sugar for baby food. Frozen Peaches and Grapes in Juice 6 medium.fuIIy ripe peaches 2.5 mL 12 tbsp] Fruit-Fresh ascorbic acid colour keeper 500 tnL [2 cups] seedless or Iwls'ed and seeded grapes Orange or upplejuice Wash. peel. pit and cut peaches into pieces into a bowt. Sprinkle immediately with Fruit-Fresh. Mix in grapes. Pack into freezer containers. Pour in enough juice to just cover leaving a 1 cm <1 /2 inch) headspace. Put crumple d paper in head space to -keep fruit under juice minimizing exposure f0 air. Cover containers, label and freeze. Makes about 2 L (8 cups) fruit. 50% each a tf